What colour light bulbs do you guys prefer for home?

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Do you prefer white glow or warm glow for household lighting

Total votes : 28

Postby Mad Murphy » Thu Jan 28, 2010 9:38 am

Proper daylight bulbs are something different again, they're balanced to around 5000-5500k. For normal home stuff I still prefer the old fashioned warm bulbs over those horrible new eco bulbs.
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Postby jakesae101 » Thu Jan 28, 2010 9:41 am

daylight = 865 tube or a whitelight

warm white = 840 tube or yelowish colour

phillips do 24w = 125w incandesant light in cool day light and they are bright goto the wholsaler and ask for a 24w phillips screw or bayonet tornado cool day light by book put them at $8.38 at tradeprice
I appologise for my bad grammar


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Postby sergei » Thu Jan 28, 2010 11:29 am

I preffer 827 lights. Too much blue in anything above 3200k.
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Postby Adydas » Thu Jan 28, 2010 7:34 pm

Just to help..

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Postby Adydas » Thu Jan 28, 2010 7:37 pm

i think households should stay as warm white, talking with suppliers who have done studies on lamp Kalvin ratings in work places they studied and found that in an office based environment cooler lighting ie 865 etc increased productivity of workers due to working in a "cooler" environment and working harder to keep warm.... Interesting little bit of info..

But you take the same information into a home environment.. who wants to be sitting on the couch watching TV in winter when its cold.. I suppose the opp could be said for white lamps in winter..

Perhaps use of lamps should be seasonal...
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Postby Santa'sBoostinSleigh » Tue Apr 13, 2010 10:22 pm

i prefer the white ones rather than the orangy warm ones, for some reason the orangy ones hurt my eyes and dont seem as bright.
i have changed just about all of the bulbs in my house to energy saver ones, the lounge has the orangy ones which annoy me, but most of the rest are the white ones
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Postby sergei » Tue Apr 13, 2010 10:59 pm

Santa'sBoostinSleigh wrote:i prefer the white ones rather than the orangy warm ones, for some reason the orangy ones hurt my eyes and dont seem as bright.
i have changed just about all of the bulbs in my house to energy saver ones, the lounge has the orangy ones which annoy me, but most of the rest are the white ones

I find it otherway round, but I am sensitive to blue (I find coloured blue incandescent really painful to look at).
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