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Postby Mr Revhead » Tue Oct 26, 2010 9:40 am

Just because it flashed doesn't mean you will get a ticket.
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Postby Al » Tue Oct 26, 2010 5:04 pm

Mr Revhead wrote:Just because it flashed doesn't mean you will get a ticket.


Had the whole road lit up red one night going past a mobile camera van in my first car at about 104... km/h back in the day. No ticket :oops:
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Postby darkwolf » Tue Oct 26, 2010 5:45 pm

Bet it slowed you down though :P

I actually got a ticket a number of years back - very tired, saw a flash, said to my passenger "WTF was that?" Continued on, then about 5 minutes later realised "F***! Speed camera. Oh well, no point slowing now."
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Postby d1 mule » Tue Oct 26, 2010 6:27 pm

so............. seems this doesnt work, judging by the road toll...........
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Postby MR2SIK » Tue Oct 26, 2010 6:50 pm

They need to control the weather, rain seemed to work well last time :lol:
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Hey, at least it sounds like a 3s.

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Postby Bling » Tue Oct 26, 2010 10:26 pm

Dropping the allowance over the limit from 10 to 0 will only affect the drivers sitting around the 105 mark, the ones being dumbshits on the road doing stupid speeds and stupid things on road the won't change. Since it's them causing the problems, dropping the allowance is purely for money.

That's pretty standard though, chuck on another bandaid, that will fix it.
Last edited by Bling on Tue Oct 26, 2010 10:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby MAC_HATER » Tue Oct 26, 2010 10:40 pm

its probably also been said before multiple times before but with the limit in force and the local advertising giving off a "we are out to get YOU and only YOU" vibe everyone is doing nothing but staring at the speedo cause they are so afraid of going over and getting nicked

this not only causes problems where idiots get distracted and fall off the road - but also leads to passing lane horors where the front passer toddles past 1kmh faster than the slow guy and uses up the entire passing lane when if the fear wasnt there 10 people could have gotten past but since only 1 guy got past everyone else has a rage and passes on dangerous parts of the road - blind parts - oh shit car - accident - death - toll goes up - cops blame it on speed - and the cycle starts again

in any case there were people out there blatantly ignoring the speed limit anyway so you have dawdlers causing accidents and speeders causing accidents - usually with each other

good times! 8O
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Postby snwtoy » Tue Oct 26, 2010 10:47 pm

BZG|Bling wrote:Dropping the allowance over the limit from 10 to 0 will only affect the drivers sitting around the 105 mark, the ones being dumbshits on the road doing stupid speeds and stupid things on the road won't change. Since it's them causing the problems, dropping the allowance is purely for money.

Yep. This. End of story.
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Postby sergei » Wed Oct 27, 2010 10:56 am

Perhaps petition (real one with signatures) the govt?
How many active members here?
If we would organize such a thing and involve other boards and car clubs, perhaps say 20,000 people, will have enough weight for current ministry of transport to see the common sense behind this.

Here are the things that need to be introduced:

1) Compulsory driving training before getting license. Parents teaching their 15yo kids to drive also teach bad habits that parents have.

2) Mental assessment of the driver. If driver suffers from dangerous mental illness (eg. un-medicated bipolar, schizo, etc.) they need to pass special test, and be heavily monitored before allowed behind the wheel.
At minimum similar certificate as for the gun licence. Car is a potentially lethal weapon after all.

3) Fine+20demerits for people blocking right lanes. Just like every where else in the world ( apart US ).

4) Fine+20demerits for people going too slow on open roads. If a camper van has more than 2 cars behind it, and not pulling over fine the foocker.

5) Rectify give way rules mess. Either make rules consistent with people driving (pulling in + pulling out of unmarked intersection) or introduce a campaign educating people on such rules (and fine+20demerits for failure).

6) Fine+20demerits for tailgaters, heavily enforce this.

7) Make passing lanes "Minimum speed zones", possibly allow higher speed limit in passing lanes (eg increase it to 120, while minimum is 110).

