Need Supra Bushes … Where can I get them from
I have a 1987 Toyota Supra MA70. I am after the rear arm (control arm?) bushes which are at the hub end of the main arm (not sure on the actual name) If I can give any more info please ask,
I have tried places like
BNT, Repco and most of repco’s suppliers stocks autolign etc… Repco has a listing for nolathan bushes but they have to get from nolathan in Australia which at the very best won’t have them till end of January… if they are the right ones.
Is there anyone else I can try, I haven’t pulled them out but they need to be replaced as I was advised when I wanted a wheel alignment, and for a wof. I know there is a crowd P and H or something in Hamilton which can custom make bushes but surely people have got from elsewhere before…
Can anyone point me in the right direction… or will i have to get a second hand arm...