BZG|Bling wrote:Adamal wrote:Mr Revhead wrote:Adamal wrote:Bullshit that roads don't make a difference. Most of the roads on NZ have corrigations all over the place, uneven surfaces, crap patchwork to fix them up and off camber.
Can you find a single case of a road causing a crash?
I don't know, can you find the part of my statements where I was saying that the roads were DIRECTLY responsible rather than saying they were a contributing factor?

Is the piece of road that bad that you can't drive it or was it speed that caused the accident.
By adding 'or' into your question gives the impression that it was caused by only one factor and not a combination of both.
Go back and reread what I've said. I didn't say the roads were what caused the crash. I said they MIGHT have made it if the roads were in better condition.
The lady blatently blamed the roads for the accident
She might be lying out her ass, but probably not. Especially if its Northland. Country roads are even worse.
Hell, there are even some roads up North which are still gravel.
I'm not saying that the roads are the sole factor that they crashed. If you do take the roads at the posted speeds, they should have been fine if they weren't doing anything else stupid.
However, if people ARE doing excessive speeds, then a better road surface is more likely to aid them in getting round the corner than crashing.
Motorsport is like sex. You could take it to track and have a long, enjoyable session, or you could take it to the strip and get it over with in less than 20 seconds.