8) As part of driver training and test the learner must pass the "training wheel" course (where the car is jacked on special frame reducing grip, thus simulating loss of control). Similar thing to what people do in Scandinavia.

9) The driver must resit the test every 5years.

Feel free to remove/modify/add points.

We could also organise a non-profit, with a website and television ads. I am all for it and can donate ~ $100 to the cause. Although I let someone else to organise this thing if the ball gets rolling (I am not really organised person :lol: ). We need an initiative to correct NZ driving experience (at the moment it is horrible - I see at least two very stupid thing done by "safe drivers" category in my daily 15 min. commute).
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Postby Vertigo » Wed Oct 27, 2010 11:19 am

that all sounds reasonable and rational. theyd never agree to it :)

but seriously, sound good man. better than no action at all.
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Postby 1I1 » Wed Oct 27, 2010 11:26 am

sergei wrote:1) Compulsory driving training before getting license. Parents teaching their 15yo kids to drive also teach bad habits that parents have.

Reminds me of Family Guy when Peter teaches Meg how to drive and she tries to race on her license test

I see you can actually get demerits for driving slowly
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Postby nobody » Wed Oct 27, 2010 12:51 pm

Vertigo wrote:that all sounds reasonable and rational. theyd never agree to it :)

but seriously, sound good man. better than no action at all.

I agree, a lot of excellent points by Sergei.

Expanding on them, here are a few thoughts of my own:

So many new drivers seem to have the attitude that once they get their learners they have a license and are entitled to drive whenever they want. To help change this mindset, one step I suggest is the name be changed to Permit - then only those that have completed their training have a "License". This helps make it clearer that there is a difference between the two.

Proposed Permit\License changes:

Learners Permit
- 3 compulsory driver training lessons need to be completed before sitting tests (this would mean a higher cost - but that may be a good thing)
- Test includes a Theory and a Practical Test
- Learner Permit lasts for 12 months

- Can not drive any car with a Turbo/Supercharger
- Must have someone with you at all times (over 25 and has held a license for more than 2 years)
- Vehicle Power per Weight restriction (similar to some parts of Australia)

- Break rules? Lose Permit (6 month stand down until resitting allowed), $500 fine (if poor, on dole etc, then $20/week deducted, can not resit test until fine is fully paid)
- Break rules a second time? Banned from driving/resitting license for 1 year, $1000 fine (if poor, on dole etc, then $20/week deducted, can not resit test until fine is fully paid), car impounded for 1 month

Restricted Permit
- Test can not be sat without having completed an Advanced Driver Training course or similar (like the Holden course)
- Test can not be sat without having completed a Defensive Driving Course
- Test includes a Theory and a Practical Test
- Restricted Permit lasts for 18 months

- Can not drive any car with a Turbo/Supercharger
- Can drive alone between certain hours
- Vehicle Power per Weight restriction (similar to some parts of Australia)
- May drive higher CC/HP car if with passenger who is over 25 and has held a license for more than 2 years

- Break rules? Lose Restricted Permit (must start again and resit learners permit after 6 month stand down), $500 fine (if poor, on dole etc, then $20/week deducted, can not resit test until fine is fully paid)
- Break rules a second time? Banned from driving/resitting learner permit for 1 year, $1000 fine (if poor, on dole etc, then $20/week deducted, can not resit test until fine is fully paid), car impounded for 1 month

Full Licence
- Test can not be sat without having completed 200hrs of driving (with a mixture of day and night, city and open road) - must submit a verified driver log book
- Test includes a Theory and a Practical Test

- If at anytime the Licence is lost (due to illegal\dangerous actions), driver must resit both Full license tests after 6 month stand down) including paying any resulting fines for the infringement that led to loss of license

Comments, suggestions etc welcomed.
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Postby sergei » Wed Oct 27, 2010 12:58 pm

Also, if you cause an accident (I guess it should be determined by court), you should resit your licence.

