Exhaust Systems

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Ban the driving of vehicles with modified exhaust systems between 10pm and 6am?

Yes lets do it
Na get stuffed
Total votes : 77

Postby Stott69 » Mon Feb 23, 2009 10:48 pm

scotty_ish wrote:might buy a harley for my daily :wink:

under this new law youd be kicked off that too!
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Postby johndoe1025 » Mon Feb 23, 2009 10:54 pm

to all those that have clicked YES: i take it you have completely stock cars then with no modifications that could in the future be "frowned upon"? cuz this is the way it seems to be getting
EP82 GT-went mega hard for completely stock, 15.09 quarter, gone now :(

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Postby Lith » Mon Feb 23, 2009 11:09 pm

WTF I can't believe people are even thinking about this, can someone delete this thread before someone with any power gets any ideas?

Otherwise, ban planes, thunder, doors, trucks, trains, humans etc from being used after those hours.
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Postby bluemaumau » Mon Feb 23, 2009 11:11 pm

Lith wrote:Otherwise, ban thunder.

hate that shite

Where the $&#$% is that oil leak coming from /club

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Postby MercuryFree » Mon Feb 23, 2009 11:12 pm

GT4PWA wrote:
scotty_ish wrote:So when I travel to timaru on a friday evening for band practise and then travel back at about 11 you think i should get a ticket?

honestly man...

ok let me answer that with a question

Do you think your neighbors should get woken up every Friday night because you choose to drive your car with a modified exhaust?

in situations like this you could maybe apply for a late driving notice that is only to get from point A to point B. or you could have a daily driver that is standard.....(like i do so im not driving late at night)

A) People drive up and down my street all night with loud exhausts, and not once have I or anyone in my house to my knowledge been woken up by them, once actually asleep. Is the world full of light sleepers or something? Must suck when it rains/thunder.
B) Late driving notice, Yay, more beauracracy, that's just what we need.

On a related note, I have been woken up many times at 9am when I'm trying to sleep by people building a house next door, should I try and ban people from building houses without my expressed permission?
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Postby Lloyd » Mon Feb 23, 2009 11:20 pm

MercuryFree wrote:not once have I or anyone in my house to my knowledge been woken up by them, once actually asleep. Is the world full of light sleepers or something? Must suck when it rains/thunder.

My thoughts too. Those loud enough to be that annoying should easily be picked up by police or at WoF time
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Postby Mr.Phreak » Mon Feb 23, 2009 11:36 pm

Lith wrote:Otherwise, ban humans

Best idea so far :twisted:
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Postby postfach » Mon Feb 23, 2009 11:41 pm

I take it you don't still have the GT4 in your profile then? You know, the one with the 3" exhaust and the screamer pipe? :roll:

This one, even....

Looks like a bit of a noisy exhaust, if you ask me, and since you posted those photos at the start of this month, safe bet you still drive it. Hope you don't drive after 10pm or you're a bit of a $&#$% hypocrite, eh....
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Postby GT4PWA » Mon Feb 23, 2009 11:56 pm

postfach wrote:I take it you don't still have the GT4 in your profile then? You know, the one with the 3" exhaust and the screamer pipe? :roll:

This one, even....

Looks like a bit of a noisy exhaust, if you ask me, and since you posted those photos at the start of this month, safe bet you still drive it. Hope you don't drive after 10pm or you're a bit of a $&#$% hypocrite, eh....

Yip still drive her and she is legal as well. And no I don't drive her after 10pm And i started this poll as an idea not because its what I want to happen but just to get some feedback....
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Postby johndoe1025 » Tue Feb 24, 2009 12:12 am

its obvious what the feedback would be on a forum like this, most of us enjoy working on, modifying, improving and driving our cars, whatever time that may be. if anyone passed a law like that i think their would be simple rebellion ,i know i wouldnt change my exhasut, i know how to get wofs no matter what etc, i dont use those means because i have morals and i like to know my car is safe and legal, but if a stupid law like that was placed, i wouldnt think twice about going the dodgy means.

also, should we ban trains from goin past homes situated near the tracks from certain, hours, because they are bloody loud, those people must get quite frustrated with that too....oh, and ban speedway while your at it, no, wait, thats already been attempted. HTFU
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Postby Girvs » Tue Feb 24, 2009 8:02 am

May as well ban night clubs from operating late hours at the same time....
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Postby Warren » Tue Feb 24, 2009 8:57 am

iOnic wrote:lawnmowers should be banned between the hours of 5pm friday evening and 8am monday morning too

hahahaha, when the hell are people going to mow their lawns then? :lol:
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Postby iOnic » Tue Feb 24, 2009 9:25 am

when I'm not home :lol: my neighbour gets up at 7am on a saturday morning and starts his lawnmower and it honestly sounds like mad mike is tuning his car in my bedroom :evil:
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Postby ~SlideWays~ » Tue Feb 24, 2009 10:12 am

I reckon ban stupid people?
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Postby sergei » Tue Feb 24, 2009 10:24 am

I think that fart cannon on your GT4 is stupid.
I think that exhaust is not a performance modification at most of the times.
I haven't seen a performance boost from just a fart cannon. I have seen reduction of performance from an aftermarket exhaust.
Quiet exhaust and power are not mutually exclusive.
Exhaust is the last step in modification, not the first or second.

I think there should be an universal standard of noise level (that is measured in control conditions with control equipment and properly trained personnel, not just a cop with DSE db reader) that vehicles should comply to.

I believe there is no need for specific exhaust rule to target boyracers.
You could do them for disturbance of peace, or dangerous driving. There are plenty of laws that will cover muppets with fart cannons.
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Postby 1I1 » Tue Feb 24, 2009 12:09 pm

When ever i go home and it's late (regardless of which car im in) i try to keep noise to a minimum. I have a good relationship with my neighbours and would like to keep it that way. But even in the corolla i can keep the noise down to a minimum so i don't wake the people at home sleeping. I can normally get it up the drive without waking everyone up i just have to idle the car along as i start to get close to our street. It's not that hard to be considerate to others
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Postby B1NZ » Tue Feb 24, 2009 5:47 pm

IMO as long as your under the specified legal DB limit you should be fine,

After that its all up to how you drive your car, I mean if your on the open road then its probably not going to be too much of an issue, Full acceleration around suburban streets at night or large gatherings of cars with modified exhausts create noise problems.
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Postby Flannelman » Thu Feb 26, 2009 12:50 am

When this all started many years ago - when the boyracer legislation came out, the law makers tried to make modified exhausts illegal then. Unfortuneately there was a very clued up young man pointed out that POLICE CARS have modified exhausts as well making them illegal too.
(was a story i was told. how much truth is to it...)

Since then the exhaust issue hasnt gone away but cant be treated with just a blanket one rule will fix all policy.

LVVT and LTSA or who ever they are now are working together to try and come up with the best plan. so far its 95dB. tho it is being lowered to 90dB.

I have been in a car with a 95dB exhaust and i have no idea how they can put up with it. such a drone. wasnt nice it was horrid! and it was a levin!
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Postby MR2SIK » Thu Feb 26, 2009 5:31 pm

Affroman wrote:I have been in a car with a 95dB exhaust and i have no idea how they can put up with it. such a drone. wasnt nice it was horrid! and it was a levin!

thats your problem, 4ages just dont sound nice :lol:
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Postby johndoe1025 » Thu Feb 26, 2009 6:05 pm

have a listen to mine, youl be converted :P
EP82 GT-went mega hard for completely stock, 15.09 quarter, gone now :(

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