Modifying a 4AGE

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Modifying a 4AGE

Postby FXGTVeeee » Tue Aug 06, 2002 8:23 pm

hey i just bought an AE92 FXGTV now she already goes hard but i want to make it go harder it is a redtop 4age with a shitty 2 inch exhaust that im planning on stripping and redoing with 4-1 extractors make it stainless and mandrel bent 2 1/4 inch does any 1 know how much this would roughly cost ? Im also buying a k&n and thinking about making a cold airbox does any 1 know the standard power output of a redtop 4age? Also can any one suggest anything else that could be done to make it go that extra bit harder :roll:
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Postby zapf » Wed Aug 07, 2002 12:56 am

don't stainless ones crack? You should look at ones made from coated mild steel or steam pipes. A 4-2-1 extractor will be better... as for street use it'll still give you low and mid range torque. 2 1/4 exhaust sounds good....just make sure they put a long long resonator on it... or it'll sound tinnie :)
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Postby dodgy » Wed Aug 07, 2002 1:02 am

for the cost of all that you could just get a pair of nice cams (268 or 272) that will run nicely with your stock ecu.
your look'n round $800 for cams from CSL palmerstonNorth and you will notice that a hell of a lot more.
Only major cost would be putt'n em in if you cant do yourself.

only an idea, but worth lookn into.
I see alot of guys do extracters and filters but is it cost efficient?
what do you lot think?
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don't forget...

Postby RedMist » Wed Aug 07, 2002 10:40 am

Don't forget that for high lift and duration cams you will need stronger valve springs, and vernier cam wheels. Possibly even a new ECU depending on how much duration you go. On top of those costs you will need to re-shim, and then degree and possibly dyno the cams dependant upon the amount of power you want.

Not quite as easy as you think to get HP with cams. Exhaust and intake DEFINATELY a good start.
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don't forget...

Postby RedMist » Wed Aug 07, 2002 11:12 am

Don't forget that for high lift and duration cams you will need stronger valve springs, and vernier cam wheels. Possibly even a new ECU depending on how much duration you go. On top of those costs you will need to re-shim, and then degree and possibly dyno the cams dependant upon the amount of power you want.

Not quite as easy as you think to get HP with cams. Exhaust and intake DEFINATELY a good start.
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Postby FXGTVeeee » Wed Aug 07, 2002 7:16 pm

sweet as i think ill just go with the exhasut and filter first off and do cams next any 1 know how much the exhaust with 4-1 extractors probably 2 1/4 inch stainless steel mandrel bent would cost ????????? and where a good place in B.O.P to get it done would be ????
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Postby zapf » Thu Aug 08, 2002 1:46 am

The extractor is 4 to 2 to 1....

not 4 to 1....

4 to 1 is for full race applications.... unless u want to drive on the street with no torque under 5k
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whats the V for?

Postby Matt » Thu Aug 08, 2002 2:11 pm

Just out of interest, I've seen a couple of FxGTV's around, what makes them different to an FxGT?
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Postby MR2boy » Thu Aug 08, 2002 2:27 pm

LSD and a few other minor things i think
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Postby Drifter4ag » Thu Aug 08, 2002 2:46 pm

4-1 are fine on the street ..i ran these in my AE86 for ages with excellent results ..still had plenty of low end torque and a real beefy top end
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Postby Malcolm » Thu Aug 08, 2002 4:33 pm

kelford camtech in chch does a set of cams + adjustable pulleys for about $700, which are supposed to work on stock ECU and give around 20% hp increase. I'd definately take that route if I was modding an NA engine, it's not that hard to install cams, and degreeing and shimming isn't that bad either, just a bit tedious when there's 16 valves to shim.
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Postby ChaosAD » Wed Sep 03, 2003 5:54 pm

Ive got some 272 degree 8.35mm lift reground camshafts for sale, never been used, if your interested. made by Franklin Cam Services.
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Postby ChaosAD » Wed Sep 03, 2003 5:56 pm

I also have some 4-1 extractors with an FXGT front pipe, flexi and frange welded on. so theyll bolt straight up.
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Re: whats the V for?

Postby pacer » Wed Sep 03, 2003 6:53 pm

Matt wrote:Just out of interest, I've seen a couple of FxGTV's around, what makes them different to an FxGT?

yeah its the LSD and the FxGTV's are a bit lighter i dnt kno wot else tho
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Postby low_rider » Thu Oct 21, 2004 11:16 am

All_Fours wrote:kelford camtech in chch does a set of cams + adjustable pulleys for about $700, which are supposed to work on stock ECU and give around 20% hp increase. I'd definately take that route if I was modding an NA engine, it's not that hard to install cams, and degreeing and shimming isn't that bad either, just a bit tedious when there's 16 valves to shim.

is this true?
a 20% percent horsepower increase is HUGE for just cams isnt it
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Postby Mr Revhead » Thu Oct 21, 2004 11:38 am

no lsd in the fxgtv... they use the exact same box and diff as the fxgt.
the fxgtv has no power window or tems option so its a slightly lower spec as far as trim etc goes so is possibly the better one to start with for a race car. that also fits to toyta using "v" to denote a slightly lower spec "gt" type model, eg ae92 levins, gtz, gt-apex gtv
they also wernt released until the small port change over so the only have the non tvis engine, whereas the fxgt can have either.
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Postby Mr Revhead » Thu Oct 21, 2004 11:40 am

oh and for the exhaust just extend your secondarys to 500mm, the factory manifold is actually very good and hard to improve on, i wouldnt stuff with it unless you go nuts on the head etc
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Postby Dr-X » Thu Oct 21, 2004 12:49 pm

low_rider wrote:
All_Fours wrote:kelford camtech in chch does a set of cams + adjustable pulleys for about $700, which are supposed to work on stock ECU and give around 20% hp increase. I'd definately take that route if I was modding an NA engine, it's not that hard to install cams, and degreeing and shimming isn't that bad either, just a bit tedious when there's 16 valves to shim.

is this true?
a 20% percent horsepower increase is HUGE for just cams isnt it

Yeah 20% is a bit bullshit. But I do agree with going for cams over exhaust/intake.
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Postby blackie » Thu Oct 21, 2004 1:34 pm

what makes u think the 2" exhaust is shitty??
id say thats a pretty good size for a 1600,

and probably better to spend $400 somewhere else rather than enlarging your exhaust pipe by 6mm..

as for your questions..

factory redtop makes about 100kW @ the fly
cost of 4-1 exctractors and 2 1/4 exhaust probably around $750 all up.
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Postby 10k 20v » Thu Oct 21, 2004 7:33 pm

when you change cams you also change the way the exhaust has to be tuned. also just slapping cams into a stock engine isn't going to give you the 20% increase. when they say 20% increase they mean cams, decent intake, tuned exhaust and maybe more compression combined for the gain. Also much change in the vacuum will stuff up the tuning of a standard ecu which changes when you do cams of much more duration
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