Dialup or (so called) Broadband?

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Dialup or Broadband?

I'm on (the pretend) BROADBAND
Total votes : 84

Postby method » Sat May 19, 2007 9:55 am

Dial up is OG
Evo IV - 13.0 @ 167.8 kph Full street trim - SOLD
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Postby Calvin » Fri Jun 01, 2007 12:37 am

Telecom 5gig unlimited plan...

Preformance wise it is shit..

Hate it

But still.. will never go back to dial up. :)
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Postby Zak » Fri Jun 01, 2007 9:42 pm

how is 5gig's unlimited? :?

Ihug is pretty fast for me... 6.4mbit, unlimited too as long as I don't download too much constantly 8)

Oh, and yes, I can download at that speed, well, 5 things at about 100kb/s each
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Postby frost » Mon Jun 11, 2007 10:24 pm

we're on orcon and its been great, what i dont understand is how the heck does a company(telecom) do a job that is totally for a better word CRAP. orcon buys line usage from telecom and does a way better job of serving the internet needs of there customers!!~ you'd think the company who owns the line would be the best mofos in the bizz.

if only telstra finished there job of wiring the country with fiber optics and gave a kick in the back side of telecom and have some sway in the market to provide better internet.

the rest of the developed would will be going to 10g line soon and its only now that telecom nz will upgrade to 7g capable in 2 years time!!!!WTF :roll:

please check my claims you'll find they are all true. my flat mate is a telecom bandwagon.
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