Cruise / driving range / BBQ This sunday

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Postby Elmo » Thu Feb 11, 2010 7:07 am

I understand the recession side of things, but if you look, there are alot of members (maybe not so now, but there were) that always said they were to tired to come to a sunday meet, or couldnt afford to, yet its because they were out cruising the night before.

Its all been said a dozen times before by member that they will organise the next meet etc etc, never happens.

Peronslly, I think that if anyone that is responcible for running such a club doesnt have the time to be at, or organise an event, that they should either step down and let someone that does have the time and comitment take over, or just ask someone else to run organise something.

Ts chch started with just 3 members. For quite some time thats all there was, but we went out and put fliers on cars, talked to people when we saw them etc about the club, and numbers grew.
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Postby Bling » Thu Feb 11, 2010 8:25 am

Have a count up of how many of the old members are still active / even still in chch. Then add up how many new people have come along to meets in the last 2 years. Blame does not lie with the organisers for the lack of interest, we organise fun events to suit as many people as we can and people choose to not make the effort.

If you think having someone dedicated to organising events will solve all our problems, step up and prove it. Because to be honest, I think its just a natural progression over the years that less and less of the regular members have the time to come to events now. When was the last time you showed up to a meet Ken? Events are nothing when people aren't able to make it. To make toyspeed chch grow we need new members coming along, they don't, I accept that, but saying that more events should be organised to get more interest happening doesn't work. People are lazy.

Anyone is welcome to organise events, BROZ (Mark) organised the last one himself and it was a great success. Its not Chris' or my personal responsibility to make sure there's always an event on.
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Postby Bling » Thu Feb 11, 2010 3:32 pm

Will delete this discussion later too, as its not good to have it on here.
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Postby Elmo » Thu Feb 11, 2010 6:30 pm

If you want to use the last 2 years as an example, how many meets have there BEEN in the last two years? I bet they could be counted on 1 hand.

People arent going to stay interested in something that happens very infrequently and irratically.

I didnt turn up because I had other comitments. I also had comietments when I WAS incharge of running Ts Chch. Im not going to step up to run it, as I did my years in charge, and I can tell you, I enjoyed it, I enjoyed knowing that I put in effort and got a return. I went to almost every thrusday meet for years!

Yes over the years progression will show that old skool members will drop off due to other interests, but I think you will find that new members will come along IF there is something to come to. If there isnt a club/activity numbers cant and wont grow. Back when I was running it, id say we had atleast 20-30 regular members. There would be a new member come along every few weeks.

yes, anyone is welcome is welcome to organise events, but it IS predominantly down to the leaders to keep that happening. You arent just a forum mod luke, anyone could spend time deleting or moving posts, you are in a position of leadership.

Luke If you dont want that leadership role, feel free to step down, my money is that there wont be any more or less events without you in that position.
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Postby Bling » Thu Feb 11, 2010 8:29 pm

Start earlier than that, its been on the decline since 2006.

Good events require commitment from members to be a success. When that declines over time, the resulting affect is that less events will be put on. Pinning the demise (in a way) of chch Toyspeed on me is pretty f**king rough there Ken, but we are all entitled to our opinions I guess.

I think you need to look at the size of CHCH Toyspeed today, and compare it to how big it was 2004/2005, massive difference. I think you may find that most/all areas of NZ Toyspeed have had a decline in the numbers of members turning up to meets over the years. I don't think that will all come down to the people doing the organising, but more so the people turning up.
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Postby Elmo » Thu Feb 11, 2010 9:12 pm

Luke IM not pinning the demise of Ts on you, all I was pointing out was, that if you (and others) want events to be attended by more people, there need to be more members, but member numbers wont grow if there is nothing for them to come here for.
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Postby Rob_GTZ » Thu Feb 11, 2010 9:32 pm

I reckon we just need more carnage, people smashing into trees & what not.

Nah Seriously, there's a list of us that have been in the same position that you're in now Luke, It's very demoralising to constantly put time & effort into organising events, and then having a poor turnout. It's not a new trend at all

I do think the re-introduction of a regular, less formal meet would be a good thing, maybe fortnightly or even just monthly. It seemed to be in the past that new members were more comfortable in this enviroment, more relaxed atmosphere made introductions easier
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Postby crispy'86 » Thu Feb 11, 2010 10:31 pm

I know the idea was for meets at harvey norman but what about now?? Has the situation changed (i guess probably) being in town, on a thursday night would/could be seen as a gathering that the cops would somehow look at as a "boy racer gathering" and be real ar@(*^les about it. I doubt there would be many of us that'd suffer from that stereotype but cops being cops they'd find a way to make things difficult.
I'd be keen to start up montlhy meets again, would we want it to be in same place? Any ideas??
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Postby Elmo » Fri Feb 12, 2010 7:05 am

Back then there was huge issues with group meets etc also, any one remember the hassles that 'rolaboys' caused in public places? Even with that, and the hassles that they caused IN Hn car park, the cops never hassled us on a thursday night after got to know who we were. Yeah from time to time, a security gaurd would sit over the road and watch, and the cops may do a drive though, but we got a name as being responcable.

Sure, I cant say what would happen these days, but all we can do is try.

Is it worth it?
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Postby crispy'86 » Sat Feb 13, 2010 6:55 am

I personally wouldn't mind either meet there or elsewhere to be different. I can't see any harm in posting up suggestions on a meet-up place where we'd meet. I'm all for this and if anyone else has any plans to do this let us know
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Postby Elmo » Thu Feb 18, 2010 6:56 am

Luke Im guessing since you havent turned down the leadership role that you still want to be the area coordinator of Chch?
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Postby JasonZE » Thu Feb 18, 2010 8:38 pm

Rob_GTZ wrote:I reckon we just need more carnage, people smashing into trees & what not.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Postby Bling » Thu Feb 18, 2010 9:12 pm

Elmo wrote:Luke Im guessing since you havent turned down the leadership role that you still want to be the area coordinator of Chch?

I've said my piece above. What happens from now is up to the Mods.
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