Moderator: The Mod Squad
Mr Revhead wrote:Just because it flashed doesn't mean you will get a ticket.
BZG|Bling wrote:Dropping the allowance over the limit from 10 to 0 will only affect the drivers sitting around the 105 mark, the ones being dumbshits on the road doing stupid speeds and stupid things on the road won't change. Since it's them causing the problems, dropping the allowance is purely for money.
sergei wrote:1) Compulsory driving training before getting license. Parents teaching their 15yo kids to drive also teach bad habits that parents have.
Vertigo wrote:that all sounds reasonable and rational. theyd never agree to it
but seriously, sound good man. better than no action at all.
nobody wrote:Proposed Permit\License changes:
Learners Permit
- Can not drive any car with a Turbo/Supercharger
- Vehicle Power per Weight restriction (similar to some parts of Australia)
S T E A L T H wrote: Get rid of "automatic only" restricted licenses. If you can't handle 3 pedals, you can't drive. If it takes some people 2 years to learn how to drive properly (rather than 2 weeks) so be it.
S T E A L T H wrote:A lot of wonderful theory.
Only one thing will improve driving standards at the end of the day. Make the tests tougher. Get rid of "automatic only" restricted licenses. If you can't handle 3 pedals, you can't drive. If it takes some people 2 years to learn how to drive properly (rather than 2 weeks) so be it.
snwtoy wrote:There needs to be something which targets those who have had a license for 5+ years, an ongoing level you have to maintain.
sergei wrote: [snip]
We could also organise a non-profit, with a website and television ads. I am all for it and can donate ~ $100 to the cause. Although I let someone else to organise this thing if the ball gets rolling (I am not really organised person). We need an initiative to correct NZ driving experience (at the moment it is horrible - I see at least two very stupid thing done by "safe drivers" category in my daily 15 min. commute).
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