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Postby DJ » Fri Aug 11, 2006 1:57 pm

Theres some sort of crash up the top of lookout point at the moment. Both ways going up the hill are a good 10min wait, 2 lanes closed off or something.

Looks like a old honda poolude cliped a audi estate wagon (fairly new one) and fliped or something as the whole roof was dented in and crap. dont know much else, could be on the news later.

Dam had to ride the clutch for 10min, annoying.
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Re: Crash

Postby barryogen » Fri Aug 11, 2006 2:00 pm

DJ wrote:Looks like a old honda poolude cliped a audi estate wagon (fairly new one) and fliped

Dam had to ride the clutch for 10min, annoying.

yeah gotta hate it when you have to ride the clutch for 10 mins when you could have the option of being potentially dead in an upturned audi...
*edit* dunno why I'm being a prick today...

that subby was kinda screwed that went over the top there in the last week or two though, silly buggers flying up the hill too fast, hell, even at 100 from caversham you can take that corner at the top(just).

Wonder how fast that dead chick was going to get airborne at the top.
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Re: Crash

Postby mr pad » Fri Aug 11, 2006 2:31 pm

barryogen wrote:Wonder how fast that dead chick was going to get airborne at the top.

Why dont you ask her... haha.. oooo meh.
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Re: Crash

Postby DJ » Fri Aug 11, 2006 2:34 pm

It was the honda that had flipped, or had hit the audi hard enough for the whole roof to crumple. All I saw as I was driving pass...
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Postby cozmoid » Fri Aug 11, 2006 6:30 pm

I saw a crash on jetty and bond yesterday too.

I actually saw it happen though

Starlet pulled infront of a altezza!!
The starlet lost the battle with a allmighty roar of twisting metal and a flying starlet

wasn't pretty bein 2 toyota's
Both RWD :oops:

Everybody was alright though(low speed)

Hefty bill for the starlet owner though :oops:
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Re: Crash

Postby cozmoid » Fri Aug 11, 2006 6:35 pm

barryogen wrote:Wonder how fast that dead chick was going to get airborne at the top.

Speed wasn't the major factor! She went onto the island at the top of lookout point then slid up the middle concrete barrier which launched her up and over with some nice double axle skating move

I think in snowboardiong it's called a mctwist

anyway this is pretty easy done even at 50ish kmph

So watchout! You don't need to be going fast to make an arse of yourself!!!!

Although going fast definatley does bring your fatality chances way up!!!! :twisted:
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Postby SkylineObsession » Fri Aug 11, 2006 6:55 pm

When getting my gearbox put in a couple of weeks back at Centre City Auto Repairs (opposite Centre City New World) i saw/heard a crash (hit & run).
A Nissan Pathfinder or something was heading up Frederic Street (?? - the one that goes past the new VTNZ and the Meridian entrance) towards the main street. At the intersection between Frederic and the one way north he/she somehow didn't notice the red light on his side (one way traffic was on green) and then 'BANG!'. He'd t-boned a 1990's/late 80's Toyota Corolla/Corona and left a HUGE bullbar mark from the back right passengers door to the back of the car pretty much.

After hitting it he started into the one way and hooned off up past the hospital, traffic on the one way had to slow down to avoid hitting him. The Police arrived soon after. Don't know if the guy was caught, but if i witnessed it while driving and saw the guy take off then i'd follow them until the Police got them.

The only other crash i've seen happen was when i was looking at a GT-R at Bling Bling in Christchurch a few months ago (from outside, as it was about 8pm at night and the yard was shut) i started walking to the caryard next door to it and noticed a Legacy station wagon (heading east towards BK/Countdown etc) on Moorhouse which was slowing down, then speeding up (noticeably).
The second or third time he did this was through a red light at the intersection (i think it was red anyway) and then i heard this bang, saw something fly way up in the air and then saw the car pull over. Cars then started pulling over on both sides of the road, one stopping at the turning lane in the middle of the road. Not really sure what he hit but i'm assuming either a cyclist or a motorcyclist as an ambulance came hooning down the road shortly after.

I went looking around at the cars in the car yard and when i looked back at the crash scene a few minutes later everyone was gone. 8O
Last edited by SkylineObsession on Fri Aug 11, 2006 7:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby cozmoid » Fri Aug 11, 2006 6:58 pm

Mustang-man wrote:
This wasn't supposed to be so long winded and boring!
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Postby SkylineObsession » Fri Aug 11, 2006 7:09 pm

Whatchoo talking 'bout Willis? ;)
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Postby cozmoid » Fri Aug 11, 2006 7:10 pm

sorry im cheeky :P
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