AE92...What to do?

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AE92...What to do?

Postby mike_p » Tue Aug 08, 2006 10:25 am

Hi guys, I just recently bought a 1987 AE92 Gtz and i was wondering if anyone has any ideas about how to gain more power out of the motor.
I thought about upgrading the pulley kit but im not sure who would do this in Dunedin. Also would anybody have any idea as to how i would get all of the power to the ground besides a 4WD conversion. It only has little 15" rims on it so would it make a difference with more rubber on the ground?

The car is black and is in pretty good condition. It has 130000kms and runs a 1600 Supercharged motor :D . FWD :cry:


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Postby AE85coupe » Tue Aug 08, 2006 10:32 am

throw away the supercharger and put a turbo on it, tried and proven way of making these things have awesome power figures

what do you mean little 15" wheels? 15" is sweet for one of them, just get some good quality tires and new shocks/springs and that will help your grip hugely
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Postby mike_p » Tue Aug 08, 2006 10:54 am

O ok sounds good what sort of turbo? Would the turbo shop do this for me? and i have got new super low king springs with kyb shocks so what tyres would you reccomend? Also would a deecet strut brace come in handy? Cheerz
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Postby Black » Tue Aug 08, 2006 1:25 pm

hey is that the black one that was for sale up mornington. i have that red one. i've taken my car to 'Geoff Crysty" (or how ever it is spelt) i reckomend talking to him. he has a twincharged 4agze and knows alot about them. aboaut more grip i thionk the 4wd is ya best bet, my car is now off the road and will hopfully soon be getting the conversion. 15's are good size rims, as the smaller the rims the more acceleration you get just a less top speed.
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Postby barryogen » Tue Aug 08, 2006 5:15 pm

Black wrote:15's are good size rims, as the smaller the rims the more acceleration you get just a less top speed.


you can change the rim size and not effect the acceleration or top speed... as long as you keep the rotational circumference the same it is all the same.

however... if you do change the rotational circumference it will make a bit of difference to things.
check out here for a handy little calculator.

If you do go for bigger rims, make sure that they don't weigh a ton and a half, as that will have more impact on acceleration/top speed on a small car. Also it will make a difference to braking as well.

I recently had a set of 19" ROH somethings(mate was selling them from his trailer... 19's, on a trailer 8O ) on the front of my car, and kept triggering the ABS when I was breaking no harder than usual(I had never hit the ABS trigger point prior to this)... put my old wheels back on, and it was fine again, it made more of a difference than I even thought it would.
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Postby Lloyd » Tue Aug 08, 2006 6:45 pm

If you want more power the easiest way is turbo. Not really a huge job compared to doing it to an N/A car in that the insides are ready for boost. My turbo AE92 was alright on factory ECU as long as you dont want to go over 14psi. I'm sure many people will say that you must go aftermarket ECU but mine seemed fine without it, never had it on a dyno to check anything however.

Geoff Christie did have a twin charged hatch in there which he reckons blew away everything in its class in rallys. A lot of work for not much gain though. Get a responsive turbo and it'll be just as nice and a lot better on your pocket.

Traction will always be an issue in it. Even with 215s and heavy wheels on mine it was having issues sticking to the road. Click on my profile to see the AE92, also black. Never actually got any engine bay pics with it on the 16 valve head

Car: ... vinpic.jpg
Engine: ... ne-bay.jpg ... ne-end.jpg

And as for the 4WD option, your best bet would be doing that in a 4WD Sprinter and swapping everything over being that it will have room for driveshaft and rear diff. But then you end up with a gearbox made to handle a 4A-F and I'm fairly sure you'll break that in no time. 4WD is going to get very expensive very quickly if you want to keep it reliable.
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Postby Alex B » Tue Aug 08, 2006 10:30 pm

Gearbox also be an E series tho. Rumour has it gt four internals would fit.
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Postby mike_p » Thu Aug 10, 2006 10:01 am

o ok wicked cheers guys it is looking like turbo is the way to go for hp gain. Not to sure as to what turbo tho and are they easy to fit myself or would i need to get some one to do it for me??

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Postby Alex B » Thu Aug 10, 2006 2:22 pm

Probly want to get someone to do it for you if your unsure :)
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Postby barryogen » Thu Aug 10, 2006 3:07 pm

you will need the following atleast... probably a bit more.

exhaust manifold(probably have to be custom, unsure if you can get them "off the shelf")
turbo(ask around what is the most suitable for it, too big and it'll be laggy, to small and it will strangle the engine)
intercooler(same as for turbo)
piping to join it all up(turbo{intake side} to IC, IC to plenum turbo{exhaust side} to exhaust... you may need to change the exhaust to something a bit more freely flowing... but I'm not so sure on that...

Others will be able to give more detail.
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Postby Alex B » Thu Aug 10, 2006 3:16 pm

inlet manifold etc etc, it all adds up.
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Postby Lloyd » Thu Aug 10, 2006 6:42 pm

And then add on the hundreds you'll have to spend on joiners, oil lines and fittings, modify the sump so its got an oil return from the turbo etc. Lots and lots of little things you'll not have thought of. Best bet would be take it somewhere and ask for a quote on what they reckon it would be worth.

Probably cheaper if you can pick up things like exhaust manifold, turbo, intercooler and a 100kW smallport inlet manifold. Would leave the other bits to the garage to source. If you asked a year ago you could have come for a ride in mine. Still got the turbo for it sitting at work frshly reconditioned. If you're going to go hunting for a turbo then something like a T28 size would be good, GTiR turbo
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Re: AE92...What to do?

Postby cozmoid » Fri Aug 11, 2006 7:14 pm

mike_p wrote:Hi guys, I just recently bought a 1987 AE92 Gtz FWD

Don't ever sup it up! Like u said its FWD. It will never put the power down nice!!
Why do you think FWD are such slow Drag cars?
Can't put the power down
Sell it!!!!
It's FWD!!!!!
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Postby CozmoNz » Fri Aug 11, 2006 7:15 pm

Oh come on they arnt that bad, ur making it worse than it is :P

this comming from the man with the 3au :P.

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Postby cozmoid » Fri Aug 11, 2006 7:19 pm

CozmoNz wrote:Oh come on they arnt that bad, ur making it worse than it is :P

this comming from the man with the 3au :P.

Thats why it's so funny! :P

I know what i drive and compared to what I had?

350hp RX vs 53hp rolla

Yes thats 1/7th of the power! :twisted:
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