Cyclist on footpaths

Burning questions of the day answered by the Toyspeed populace

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What would you like to do to them?

Abuse them
Push them off their bike
Stone them
Total votes : 45

Postby Hachiroku » Mon Jul 31, 2006 1:21 pm

As far as I'm concerned you can all suck a fat one. Cyclists create negligent pollution, road damage and congestion. I reckon its only right for them to ride like they do.
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Postby Alex B » Mon Jul 31, 2006 1:32 pm

mmmmmmmmmmm, the fat one, yum yum
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Postby Skin » Mon Jul 31, 2006 1:53 pm

B1NZ wrote:
flygt4 wrote:they should be ridden on the road , and should follow road rules , and should be punished similarly when they break the road rules.

agreed, the amount of dorks i see that think they can turn into padestrians when the light goes red without dismounting is aanoying, or they look to see if there are no cars then they just go through red lights - ficken idiots :!:

I think i best keep my antics when i was doing cycle couriering to myself.... :lol:
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Postby Silent Knight » Mon Jul 31, 2006 1:54 pm

pc wrote:If you can't share the road... then get the f^%$ off it.

Well Good Sir, I do share the road. With other cars of course. Not dumb shit cyclists riding next to each other, going over red lights and driving slow as F_UCK holding me up.

They should all piss off and DIE. 8) about you go have a change of underwear and we can continue this rant without getting mean to each other ay. :wink:
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Postby pc » Mon Jul 31, 2006 2:07 pm

Silent Knight wrote:
pc wrote:If you can't share the road... then get the f^%$ off it.

Well Good Sir, I do share the road. With other cars of course. Not dumb sh*t cyclists riding next to each other, going over red lights and driving slow as F_UCK holding me up.

They should all piss off and DIE. 8) about you go have a change of underwear and we can continue this rant without getting mean to each other ay. :wink:

I guess you don't personally know many people who have been injured or killed while riding their bike... By motorists who 'like to pass really close and give them a scare'

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Postby Silent Knight » Mon Jul 31, 2006 2:12 pm

pc wrote:I guess you don't personally know many people who have been injured or killed while riding their bike... By motorists who 'like to pass really close and give them a scare'


That would be a yes on both accounts. I know people who have been injured and I also know one who died. I also use to be a cyclist for many years before I came to NZ and was able to buy a car.

I have good ground to base my hatred for cyclists on. :wink:
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Postby 3VLTOY » Mon Jul 31, 2006 4:23 pm

Mr.Phreak wrote:I'll give them room when they pay road tax and acc levies :P

If you want to ride a bike, take it to the mountain where they belong :D

Btw, not directed at Joe Public riding to and from work, but those lycra clad bastards who ride in packs on the open road up to 6 abreast.

I second these comments.

If they have to be on the road thn they should have courtesy to those of us in cars if they expect to have it back in return as well.

Like not riding in the middle of the lane but moving over so that cars can get passed.
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Postby Truenotch » Mon Jul 31, 2006 5:59 pm

Mr.Phreak wrote:I'll give them room when they pay road tax and acc levies :P

If you want to ride a bike, take it to the mountain where they belong :D

Btw, not directed at Joe Public riding to and from work, but those lycra clad bastards who ride in packs on the open road up to 6 abreast.

I hate those ones so much! So many times I have come around a blind, tight corner only to find 2 cyclists taking up 70% of the left lane and having to swerve away from them!... and then they get angry and pull the fingers as if it's all your fault that you came close to hitting them.

Then you get screwed by the fact that you dont need a licence to ride a bike, so if you were to hit them it would be your fault, no matter what.
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Postby Mad Murphy » Mon Jul 31, 2006 6:51 pm

Worst one is if you're following a group of them all riding side by side up a hill and there's no clear room to get past. They're arrogant pricks who don't give a shit they're holding up people who are paying good money to use the roads. Sure they don't pollute but if we weren't there paying taxes they wouldn't have a nice sealed road to ride on in the first place.

I've got no problem with cyclists who obey the rules, go single file and keep left (remember slow vechiles are supposed to keep as far left as possible) but too many of them completely ignore road rules and generally make a nusance of themselves.
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Postby Dell'Orto » Mon Jul 31, 2006 6:53 pm

I've found airhorns and/or screamer pipes are a great way to make cyclists move without any harm of hitting them 8)
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Postby Hachiroku » Mon Jul 31, 2006 9:30 pm

An ignorant cyclist is an inconvenience. An ignorant driver is outright dangerous.
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Postby fivebob » Mon Jul 31, 2006 9:38 pm

Hachiroku wrote:An ignorant cyclist is an inconvenience. An ignorant driver is outright dangerous.

Not if your an innocent pedestrian walking on the footpath that gets hit by a cyclist that has absolutely no business being there. They might be an inconvenience on the road, but that’s where the law says they belong. If they’d follow the road rules, like riding single file and keeping to the left, instead of believing that they don’t apply to them, then everyone would be much safer.
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Postby zEpHyRiNe » Tue Aug 01, 2006 1:40 am

Hachiroku wrote:An ignorant cyclist is an inconvenience. An ignorant driver is outright dangerous.

That works both ways. I've seen quite a few outright dangerous cyclists in Christchurch recently- it's quite scary to see so many people that have no regard for their own safety, let alone the safety of those who may also get involved in a situation that involves a cyclist with a disliking for the rules (pedestrians, motorists, other cyclists).

Mad Murphy wrote:I've got no problem with cyclists who obey the rules, go single file and keep left (remember slow vechiles are supposed to keep as far left as possible) but too many of them completely ignore road rules and generally make a nuisance of themselves.

