Aiight, my sisters corolla (ae110 i think, bug eyed corolla hatch), 97, i cbf checking and i know it really dosnt matter.
her headunit / ciggie lighter / clock all dont work, obvious culprit, the fuse has blown.
I check, and yeh, its blown, so we get some new fuses, pop them in (same apage), and what do ya know, bang bang bang, ciggie fuse keeps popping
First of all it was when i chucked a portable flash light back in, doing that popped it, so i figured the ciggie lighter is stuffed (or whatever electrical term you want to call it), today i threw a few more fuses in, and poped whenever the key went to acc.
basically, any tips as to what to check? Headunit wiring etc.
Yes im lazy, and aussie is hot... did i mention pies smells like cheese?