Boy racer car crushing legislation

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Postby Adamal » Thu May 28, 2009 9:46 am

You know, I'm wondering how big of a problem it really is in New Zealand. Sure, I know its pretty bad in Chch, what with the people jumping that single police officer, but how bad is it in the rest of NZ?
I think in more recent times, Auckland has actually calmed down a lot and people are becoming more sensible.
Not to say there aren't idiots still out there (Hey, I'm still driving!), but the majority aren't as bad any more.
Almost as if the current generation is getting older and more mature, and the current generation of teeny boppers just aren't really that into cars :?
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Postby Mad Murphy » Thu May 28, 2009 10:17 am

I don't think Christchurch is that bad, I think thats a myth propagated by the media.
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Postby scottyj » Thu May 28, 2009 11:35 am

Yeah Christchurch isn't as bad as the media makes out. I live on a street that comes off Bealey Ave and I'm only 5 or 6 houses down and It's not that loud on weekends.
Sure when I'm in bed and it's a quiet night I can hear cars, exhausts, blow off valves and the odd external wastegate but it doesn't keep me lying awake any longer than I would normally spend lying there before falling asleep.
It doesn't seem to be constant noise either sorta comes and goes and of course some weekends are worse than others.

Also as the dude who writes for NZ classic car said (and can find the exact quote when I get home if needed): The hotel owners on Beley Ave chose to build there Hotels on an 8 lane road in a busy reasonable sized city, what did they expect? He also wrote about staying in a hotel right in Times Square NY and how loud it was there he said the noise was part of the experience or something.
Last edited by scottyj on Thu May 28, 2009 5:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby scottyj » Thu May 28, 2009 11:49 am

I'm all for taking cars off people who don't pay there fines. And I have no problem with harsher punishments for people caught doing really stupid things like street drifting etc but I think crushing cars is just wastefull.

I also agree with that article linked earlier that a lot of the people pointing there fingers at boy racers should take a look at there own driving. I don't know how many times on the open road I've seen some dickhead middle age wanker in an HSV/FPV executing some very dangerous passing manouvres.
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Postby Mad Murphy » Thu May 28, 2009 1:18 pm

scottyj wrote:Also as the dude who writes for NZ classic car said (and can find the exact quote when I get home if needed): The hotel owners on Beley Ave chose to build there Hotels on an 8 lane road in a busy reasonable sized city, hat did they expect. He also wrote about staying in a hotel write in Times Square NY and how loud it was there he said the noise was part of the experience or something.

Exactly, and why didn't they invest in any kind of sound insulation? They knew exactly that when they build, it's a busy 8 lane road. Well because like most construction in NZ its done as cheaply as possible. When there's a problem they just want to blame someone else for it. The fact is, people get riled up about boy racers because they see it on the news not because of any direct incident they've experienced.
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Postby Adamal » Thu May 28, 2009 1:59 pm

Umm... Just came across this in the news... Hahah :P ... ty-officer
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Postby 1I1 » Thu May 28, 2009 2:05 pm

Adamal wrote:Umm... Just came across this in the news... Hahah :P ... ty-officer

:roll: those idiots! The same clowns that get on tv going on about how they need an area to race and want to be left alone, and then do sometinh like this
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Postby cogent » Thu May 28, 2009 2:07 pm

urgh, stupid labelling. If it was a bunch of people having a beach party and a security officer got hassled, would they be boyracers?

if it was a house party and a noise control contractor had his car bottled, would they be boyracers?

why should they be labelled as boyracers instead of being labelled as a alcohol-fuelled mob of roudy youth?

ah, of course - being described as a country full of dropkick alcoholic no hoper youth makes NZ look bad :roll:

Postby DXROLLA » Thu May 28, 2009 2:45 pm

:evil: And they wonder why they get picked on :roll: These drop kicks are just ruining the modified car scene for everyone!
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Postby rolla_fxgt » Thu May 28, 2009 2:54 pm

Mad Murphy wrote:
scottyj wrote:Also as the dude who writes for NZ classic car said (and can find the exact quote when I get home if needed): The hotel owners on Beley Ave chose to build there Hotels on an 8 lane road in a busy reasonable sized city, hat did they expect. He also wrote about staying in a hotel write in Times Square NY and how loud it was there he said the noise was part of the experience or something.

Exactly, and why didn't they invest in any kind of sound insulation? They knew exactly that when they build, it's a busy 8 lane road. Well because like most construction in NZ its done as cheaply as possible. When there's a problem they just want to blame someone else for it. The fact is, people get riled up about boy racers because they see it on the news not because of any direct incident they've experienced.

