Who can use Disabled Parking spaces?

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Who should be allowed to use Disabled parking spaces?

Cars with at least one Disabled person as a passenger, or Driver, with a displayed Disabled card.
Above, plus cars just displaying a Disabled card.
Above, plus anyone who can't park properly to save their lives
Above, plus pricks who don't care who they p*ss off
Total votes : 66

Postby Silent Knight » Wed May 31, 2006 1:39 pm

I park in disabled parking all the time. It's the closest to the supermarket which means less walking time for me. 8)

They've got sticks and moving chairs and shit to hold their balance don't they? Bloody use them then or put the disabled parking on the other side of the car park same as the rest so I don't have to walk that far!!!

That is all.
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Postby 2LTR Rona » Wed May 31, 2006 2:08 pm

Reckon this guy should use them ??

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Postby flat_0ut » Wed May 31, 2006 10:12 pm

2LTR Rona wrote:Reckon this guy should use them ??

Haha, the car's disabled not him :wink:
If you reckon that its wrong for someone to park in a disabled park for less than a minute when no other cars are around and they are going to be as quick as they can (they left their car running :wink: ) then your getting a bit too p.c.
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Postby TRD Man » Thu Jun 01, 2006 11:03 am

I think you should all thank your lucky stars that you're not disabled and have some compassion for those who are.

Those of you who believe it's OK to park there for '1 minute only' consider what the disabled person is supposed to do if they turn up during that minute.

Disabled parks are for those unfortunate people who live with disabilities every day.
Able bodied people who park in them are inconsiderate, low life morons.
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Postby Luthos the Dragon » Thu Jun 01, 2006 12:54 pm

Disabled parks are for those unfortunate people who live with disabilities every day.
Able bodied people who park in them are inconsiderate, low life morons.

Ok, i will give you that one. It isnt nice to disadvantage the disabled by stealing their car parks. I guess it all depends on how you want to look at it.

SOME people choose to look at it as Hanre does and tell disabled people to bugger off and live life like we all do. Disabled people are always saying that they don't want special treatment...

SOME people will flat out say that it is wrong to park in a disabled park. No excuses will be tolerated on this matter.

I say, bugger it all. If you choose to park in a disabled park and get ticketed, then it is your problem. DO NOT cry to me! :lol: As I stated, I have ducked into a disabled park once or twice when I have been desperate and in an extreme hurry. I was wrong to do so... maybe I do it again in the same circumstances, maybe I won't. That being said, I still acknowledge that it is wrong.

Guess it depends on how you CHOOSE to look at it. I know disabled people would like to give "those who park in OUR disabled carparks" a kick up the bum... That is if they could walk and weren't in a wheelchair... :wink:

And no disrespect to disabled people... They deal with their situation with dignity.
If I wanted your opinion, I would have given it to you!

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Postby Jebus » Thu Jun 01, 2006 1:14 pm

Sure theyre disbaled but does that stop them from waiting for one god damn minute while the able bodied person who is clearly only going to be there for one minute finishes on the ATM.

And what do they do if they turn up and theres already 2 disabled people in the 'disabled carparks'??

For the record I dont park in disbaled spots, but get tired of these people who are disabled (I do however realise and sympathise for how unfortunate they are) but all they want is to be treated equal, unless theres a perk involved.
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Postby *mel* » Thu Jun 01, 2006 1:23 pm

Kind off topic, but that reminds me of when I went to Disneyland...

If you were in a wheelchair you got to cut to the front of any queue for any ride. Other people had to wait the 20-30minutes, but they just went straight to the front.
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Postby mupp3t » Tue Jun 20, 2006 8:11 pm

bending the rules and ruling the bends
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Postby method » Tue Jun 20, 2006 10:46 pm

TRD Man wrote:I think you should all thank your lucky stars that you're not disabled and have some compassion for those who are.

Those of you who believe it's OK to park there for '1 minute only' consider what the disabled person is supposed to do if they turn up during that minute.

Disabled parks are for those unfortunate people who live with disabilities every day.
Able bodied people who park in them are inconsiderate, low life morons.

I 100% agree.

I wouldnt put my car in a disabled spot.

