by fangsport » Sun Nov 30, 2008 8:28 am
inside word has it that the guy who own Southern Motor Group (Ken Cummings???) and it subsideries, lost $24M in a botched property deal up north ( Blue Chip??).
he is pooling his franchises into less sites in both Dunedin and Invercargill, and cut his staff levels back accordingly.
the number of yards that have shut shop in CH-CH is phenominal, more than 20% of what there were 12 months ago
the industry is in for a real shake-up over the next few years due to:
govt emission/frontal impact rules reducing the the list of vehicles able to be complied,
fry-by-nite finance companies borrowing large sums from well-heeled companies and going tits up,
genuine finance companies losing huge sums of money to shonky car buyers who had no intention of repaying loans,
lack of investment into geniune finance companies due to the bad press of the shonky ones going tits up,
etc, etc,.
a positive side though, i can see repair workshops keeping steady workloads as the public maintain existing vehicles instead of replacing them, but in saying that, there are a few workshops up here that are rattling due to bad payers.
it will be a very interesting 18-24 months for all of us in the game, the guys that own there own yards and stock should survive, but those with disproportionate outgoings will go to the wall, me thinks