Drag day for south island Toyspeed members...

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Postby diss7 » Thu Jun 08, 2006 1:07 pm

Pay on the day.
Make sure you take/have...

Drivers licence - at least a restricted
wof and reg
Positive battery terminal covered
Air intake isn't loose, ie not just a long pipe and filter off the t/b
And a decent helmet.

I usually budget $100 for the day. Which covers your gas, entry fees and hotdogs :)

Postby Al » Thu Jun 08, 2006 1:38 pm

Make sure you get some hotdogs, drag racers staple diet 8) Much better than horrid Meremere ones too :lol:
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Postby 101_fun » Thu Jun 08, 2006 2:24 pm

Awesome - I love a good hot dog :)

When you say "decent" helmet, is a standard full-face motorcycle helmet sufficient? I've used it a number of times at Ruapuna Powerbuilt circuit with no probs (not that they ever check my equipement.)

I also have a fire retardant suit and fire extinguisher that i use for Ruapuna.... Do I not need these for the drag strip?

Drivers Lic /WOF etc is fine ... I'm an old git, so that stuffs not a problem :).

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Postby 101_fun » Thu Jun 08, 2006 2:28 pm

Also - It mentioned somewhere that it was just "grudge" street racing, no official classes or anything..

Does that mean that I have to know someone to go against? Or will they just stick all the nobby-no-mates into pairs and send them off?

I have got some friends who want to come, but i don't really want to race them as I will get demolished...

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Postby diss7 » Thu Jun 08, 2006 3:15 pm

You don't need the extingusher or suit, but its up to you whether you use them. Your helmet sounds like it will be fine.

As far as racing goes, everyone is very friendly. You can just approach people later in the day and ask for a race, but firstly in qualify you just line up in two lines and race whoever.

Usually they run a DYO event where they handicap cars. So if for example you raced a 10sec GTR, you would get maybe a 6 second head start. Therotically you should both cross the line at the same time.
But I wouldnt worry about that atm, as this will all be explained to you there.

They have a drivers meeting in which they take new drivers out to the lights and explain everything.

Don't worry, its really quite easy. :)

Just some pointers....
Take as much weight out of your car as you feel comfortable doing. I usually take out the spare wheel, the jack etc as this is a bit of weight. As far as stripping interior, its a bit of work for maybe only 5kgs. Maybe take the passenger seat out. That only 4 (14mm) bolts.

Also, drop your tyre pressure at a gas station on your way out there, I found 15psi in 50 profile tyres works well. (take it easy on the way out there as 15psi is not a lot of pressure, so no hard cornering!) Only lower your front tyre pressure.
This improves traction.

Then theres flat shifting, launching, where to change in the rev range etc, but you shouldnt worry about that if this is your first go.

Just go and have fun.

Make sure your oil is fine and you are using 98 octane. Take care of your car!

Postby diss7 » Thu Jun 08, 2006 3:32 pm

Heres a map for anyone who doesnt know where to go...


Postby 101_fun » Thu Jun 08, 2006 3:52 pm

Thanks for the tips diss1dent..

So are the drags run on the main straight of the circuit track, or is there a separate drag strip?

Interesting to hear you say to drop you driving wheel tyre pressure for more traction.. would that not be negated by higher friction at higher speeds? (Also I have a tyre pressure gauge, so I could just lower them in the pits). In fact I'm already running slightly oversize tyres (goodyears) for my type of car so its already pretty grippy if its dry.

Is flatshifting when you don't lift off the accelerator during gear changes? (If it is it sounds bad for cars...)

...and I always use 98 :)

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Postby 101_fun » Thu Jun 08, 2006 4:00 pm

I see on the PBDRC website they mention:

". Gate fee: $10. Race fee: $25 + affiliation to NZDRA."

Does this mean you need to join up first or can you do that on the day as well?

So cost wise is it $85 for the day? ($10+$25+$50 membership)

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Postby diss7 » Thu Jun 08, 2006 4:28 pm

I dont know the exact mount, but I always just pay affilation for the day and all up its usually $50 or $60.

Yes the drag strip is down the main straight. Starting from the pit end heading towards the Hasketts Rd. You then follow the track around to get back to the control tower.

Dropping tyre pressure enables the sidewall of the tyre to flex and this obsorbs the instant forces that will break traction. It does work. Watch some drag racing from the states or d/l a vid, and every now an then they'll show you a car launching and you can see the sidewall flexing. Of course your's wont flex as much, but it helps.

Flatshifting is the way to get quick times. Without getting right into it. You apply just enough clutch to change gear and pull the accelerator back to may be 1/2 way. With more and more practise you get to a point where you are using less clutch and lifting off the accelerator less. By this point you'll be changing gears as fast as turning your indicators on.

I've owned a 20v (ae111) and could take it all day long. But if you did it too fast from 1st to 2nd it wouild just spin up both wheels instantly and while it mightve looked good, it wouldve been slower down the 1/4.


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