MMC and Speedtech Autocross - May 11th - Slipway

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MMC and Speedtech Autocross - May 11th - Slipway

Postby furpo » Sat Apr 12, 2008 3:16 pm

Hi all

Just a heads up that we will be running an Autocross at Slipway on Sunday the 11th of May. This will be a round of the Kim Naylor Autocross series.

Speedtech are providing sponsorship for the event so please support the people who support you.


Unit 7, 115 Gracefield Rd, Seaview, Lower Hutt
Phone - 04-939 0947
Fax - 04-5866 385

I am working on the regs and permit at the moment so more information is to follow.

Main details are the same as last time:

If you want to enter please email me Entry is $30, spectators are $10.

Meet on the day at the wind turbine at 11.30am. If you are late you will not be able to get in.

The usual Sch A rules will apply. Having the correct helmet and overalls is the big one. In addition to Sch A if you have roll protection that is not fitted by the OEM it will have to be homologated. If you have an questions just contact me.

See you all there

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Postby furpo » Sat Apr 12, 2008 3:17 pm

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Postby furpo » Wed Apr 23, 2008 9:55 pm

Here are the draft regs. If you would like to enter please email me.


Mitsubishi Motorsport Club INC (MMC) and Speedtech Motorsport

Autocross 11th May 2008

Slipway Motorsport Complex

The competition shall be known as the MMC and Speedtech Autocross.

The promoters of the competition are the Mitsubishi Motorsport Club Inc (MMC). All correspondence should be addressed to the:

Mitsubishi Motorsport Club Inc
Event Secretary
Box 37-149
Stokes Valley


Enquiries may be made to: (No calls after 9pm please)

Event Organiser- Roger Barnes
04 472 6227

The Competition will be held on Sunday 11th of May 2008. All drivers are to meet at the Brooklyn wind turbine at 11.30am sharp. If you fail to meet this deadline you will be unable to enter the venue.

A drivers briefing will occur at 12.30pm at the venue. Attendance is compulsory.

Following drivers briefing competitors are to line up, ready for the competition.

The competition is a Clubsport Basic Autocross, held under the National Sporting Code of Motorsport NZ, the permit number is: TBA and licensed Clubsport Organiser is: Roger Barnes, CotC clubsport number 21442.

The venue is the Slipway motorsport complex, Long Gully Farm, Brooklyn, Wellington. Access is from wind turbine access road off Ashton Fitchett Drive. The surface is Asphalt.

The officials of the meeting will be:

Clerk of Course: Roger Barnes (CotC clubsport # 21442)
Assistant Clerk of Course: Kris de Lacy
Chief Scrutineer: Leon Cast (Scrutineer # 19687)
Safety Officer: Christopher Barnes

These open with the publication of these regulations. Entries are to be made on the correct form and to be deemed valid must be complete in all details and accompanied by the appropriate fees. Acceptance will be at the organising committee’s discretion and as a result of scrutineering requirements. The organisers reserve the right to refuse any entry in accordance with the prescribed provisions of the National Sporting Code and these regulations.

Entry is available by emailing Roger Barnes ( The entry fee can be paid to the following account:

Bank of New Zealand (BNZ) account # 02 0464 0002784 00

FEES: The entry fee is $30.00 (which includes GST) and MUST accompany the official entry form. Cheques shall be made payable to Mitsubishi Motorsport Club INC. You are not entered until the entry fee is received!!

NUMBER OF STARTERS: The organisers reserve the right to abandon the event if less than 25 entries are received. The maximum number of starters will be 40. Any additional entries will be placed on the reserve list in order of receipt.

COMPETITOR REQUIREMENTS: in signing the entry forms competitors are deemed to fully understand the relevant articles and regulations as contained in the NZ Motorsport Manual, No 34. This is also a declaration that the vehicle they are competing in is up to all required standards.

All Vehicles shall comply with Schedule A, of Motorsport Manual 34.

Further to the provisions of Schedule A, vehicles in this event if fitted with roll protection, must be either homologated or fitted by the Original Equipment Manufacturer.

Please note; Slicks type tyres are not permitted.

Scrutineering and documentation as per Schedule A of the NZ Motorsport Manual No 34. Scrutineering and documentation will be the day of competition (11th May), at the venue.

• Current Motorsport NZ Affiliated Car Club Membership card (not required if this is your first or second event)
• Tyres intended for use at the events
• Log Book (if required)
• Entrant /Driver declaration of vehicle compliance with Schedule A.
• The vehicle which the competitor intends to compete in

All vehicles must be presented in a clean tidy condition

The number of runs each competitor makes will depend on the number of rounds that can be run during the day.

A competitor’s fastest time will count solely to the results. Competitors will be informed of the course at drivers briefing. Any competitor not completing the course correctly will have their time for that run discarded.

Passengers will be permitted as per the conditions of Schedule C, Part 1. Please let the Start Line Marshals know whether you intend to carry passengers so that they can sign an indemnity form. It is the competitors responsibility to inform their passenger of basic event safety procedures, and how to correctly wear and subsequently uncouple the safety harness.

Protests shall be in accordance with the National Sporting Code and directed to the Clerk of Course on the day.

Results will be posted on the MMC club website ( In addition competitors will be emailed the results if an email address is provided. No results will be posted at the event.