Driving is a privilege not a right. People forget that.
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Postby no_8wire » Wed Oct 27, 2010 1:24 pm

nobody wrote:Proposed Permit\License changes:

Learners Permit
- Can not drive any car with a Turbo/Supercharger
- Vehicle Power per Weight restriction (similar to some parts of Australia)

Lessons before you can get your permit? Legal issues - i.e cant drive till have license, cant get license till have drving lessons, but cant have driving lessons till have license... wouldnt work as even carparks are counted as road if public has access.

Take out vehicle restrictions for learners... Often you wouldnt buy your own car until you have your restricted as you cant drive by yourself. So why should your family (More than likely) have to buy a special car to teach their kids to drive? Besides most parents would not let kids be stupid when teaching them how to drive...
Unnecessary for Learners Permit IMO.

Not that I agree to any changes been made, see it as un-needed.
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Postby S T E A L T H » Wed Oct 27, 2010 1:50 pm

A lot of wonderful theory.

Only one thing will improve driving standards at the end of the day. Make the tests tougher. Get rid of "automatic only" restricted licenses. If you can't handle 3 pedals, you can't drive. If it takes some people 2 years to learn how to drive properly (rather than 2 weeks) so be it.
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Postby FANGIN » Wed Oct 27, 2010 2:26 pm

S T E A L T H wrote: Get rid of "automatic only" restricted licenses. If you can't handle 3 pedals, you can't drive. If it takes some people 2 years to learn how to drive properly (rather than 2 weeks) so be it.

Most of the chicks I grew up with could only drive auto. They would mash the accelerator to go, and then mash the brake pedal to stop. Atleast with a manual it is a delicate balance between throttle & clutch to be able to drive, some thought actually goes into the process. I find that the worst / scariest drivers drive autos & don't know how to drive manual.
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Postby sergei » Wed Oct 27, 2010 3:05 pm

S T E A L T H wrote:A lot of wonderful theory.

Only one thing will improve driving standards at the end of the day. Make the tests tougher. Get rid of "automatic only" restricted licenses. If you can't handle 3 pedals, you can't drive. If it takes some people 2 years to learn how to drive properly (rather than 2 weeks) so be it.

This is how it is in russia.

To get a licence you must pass a test in a manual around special testing track.
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Postby snwtoy » Thu Oct 28, 2010 9:03 pm

The new driver suggestions are all well and good, but they will take 10-20 years to have a significant impact.

There needs to be something which targets those who have had a license for 5+ years, an ongoing level you have to maintain.

That and introduce enforce the 'keep left unless overtaking' rule
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Postby Bling » Thu Oct 28, 2010 9:20 pm

Take anyone off the road that doesn't understand the current proposed law change in regards to uncontrolled intersections. That will reduce the number of people on the roads by ~70%.

Road toll will drop, sorted.

People blame the law for being stupid, but hell, if everyone followed it, there wouldn't be a problem. I go through a few of these intersections a day, and each time someone fails to give way to me, a feel a little bit more disappointed as to where we are heading as drivers. It's not in a good direction...

snwtoy wrote:There needs to be something which targets those who have had a license for 5+ years, an ongoing level you have to maintain.

This could actually work. People that don't know the rules would be taken off the road. Only problem is, it would never get off the ground due to said people being against. They know they are unsafe / don't know the rules, and would lose their license so would make up excuses as to why it shouldn't be made law etc.
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Postby pc » Thu Oct 28, 2010 9:47 pm

sergei wrote: [snip]

We could also organise a non-profit, with a website and television ads. I am all for it and can donate ~ $100 to the cause. Although I let someone else to organise this thing if the ball gets rolling (I am not really organised person :lol: ). We need an initiative to correct NZ driving experience (at the moment it is horrible - I see at least two very stupid thing done by "safe drivers" category in my daily 15 min. commute).

Agree... attempting to educate the ignorant is important, and lots of people watch the telly.
Instead of having all those pointless anti speed, anti drink ads, why not have ads that explain why doing certain things on the road is dumb and point out the increased chances of negative consequences.

one ad for merging, one for over taking, indicating, driving through intersections, judging the merge at the end of over taking lanes, overtaking in heavy traffic... etc etc.
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