I find facebook interesting for sure.
You can tell a lot about some people by their photos, its interesting that someone could go to France, or Melbourne, or a party, or a beach, or whatever else... And not be interested in taking any pictures of anything but
themselves 100 times over, usually not even with scenery in the background or whatever. Vain much?
Seondly it's interesting, because it helps me piece together nights "Hey, I dont remember doing
that!" But milage may vary depending on how much of a pathetic drunkard you are.
Thirdly, it's interesting because a metric shitload of attractive women that I know love to pose saucy pictures of themselves, in a competitive sort of way to try and look hotter than their freinds.
Oh, and the reverse happening of course... Trying to make their friends look worse than them, to make themselves look better in an underhanded sort of way.
Which raises another point, apparently 'xoxoxoxo' constitutes punctuation these days. It's really irritating seeing girls trying to out 'cute' each other. bargh. In some cases its escalated to the point where again, grown women really do
actually seem mildly retarded
Also, it pains me to see people who insist on posting every mundane aspect of their life on there. Not all attention is good attention people, YOUR LIFE SEEMS SHIT AND MUNDANE AND BORING IF THE HIGHLIGHT OF YOUR DAY IS POSTING 70 PICTURES OF YOU MAKING AND EATING A GOD DAMNED SANDWICH.
ad nauseum for 70 god damn photos, $$% you!
I also cant help but laugh when the photo spammers post up some god awful pictures of even
themselves, because they dont actually bother to check any of the pictures before posting them up.
I lol'd when a friend posted a whole bunch of upskirt pics of her and her friends, because she didnt bother to look at them before uploading them