Competitors are requested to drive considerately to and from the event. Alcohol and drugs are not permitted. All competition numbers must be removed while the competition car is outside the venue.

Competitors are requested to refrain from familiarising themselves with the course prior to competition commencing, we remind you that venues are not easy to obtain and any abuse of this privilege will not be tolerated.

The class structure will be used for calculation of the results and are as follows:

CLASS A EOD (engine over driven wheels)
CLASS B ENOD (engine not over driven wheels)

Following the conclusion of the competition a prize giving will be held. Only spot prizes will be given.

VENUE: At the competition venue.

TIME: Approx 20min after last car finishes (provided we receive help from competitors to clean up)

N.B. To be eligible, competitors must be present at prize giving

In the event that the event is cancelled then all pre-entered competitors will be contacted on the phone number provided before 9.45am on the day of the event. An organiser will also be stationed at the venue for those competitors who are not pre-entered.
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Postby Leon » Wed Apr 23, 2008 9:58 pm

wohoo, first in!
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Postby furpo » Wed Apr 23, 2008 10:01 pm

There are a few on to it ones. You are the most on to it Leon.

Who will be the next most on to it one?

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Postby pc » Thu Apr 24, 2008 10:31 am

Umm.... me?
I'm bringing a bigger tyre selection this time, incase it rains again :lol:
red car
1/4 mile - 14.683s @ 91.83mph
Manfield - 1:24s
Taupo - Track1 1:53s (road tyres) - Track2 1:22s - Track3 48s (with esses) - Track4 1:58s
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Postby toymato » Thu Apr 24, 2008 1:34 pm

I'm wondering whether to bring a selection cars :)
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Postby Leon » Thu Apr 24, 2008 3:04 pm

If it wasn't a KN round, I probably would too, can't enter two cars and get any points.

I think my Pubaru will be faster at Slipway, but the MR2 could be quite a lot of fun!
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Postby toymato » Thu Apr 24, 2008 5:12 pm

I was in the Lighting Shop the other day and a business card was sitting on the counter - did a double take because it said 'Kim Naylor, Managing Director, Fujitsu'. Looked very familiar because of the KN rounds.
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Postby Leon » Thu Apr 24, 2008 5:49 pm

That's indeed the same person.

I did similar double takes when I met him in person at the counter at motorsport.

I think we may have the "I had assumed you were dead" conversation!!!!
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Postby PizzaBoy » Thu Apr 24, 2008 6:19 pm

Hmm I'll have a trailer from being at Manfeild the day before, I I think I need to enter this :D
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Postby DexGT » Thu Apr 24, 2008 7:10 pm

I'm in for this 8)
EP82 Starlet GT club race car;
best time around Manfield to date : 1:19:91

"Understeer" is when you hit the fence with the front of the car.
"Oversteer" is when you hit the fence with the rear of the car.
"Horsepower" is how fast you hit the fence.
"Torque" is how far you take the fence with you.
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Postby B1NZ » Fri Apr 25, 2008 8:44 pm

Car is in the process of being ready, Hoping to enter this too
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Postby furpo » Wed Apr 30, 2008 1:28 pm

Hey guys.

If you have not already done so please email me so I can send you entry and payment details.

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Postby toymato » Wed Apr 30, 2008 10:44 pm

Sorry but Rob and I have karate grading on that Sunday 1-4pm.
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Postby furpo » Tue May 06, 2008 10:33 am

Less than a week to go.

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Postby DexGT » Tue May 06, 2008 6:49 pm

toy_baru wrote:Sorry but Rob has karate grading on that Sunday 1-4pm and has said he'll beat me if I don't drive him there and give him support.

I'm sure the above was what Al really meant :lol:
Good luck with the grading :wink:
EP82 Starlet GT club race car;
best time around Manfield to date : 1:19:91

"Understeer" is when you hit the fence with the front of the car.
"Oversteer" is when you hit the fence with the rear of the car.
"Horsepower" is how fast you hit the fence.
"Torque" is how far you take the fence with you.
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Postby toymato » Thu May 08, 2008 2:22 am

I must be getting dyslexic in my old age. :(

The good news is that karate grading is delayed a week so if mothers' day is over early on Sunday I will be there with a selection of cars to choose from.

Hmmm ... shall I drive the ratty old blue tow-car or the specialist red car? So many choices, so little time.

Dex - you should drive your tow-car :D
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Postby DexGT » Fri May 09, 2008 12:12 am

toy_baru wrote:Dex - you should drive your tow-car :D

I should drive your ratty old blue tow car :wink: .......Thanks Al 8)

mmmmm driving a 3 ltr V6 Navara ute at slipway , tempting ........ But not sure thats such a good idea , Dave may not let me use the new rally tow wagon again :cry: .
EP82 Starlet GT club race car;
best time around Manfield to date : 1:19:91

"Understeer" is when you hit the fence with the front of the car.
"Oversteer" is when you hit the fence with the rear of the car.
"Horsepower" is how fast you hit the fence.
"Torque" is how far you take the fence with you.
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Postby furpo » Fri May 09, 2008 4:39 pm

It is all go this Sunday. Still spots left so if you want to enter it will be best to just turn up to the wind turbine at 11.30 on Sunday.

Best of luck to everyone who is off to Manifield on Saturday.

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