There are little things called morals and respect that stop me. However if you dont have either you seem to be better off simply because your a c**t. Sad but true. We all love c**ts even though all they do is screw us over...
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Postby the fallen303 » Wed Jun 21, 2006 10:14 am

i remember going to the mall one day to get some food as was nothing at home and pulled into a disabled park in the supra. some lady was walking past and started yelling at me before i even got out of the car saying young bloody kids, theres nothing wrong with you, what if someone that could hardly walk pulled up right now, etc etc. i didn't say anything, just grabbed my crutches and very slowly crawled out of the car and hobbled into the shop...

should have seen the look on her face :twisted:

i say if your well enough to walk the distance, then do it, or if you are going to stay in the car while a mate drops off the dvds from the night before. other than that, it's not that far!!
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Postby 4ageman » Wed Jun 21, 2006 4:05 pm

well what about loading zone's. Every day i find a car parked in the loading zone's. 1 day im going to grab the big steal bar outta the cab and it might just fall thru some one's car window. And it seem's to be middle age females that parl in them most of the time.
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Postby method » Wed Jun 21, 2006 9:14 pm

It is legal to stop in loading zones though isnt it. If i need to drop something off to a business or pick something up etc.
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Postby 4ageman » Mon Jun 26, 2006 6:49 pm

its legal to park anywhere as long as your car complies with the rules set down for that park. to park in a loading zone you must have a goods service vehicle.
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Postby wde_bdy » Mon Jun 26, 2006 11:02 pm

Forget that walking/wheeling/hobbling/crawling an extra 20m or whatever won't hurt a disabled person. Compare the width of a disabled park to a standard park, then remember how dificult it is to get out of your car in a normal park when do you have a remote degree of flexibility.
Remember that next time you think 1 minute in a disabled park won't hurt anyone.

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Postby Silent Knight » Mon Aug 28, 2006 3:11 pm


You should be ashamed New Zealand!!!
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Postby xRyanx » Mon Aug 28, 2006 6:52 pm

When i worked at the base in te rapa there was more often than not a POS broken gsr made to look like a evo3 parked in the disabled park, full of dole bludging maoris who clearly used MY money to a) buy and b) run a turbo car. Because they thought they were the King of the Hill they would always park there with utter dis-respect for anyone else. Not one of then was crippled, ever. And a tag was never displayed.

#$^@ed me off something bad.

/end rant
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Adamal wrote:This is XRyanX. His car is so low that he has to drive over speed bumps diagonally. HARDEN THE $&#$% UP XRYANX!!
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Postby Simon K » Mon Aug 28, 2006 8:44 pm

4ageman wrote:its legal to park anywhere as long as your car complies with the rules set down for that park. to park in a loading zone you must have a goods service vehicle.

Or a loading zone permit. Vehicle must also have some form of signwriting on it too.

Re the disabled spots, I will never park on them while working or otherwise...My parents have the permit on their own car but I don't actually think it's ever been used as they don't drive. It also costs them money for the "privilege" of the closer parks...for those who think it's a "perk" or "freebie"...it isn't. The people who do use the spots without the appropriate card displayed should be ashamed of themselves.
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Postby Bling » Mon Aug 28, 2006 10:03 pm

I dont park in such car parks, but i do think its rather funny how some people are getting so wound up over it :lol:
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Postby itsamirage » Tue Aug 29, 2006 12:03 am

I worked as a trolley boy in an unnamed supermarket in dunedin :wink:, our job was boring and we always looked for fun things to do eg piss off wankers who take the disabled parks when they dont need them, must get really annoying being trapped in your park because some "forgetful" trolley boy has left a big row of trolleys trapping you in :twisted:, getting them towed is funyn too - fuk them I dont do it why should they get too? And I'd be pissed if I was disabled and they did it to me

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Postby Ae92typeX » Tue Aug 29, 2006 6:16 pm

itsamirage wrote:I worked as a trolley boy in an unnamed supermarket in dunedin :wink:, our job was boring and we always looked for fun things to do eg piss off wankers who take the disabled parks when they dont need them, must get really annoying being trapped in your park because some "forgetful" trolley boy has left a big row of trolleys trapping you in :twisted:, getting them towed is funyn too - fuk them I dont do it why should they get too? And I'd be pissed if I was disabled and they did it to me

Yes, I am an asshole :lol:

lol, a good moral asshole! lol we need more c**ts like you! :lol:
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