And it gets reported as fact, including in the introduction to the legislation on why this new law is needed :roll: Hasn't anyone in the ministry of transport or justice heard of actual research? They list the motel owners figure of a loss of $80,000 a year as a fact when, he most probably pulled the figure out of his ass (like he'd be fully booked every day of the year), next we'll see govt departments quoting wikipedia as the truth.

How hard would it be for the owner to plant a few trees/bushes on the street frontage of his motel to muffle the noise, oh wait he probably can't cause he's built motel rooms right up to the footpath and forgot/was to cheap to build in sound proofing. Gota maximise the money he can make right? Oh and how about actually thinking about how he designed his motel, so the cleaning supplies area/tv room/laundry/reception area is on the street frontage, you know in a logical place? Cause no one really likes the view out of a motel room especially one that looks over a major road.

end of rant :evil:
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Postby darkwolf » Thu May 28, 2009 4:13 pm

Adamal wrote:Umm... Just came across this in the news... Hahah :P ... ty-officer

FFS. You go about trying to do things the correct way (I'm in the middle of a letter to Nathan Guy - our local MP - to represent my views on the matter) and these dickheads do this!

Having said that though what evidence has been provided that they were infact boy racers. Where does it say that they were:
A: Racing
B: 100% Male
C: Young
They have been called boy racers because that is what the media wants to call it. I understand that the police have reported that the lady who was attacked apparently called them boy racers but do you really think she got enough evidence behind her to actually call them that?

I know this is going to sound odd but, has there been any other news regarding this? I don't know CHCH at all. But, is it possible that this story is made up? The facts that make me suspicious are:
The timing of the article, released just after a new bill has been introduced into parliament, there is no time frame given on the article (could've happened in 2005 for all we know.)
Quite a few is stated as the first quantity, then approx 100 boy racers.
A female security guard, if this is a made up story then a female is going to get more of the public on the media's side due to chivalry etc.

It all seems a bit too well fashioned. If it happened on the weekend why has the information been held by the media until today? If it happened last night, how many times have you seen "Boy Racers" congregate on a Thursday night? Friday and Saturday maybe. And "approximately 100 vehicles"? I'd like to hear more from the novelist, sorry Journalist who wrote this story.
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Postby Mad Murphy » Thu May 28, 2009 4:33 pm

No doubt it'll be on the news tonight with some nice stock footage of a bunch of drunk people doing burnouts from the archives that was filmed 5 years ago like they do for every article on boyracerism.
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Postby scottyj » Thu May 28, 2009 5:43 pm

If the government was properly keen on solving the young kids causing trouble in fast cars problem they would do something about $1 deposit car loans.
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Postby Bling » Thu May 28, 2009 7:34 pm

darkwolf wrote:Having said that though what evidence has been provided that they were infact boy racers. Where does it say that they were:
A: Racing
B: 100% Male
C: Young
They have been called boy racers because that is what the media wants to call it.

I don't think A B and C are requirements to be classed as a 'boyracer'. I'd call anyone that goes around causing problems in a car a 'boyracer'. They don't have to be racing, male or young.
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Postby Brick » Thu May 28, 2009 8:13 pm

cant even imagin now how many police chases there will be if the bill passes :roll:
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Postby bbq1988 » Fri May 29, 2009 11:39 am

In honesty is there anything that we can do to change the medias mind?

even if we did a "Drive for cancer" and fund raised a gazillion dollars they will spin it around some way!
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Postby 1I1 » Fri May 29, 2009 11:41 am

bbq1988 wrote:In honesty is there anything that we can do to change the medias mind?

even if we did a "Drive for cancer" and fund raised a gazillion dollars they will spin it around some way!

Would say there was a mass boyracer meet and not even mention the fundrasing bit (or if they did the amount raised would be stated at at least half)
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Postby Mad Murphy » Fri May 29, 2009 12:02 pm

bbq1988 wrote:In honesty is there anything that we can do to change the medias mind?

even if we did a "Drive for cancer" and fund raised a gazillion dollars they will spin it around some way!

Best thing you can do is stop watching the "news".
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Postby Heylin » Fri May 29, 2009 1:51 pm

How hard would it be for the owner to plant a few trees/bushes on the street frontage of his motel to muffle the noise

Actually you need approx 100ft deep stand of trees or bushes to acheive a 8-10db reduction in noise, which is still hardly enought to drown out cheap exhaust.
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Postby rolla_fxgt » Fri May 29, 2009 2:39 pm

Heylin wrote:
How hard would it be for the owner to plant a few trees/bushes on the street frontage of his motel to muffle the noise

Actually you need approx 100ft deep stand of trees or bushes to acheive a 8-10db reduction in noise, which is still hardly enought to drown out cheap exhaust.

okay, thats a heck of a lot of trees. But I think the point still stands that trees (especially dense ones like hedges) muffle a bit of noise, and the look nice too.
Or double/triple glazing at the very least
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