Black Hawk Tracking System.

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Black Hawk Tracking System.

Postby Radz » Wed May 30, 2007 12:14 pm

Hey guys just thought I'd let you know that the Black-Hawk which was mentioned a while ago (my brothers product) is now completely on the market. At them moment its being sold through toyota and mercedes in auckland (i think those were the car dealers) :D

Heres a video of the business and product being shown on asb-business :)

And here the link to the site.

If anyone is interested in this product I can help you get info on it :up:

Edit:I'll have a unit in Christchurch soon that people can view and test if you'd like also.

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Postby slydesigns » Wed Jun 06, 2007 5:23 pm

How does it rate next to the snitch, in terms or cost, ease of setup, size (for hiding), coverage and features?
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Postby slighty_sykotic » Mon Jun 11, 2007 8:48 pm

And can you answer our questions about the aerials and how it goes in built up areas from our other tread.
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Postby Adydas » Tue Jun 12, 2007 7:01 pm

im so all over one of these, ive had email contact with some guy sabout it but ive had to keep putting it off, as well i dont actually have my car back to put it in..
What i read up about it, its a bloody fantastic looking unit.
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Postby Radz » Thu Jun 21, 2007 9:01 pm

Sorry guys been busy with exams. I havent used the snitch so i couldn't tell you. I do know that the base unit is 1k and all that is needed is a 12v and a ground connection to work. The other features are just like how it would be for a car alarm.

There is no antenna (internal antenna) on the outside of the unit. Its coverage is pretty good as it uses a very high sensitivity sensor. Its size is very small. There is a video on asb business that shows the unit etc if anyone is interested in knowing its size relative to anything.

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Postby Boosted_162 » Fri Jun 22, 2007 11:05 pm

This sounds awesome. Do you know what happens if cars go in underground carparks etc? Where normal GPS loses signal. Can you run it along side an alarm system?

And do you know what the yearly admin costs are?

Cheers :D. Hopefully soon my car will be going so its worth getting something like this :)
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Postby Radz » Sat Jun 23, 2007 2:35 am

Yearly admin is $35 i think. Just to pay for site etc etc i guess. And if GPS is not available in a certain location this will not work. However this will work with a weaker signal than most but there still needs to be a signal. However monitoring its position when in a parking lot seems pointless as it isnt moving and u can get its last position anyway. When the car is removed from the parking lot you can follow it :)

As for running along side another alarm system this is a completely seperate unit. It will not interfere with an alarm system at all. For the basic features you only need a battery positive and a ground for it to work :wink:
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Postby MrOizo » Tue Jul 10, 2007 4:33 am

Ive heard thi advertised on the radio and they say that you only pay for it when you use it... is that after the purchase of the unit and the installation? keen on some thing decent as getting another car hopefully.

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Postby astrae » Sat Jul 14, 2007 10:04 pm

I've installed a snitch in a friends car.

pretty easy. tapped off the siren wire off the alarm and ran it through a relay so they could take advantage of the unit texting when the alarm goes off. (snitch requires a 5 sec earth output and alarm only sends out a positive so put a relay in between)

Coverage is pretty good. Still gets a GPS signal inside an insulated garage with a metal roof.

I'm not too impressed with the speed of response. In alert mode the unit sends out a warning if the car is moved above 4km/h (used if car is parked in a dodgy area, will text if it is moved or put on a truck) This can take up to a minute to text and the car can be over a km away from where it is parked. Alarm response is about the same. Can be 30sec to a min before you receive a txt.

Tracking is ok, can follow it online. Go into an area of no cell coverage and you won't see it again till it gets back into coverage. He has since installed an external GSM arial on the rear parcel tray (undercover)

Other then the response speed he is pretty happy.
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Postby Adydas » Sun Jul 15, 2007 11:43 pm

i dont think super fast responce is what they boast tho, main goal is to say " car is here " within 5 mins after its stopped at a final destiation so the cops can pounce on it.

30 seconds, a min of even 10 mins as long as its last recording is where it stopped ie a garage to be mucked with, then the units done its job.
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Postby Radz » Sun Jul 22, 2007 4:43 am

I dont have a clue as to how fast the unit is as i haven't had a play with one. I'd imagine it depends on the speed of the text message getting to the vodaphone sim. Which can vary depending on load i guess. Doubt it'd be much of an issue though.
And to mrOizo you only have to pay for using it after installation plus the $35 yearly admin fee. So if nothing happens its a cheap way of knowing your car is monitored. :)
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