sub - seal box size question

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sub - seal box size question

Postby barryogen » Mon Sep 24, 2007 9:23 am

I've been reading a bit, and other than people saying "you shouldn't do it mang"... what does it do to the sound if the box is too big, or too small for it?
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Postby soven » Mon Sep 24, 2007 7:21 pm

too small..boomy and need more power to go loud. too big, lower power handling. think of the air contained in the sub box as a shock absorber which damps the cone.
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Postby Caveman » Mon Sep 24, 2007 8:49 pm

First off why do you want a sealed box?
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Postby barryogen » Mon Sep 24, 2007 9:02 pm

Caveman wrote:First off why do you want a sealed box?

I dont... well. I'm not sure that I do.

I just wondered why people do what they do, and make the suggestions they suggest.

I have a sealed box at the moment with two older rockford 12" I posted about ages ago with a box that came with them thats a bit too small according to the specs(by about 1/2 cubic foot or so), and so I wondered what I am missing or not, as I couldn't find any info on what difference it actually made.

So purely for my interest.
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Postby sk1dlet » Mon Sep 24, 2007 9:28 pm

i had 2 sony explode 15's in a split sealed 100ltr box and a fusion 1409 amp powering the 2 subs and 2 6x9's and it went dam hard in the back of my old avenir
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Postby pjay » Mon Sep 24, 2007 11:03 pm

sealed for sq. ported for loud...

imo. bugger sealed. you gain at least 3db in a badly tuned ported box and 3db = twice as loud
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Postby cynakyl » Tue Sep 25, 2007 12:09 am

I had 1 12" pioneer sub tsw1200c sub in a sealed box i made myself and pulled 132db out of it from a little 200w lightning audio amp, all of which was just sitting in the boot of my silvia with no sound deadening and it pissed all over a couple of really nice tidy expensive ported twin sub systems, sealed with good quality sub sounds far better than ported and i've had both in various incarnations. Sealed ftw... plus sealed boxes dont usually need to be as big so more boot space :lol:
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Postby Caveman » Tue Sep 25, 2007 12:36 am

ported box is better overall

better sounding, louder and lower resonance.

The sub should only do below 80hz, and concentrate around 20-30hz.

back in the day I made an ABC box for myself and eric (dodgeviper on NZICE). They used to pump hard but are more difficult to make and get right (still easy if you have half a brain). They were for Digital Design subs.

I just put all the sub parameters into WinISD and play around with box sizes and port lengths. Compare the difference between sealed box and ported box :wink: Ideally you want to sub fs as low as possible and match the box (encloseure and port) resonance to the sub fs.
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Postby pjay » Tue Sep 25, 2007 11:42 am

erics not on ice anymore :( moving on to the u.k.. If anyone wants quality advice on subs/ boxes/ ANY audio..
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Sub box design

Postby ThundaChild » Sat Oct 13, 2007 8:27 pm

This question is only relative after you have answered a few questions:
1, what sub and how is it ment to be housed.
2, do you want boom or quality
3, what size area do you have to mount it in
4, how much power is it getting up it
I have a 15" DVC sub in an 80ltr enclosure sealed that is 25 mm customwood sealed to tight perfection and my sub plays tight and smooth from 63 - below 20 hz with no peaks or dips.SMOOTH sound SQ style.

I have a ported 8" in my roof and it thumps loud and proud all day but not as smooth...make a choice get advice from installers not techno geeks and `just do it`
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Postby themaleman » Sun Oct 14, 2007 12:45 pm


i dont know how many liters the box is, its completly sealed and goes hard! its not split eaither, two 15's, 1200watt 2 channel amp. everyone thats been in the car says its the best bass theve herd. [/img]
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Re: Sub box design

Postby barryogen » Mon Oct 15, 2007 8:42 am

1, The subs(2 of them) are older Rockford Fosgate RFS1412, in the spec sheet they give info for both open and closed sub boxes.
2, I'd prefer quality
3, 2001 Corolla Hatchback, so not alot of space, 48L per sub if it is closed, considerably more if it is open, either way it makes the boot rather useless.
4, It is set using an older sub that was packaged(by RF) with the subs when purchased, model is Punch 45.2, it is bridged, so 90W?

enough info?
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