
Burning questions of the day answered by the Toyspeed populace

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The bumbling contractor
No votes
The greed driven power company
The apathetic family
The freshly imported mother
The (non) welfare state
They all played a part, just like on shorty
Darwinism at it's best
Total votes : 77


Postby snwtoy » Fri Jun 01, 2007 8:48 pm

Pay your power bill or die!!!!!

Did the son let her die to get to the inheritance?

Did the family put their sky digital bill before their phone bill?

Was the contractor out to commit murder?

The evil corporation must be at fault?

The system sent her home to die!
Last edited by snwtoy on Fri Jun 01, 2007 8:55 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Postby MrOizo » Fri Jun 01, 2007 8:49 pm

Or they all paid a part?
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Postby AE82 FXGT » Fri Jun 01, 2007 9:16 pm

haha, looking at the poll now:

darwinism at its best - 100%

good shit
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Postby Mr Revhead » Fri Jun 01, 2007 9:29 pm

damn straight
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Postby Calvin » Fri Jun 15, 2007 10:21 pm

family.. Bunch of toss pots. Could of run an extension cord from the neighbours.. And if they cant afford one.. steal one from your local warehouse.

hmm.... 3 hours. i could have wheeled her to the hospital in a wheelbarrow in that time.. whats wrong with these people
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Postby B ROWDY » Mon Jun 18, 2007 12:27 pm

Calvin wrote:family.. Bunch of toss pots. Could of run an extension cord from the neighbours.. And if they cant afford one.. steal one from your local warehouse.

hmm.... 3 hours. i could have wheeled her to the hospital in a wheelbarrow in that time.. whats wrong with these people

Ha ha ha ha brilliant Calvin! I so agree, if she was that close to carkin it why wasnt she in hospital? Could no one figure out how to dial 111? 200,000 homes in Aus were without power in the flooding, did any of them die because they were on "life support"? Nope, thousands were without power last year down here after the snow, did any of them drop dead because of it?

Take responsibility guys, you didnt pay, you werent smart enough to use the 3 hours to find a phone/car/carrier pigeon/suck ass mp to get your (apparently) much loved mother to hospital or an extension cord, hell WINZ would have been quicker at giving you a grant for $10 at the warehouse to buy an extension cord to keep her ass alive, and then the power company fork over 10k to bury her, Ill keep it in mind if I cant be arsed paying for my mums funeral
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Postby gurutasker » Mon Jun 18, 2007 1:47 pm

I actually can't wait for the coroners report. Cause you can almost be damned sure she didn't die because the power was turned off. The device she was on was not a respirator, it was a breathing assistance device. If she required a respirator or was dependant on a device to live, then she would be in hospital. (In the words of the Health Commisioner).

Funny thing is, now on every application form for a power account there is a field that you have to fill in saying if you are 'Dependant on power for life-saving devices'.

Also, why was she on the respirator in the first place? Because she was sick? I don't see the power company at fault here at all. The family just refuses to admit that she died cause she was sick, and someone has to be blamed (or pay for it in cash more importantly).
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Postby Defective » Mon Jun 18, 2007 1:58 pm

agree with everything above.... and quite frankly couldnt care less....

if someone is too retarded to call an ambo when a supposedly loved family member is dying then tough shit.

and the power company should have showed some balls and told them where to go....

how many losers are gonna be answering their door now with an oxygen mask hanging round their necks?
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Postby fivebob » Mon Jun 18, 2007 2:03 pm

Defective wrote:if someone is too retarded to call an ambo when a supposedly loved family member is dying then tough sh*t.

Apparently her son asked her if he should call an ambulance when the power was first cut off, her reply was "No, just sing to me". Darwinism at it's best. :roll:

They didn't call an ambulance until after she passed out, and they want to blame someone else for their stupidity :evil:
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Postby solitaire » Thu Jun 21, 2007 12:51 am

This country is screwed... She didnt pay her power bill... she got several letters informing her it was going to be cut off... and yet still there is a media frenzy - its no ones fault but her own...

The lord helps those that helps themselves - you cant expect everyone to run around worrying about you if your too proud to ask for help.
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Postby B1NZ » Thu Jun 21, 2007 6:54 pm

How about the "I'm not sure cos the media like to screw stuff to sell a story" option? :lol:

But seriously I think it was a fault of all of them, just unfortunate that it led to a death
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