are you the guy that writes helens rhetoric?
coz you sound like her
I'll take that as a compliment coming from somebody who sounds like they regularly ring up talkback radio. And funnily enough, I'm not a supporter of the Labour party.
military spending a waste of money? oh dear, your one of them.....
sorry im wrong
now lets just all have a big hug and the world will be fine
One of them? Heh. Do me a favour - try and figure out who said this, and also tell me who new zealand could possibly be defending itself from, or attacking to justify increased military spending.
"Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed. This world in arms is not spending money alone. It is spending the sweat of its laborers, the genius of its scientists, the hopes of its children."
"In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist."
Think it was 'one of them'? A bloody useless student (go on, say it)?
when you get out of uni and have had a few years in the real world let me know. thanks
Funny you say this - in the holidays I work 60 hour weeks at menial blue collar jobs and don't feel enlightened by it at all.
so all our ships are fully manned and operational?
our battalions properly equipped and ready to go?
planes maintained and fueled up?
yeah right.
if its all ok and fine... then how comes all the reports say its not?
how comes theres had to be investigations into how they have gone about buying things?
Again, you're quoting that report. You ignored where I said the head of policy for the minister of defence came and told us it was complete bollocks, written by an uppity journalist who doesn't know anything about the subject. Guess who wrote this -
I wish that some of those commentators claiming the New Zealand Army "cannot fight" would look some of my soldiers in the eye and try saying that. Or that our Navy cannot sail. Try telling that to the crew of our warship HMNZS Te Mana which returned home yesterday after five months at sea as part of an international coalition task force in the Central and Southern Arabian Gulf. Or that our Air Force can't fly. The dedicated aircrew of New Zealand's P3 Orions who flew more than 2300 hours last year, conducting maritime surveillance over New Zealand's Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ), the Pacific and the treacherous Southern Ocean, might just have something to say about that too. The list goes on. So the Defence Force is doing what it is trained and, importantly, is equipped to do - defending New Zealand's values, interests, culture and way of life.
Sadly, some commentators lumped together any output targets that were not met and characterised the Defence Force as being unable to fight, float or fly. This is just wrong.
"Lieutenant General Jerry Mateparae is Chief of the New Zealand Defence Force."
That guy - do you think he might possibly know more about the situation than a sunday news journalist looking for an interesting story?
i agree it should a have a strong disaster relief focus, they cant even do that!!
Bollocks bollocks bollocks. Yet again, no information to back this up. New Zealand soldiers are well known thoughout the world for their contributions to peacekeeping - e.g in places like yugoslavia where there's examples of the presence of our maori forces contributing greatly to peacekeeping in the area when other whiteys weren't able to. We're the second largest peacekeeping force in east timor for example, not to mention the role the army plays in new zealand's developmental assistance to the south pacific.
as for anti smacking charges... i can recall two off the top of my head, guy in chch, and i think the other was in a masterton supermarket.
why do we need an overly oppressive law against something thats already illegal??
Again - where's the facts? Look it up on the herald website or something, they lap this shit up. I can't find any cases of prosecution of people who weren't using 'excessive force' - wonder why? Because there's a clause in the bill which states the police have the right to ignore inconsequential breaches of the law - i.e a light tap that doesn't leave children bruised and scarred. Again, the bill was voted for by both national and labour, passing 113-7, and both national and labor have stated they're going to ignore the flawed, useless referendum that was put forward.
nicky hagar is about as credible as mike moore (the american) no, wait. hes not even that credible
*Yawn* You haven't read the hollow men have you? Haven't read seeds of distrust either then. Know anything about the issue at all apart from watching a brief clip on the six o clock news?
he's nothing but sensationalist author playing on the gullibility of the type of ppl who think JFK was assassinated by elvis and the butt probing aliens from phobos iv
No idea where this is coming from. Anyway, blah blah blah, guessing you've never read a michael moore book either? His movies are quite interesting if you want to check them out, talks about nice things like healthcare, racism, discrimination, kids killing each other will easily available guns, in the same league as 'butt probing aliens' I'm sure :rolleyes:
allowing us closer relations with the USA, no that doesn't mean being on the frontline in iraq, or following their policys.
Firstly: The New Zealand SAS does dirty work for the states in afghanistan. Remember willy apiata who got the victoria cross in afghanistan a little while ago? He also got us military honours for doing that - one of only about half a dozen non-us groups since ww2 to get it. We've got people in iraq and afghanistan doing reconstruction anyway - we're close enough as it is.
As for 'allowing closer relations', you'll find we actually don't agree with a hell of a lot of things the states does.
http://www.krysstal.com/democracy_whyusa03.html Read that, it's the list of how many times the states has vetoed legislation in the un - new zealand doesn't stand with the us on a single one of those issues.
nuclear power
Nobody is lifting the ban on nuclear weapons and power anytime soon. It'd be political suicide, don brash got wiped all over the floor in 2005 when he said it'd be 'gone by lunchtime' hence going for more renewable energy.
but it would open the way to better trade relations with USA.
theres two!
This is what the Australians have done. The devil is in the detail and we'll get shafted on things like intellectual property, loss of local content on television, pharmac, jobs lost due to our higher wages, labour laws and environmental protection as opposed to the states. Hell, even throw the treaty of waitangi in there, as well as agricultural lobbyists in the us govt. As this dude said anyway, we're already talking about a multilateral deal with them (though the us will be a lot more interested in trading with singapore, chile & brunei than us)
now, enough of this back and forth on the internet
go read some papers
watch the news
look at some websites.
Pretty hypocritical coming from somebody with nothing to say that you wouldn't find on a talkback show or in the comments section of the herald. Get real.
now im pissed, you'v forced me to be serious for a whole post
if that was serious then you must look pretty thick when you're casual