I completely agree with you.
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Postby Elmo » Tue Aug 01, 2006 7:26 am

Everyone seems to hate cyclists. I say, tell everyone that rides a bike, to get off and drive a car to work.

You cyclist hating people will be the first girls to scream, moan and cry when it takes you an extra 10 mins to get to work due to heavy conjestion.

Sure, cyclists dont pay road tax, as they arent doing any damage to the roads. People in cars and trucks do the damage, hence trucks and heavier vehicles pay more.

They dont pay acc levies either. Coz I think you will find, 99% of accidents that involve cyclists that are serious injury ones are caused by arogant, or none atentive drivers in cars.

Cyclists are doing EVERY CAR driver a favour.

Count how many cyclists pass you at traffic lights, and how may you pass while driving to work. 10? 20? now imagine them sitting at the traffic lights in front of you, not as a bike, but as a car. Big que ay!

Im not condoning riding on foot paths or 2 abreast etc. But sometimes it is more apropriate to do so. Blocking the road isnt, nor is running a red light, but hey, for every bike, its one less car!!

Give them space!!

If they are 2+ abreast, give them a toot on ya horn and go past. If it was a tractor, or a slow car you'd moan, but then just pass wouldnt you?

Hey, if you feel that strongly against it, do something about it. Use ya camera phone, take a pxt, then report it to the school that to kids are from ( if they are school kids)

Get off there backs ya bastards!!
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Postby Bling » Tue Aug 01, 2006 9:06 am

CozmoNz wrote:Stick + Spokes = Laugh.

oh and remember to start running when they starting falling.. coz dosnt take long for them to get back on and start comming after you...

dont wait around and watch them fall :lol: :lol:

:lol: :lol: :lol: sounds like a great laugh 8)
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Postby Mr.Phreak » Tue Aug 01, 2006 12:23 pm

Elmo wrote:Sure, cyclists dont pay road tax, as they arent doing any damage to the roads. People in cars and trucks do the damage, hence trucks and heavier vehicles pay more.

They dont pay acc levies either. Coz I think you will find, 99% of accidents that involve cyclists that are serious injury ones are caused by arogant, or none atentive drivers in cars.

Mopeds damage roads?? They have to be registered and licensed.

Like I said, I have no problem with Cyclists if they follow the rules.....But the majority don't, and it's not policed. And yeah, it $&#$% me off no end during school times the higher risk I have of having an accident because of 10' tall bulletproof kids on bikes weaving through traffic and trying to get into gaps in traffic because the motorist will always be in the wrong, and if the kid is hurt, or even killed due to his actions I can almost guarantee that his parents will want someones head on a pike.

And condoning trying to use a camera/pxt phone while driving?? And schools won't (and can't) really enforce anything anymore.
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Postby Alycia » Tue Aug 01, 2006 3:59 pm

Disabled people on bikes are funny/scary to watch.

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Postby BlakJak » Tue Aug 01, 2006 4:29 pm

Cyclists are on the whole much less a problem than idiot drivers.

I rode a bike for many years (stopped when I got my license - at age 19 mind you) and arrogant car drivers pissed me off no end.

Anyone whos ridden Wiri Station Road between Wiri and Manukau knows how dicey it can be on a narrow lane thats regularly occupied by B-Trains. Scary shit. Cycle lanes are the shiz.


I always followed road rules. Stopped at red lights, give way to turners, etc etc. And didn't get too much shit for my troubles either - minus the trucks who didnt honestly have a lot of choice.

Managed to do the flip-over-the-bars bit trying to deal with a guy who indicated one way and turned the other once. But meh.

Cyclists on the footpath have the nasty habit of getting clobbered by vehicles exiting driveways too. Painful.

They definately need to be on the road, and need courtesy from drivers.
However no excuses for them to hold up traffic by riding multi-abreast or any other such stupid nonsense either.
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Postby 3VLTOY » Tue Aug 01, 2006 5:05 pm

Elmo wrote:Give them space!!

If they are 2+ abreast, give them a toot on ya horn and go past. If it was a tractor, or a slow car you'd moan, but then just pass wouldnt you?

There is a difference between a tractor and cyclists that ride abreast each other.
And every tractor driver and 99% of truck drivers i have encountered are some of the most courteous drivers i know.
They realise that they hold up traffic and are slow so move over as much as possible whenever possible to allow cars to get passed.

Cyclists however do not do this they think they own the road most of the time.
Riding the way they do then the younger ones trying to be 'cool' weaving in and out of traffic.
I almost took out to of them the other day when i had a friends flatmate in the car because they had no respect for cars and just rode straight across the road (both lanes) in front of busy traffic witout looking.
This in itself caused brakes to lock up.
Who would've been responsible for the pile up?
The riders wouldn't have exactly stuck around to take responsibility.
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Postby Truenotch » Wed Aug 02, 2006 8:57 pm

haha one of my teachers is a cyclist and I was having a bit of a chat with him about this yesterday...

He said he's had so much crazy sh*t happen to him while he's been out biking, such as people stopping infront of him just to be annoying, yelling and screaming out the window, throwing things (Socks, food, rubbish), tooting, swerving towards him.... Sounded pretty nuts.

And he was cut of by a bus, which nearly hit him and then had to stop at the next bus stop.... Then he went onboard and squirted the bus driver in the face with his water bottle 8O .

But when we were talking about bikers riding 2-4 abreast he just said "well you have to slow down for slow vehicles dont you? You dont just swerve around a slow car, you slow for it. Thats what you should do for bikers as they are just like any other road user. It's their right to ride as they will"

Then I left to go and have lunch haha.
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