4 wire door actuator help

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4 wire door actuator help

Postby Ae92typeX » Sun Mar 04, 2007 10:25 pm

Im in the process of installing an alarm in my uncles 2000 impreza. Im stuck on sorting the central locking out. As I dont have a wire guide to see what I am doing, I have been following each wire required and going from there.
Basically, the front door actuator is a 4 wire unit, but I cant work out which wire is which. One is an earth, one is 12v, the other two, I assumed were the triggers. However, I cannot get them to trigger either negative or positive.
The central locking in the car works 100%, as does the alarm triggers (either positive or negative)
anyone able to broaden my understanding on the subaru 4 wire unit, or able to provide a link to a wire diagram?
I found something on www.commandocaralarms.com but their colours do not match (us spec on site?)
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Postby big_boy » Mon Mar 05, 2007 8:39 am

there are 2 posable +12v & 2 posable -12v when the doors are triggered it uses 1 of each for down or the other 1 of eace for up when the door is doing the triggering the 2 negtives or the 2 postives get conected to each other witch creats a curcirt & flicks the relay to trigger the rest

that help & what you need ??
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Postby Ae92typeX » Mon Mar 05, 2007 9:00 am

I will test again when I next look at the car, but Im positive there is a constant 12v and a constant earth. These do not change wether door is locking or unlocking, which thows that possibility out the window.

The two other trigger wires should just be + or - triggered, but I could not work it out yesterday.
It could be possible (or even likley considering two wire units) those two (trigger) wires have switching polarity.- dont think I tested for that yesterday...
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Postby Ae92typeX » Tue Mar 06, 2007 8:29 am

any other inputs?
Im sure I will sort it out this weekend, but would be nice if I could just go clip clip rather than pin pricking and multimetering my way through it.
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Postby Ae92typeX » Sat Mar 10, 2007 3:51 pm

so, all sorted. was very easy once I looked again today.
if anyone else gets stuck on a 4 wire system:
(colour coded for an impreza)
White: 12v locked, earth unlocked (signal wire to central locking unit)
Black: Earth
(leave both above alone)
which leaves us with a simple two wire unit:
Red & green. stationary both earth, but one gets 12v to lock and the other 12v to unlock - for approx .5 sec
cut R&G wire from factory locking ecu and wire into alarm insted.
do this correct and everything works as it should :)
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