These lads drove this across the cook straight on the weekend!
Funny questions and replies. ... 747867.htm
Interview with Marcus Lush
LUSH~ Adam Turnbull speaks of crossing Cook Strait in a Toyota van.
Does it offer any kind of pirate protection? squeak41 (40 ) 11:32 pm, Mon 7 Sep
Answer: Yaaargh!? Just play slayer on the stereo
I represent the Cuban Tourist Comission (CTC). We organise boat trips to the USA-mostly one way, and wonder if you could supply about 300 of these for our clients. Also could you convert buses to do the same job but carry more people. We can arrange payment by supplying your noble country with stress relieving medication and cigars. Cheers Alfeeidericko. muzzaduck (283 ) 1:01 pm, Tue 8 Sep
Answer: I'm writing out a quote already. The longer waterline length of the bus will stand it in good stead for speed. We'll take your payment with open arms!