Crowded supermarket or being tailgated?

Burning questions of the day answered by the Toyspeed populace

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What is more annoying?

Doing the groceries in a crowded supermarket full of children(blind?) and retired people?
Being tailgated when you are driving the speed limit or faster.
Total votes : 53

Postby Adamal » Sun Nov 21, 2010 11:42 pm

pc wrote:Just watched 1st episode of the Walking Dead. City scene reminded me on Pak n Save today.

Hah. I watched that today too. Seems pretty cool. Sure took a wrong turn at the end though! Poor horse :cry:
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Postby Bling » Mon Nov 22, 2010 12:14 am

Oi no spoilers!!! :lol: Now I have to go watch it and see what happens...
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Postby siren676 » Mon Nov 22, 2010 1:44 am

I actually work at a supermarket and i look forward to the drive home after having to deal with screaming kids, busy crowds and people constantly asking where the eggs are.

I don't mind tailgaters too much as my car can barely out run anything, so im use to it. Although i do get a little annoyed when i am doing 110 on the motorway in the slow lane with a truck barely 1m from my back bumper. :evil:

My vote goes towards supermarkets.
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Postby Leon » Mon Nov 22, 2010 7:47 am

tailgating for me, because I'm less likely to get rammed by a car when people in the supermarket are dumb. Run into by trolleys yes, but not so likely to be run into by some uninsured person in a car.
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Postby rollaholic » Mon Nov 22, 2010 7:52 am

thing with tailgaters is 95% of them dont actually realise what they are doing, they just have no clue about how much space it takes to stop a car. witness how many muppets you see right up someones date when they could easily change lanes and move past them if thats what they actually wanted... but no, they are just out for a regular drive.
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Postby sergei » Mon Nov 22, 2010 8:53 am

rollaholic wrote:thing with tailgaters is 95% of them dont actually realise what they are doing, they just have no clue about how much space it takes to stop a car. witness how many muppets you see right up someones date when they could easily change lanes and move past them if thats what they actually wanted... but no, they are just out for a regular drive.

Cops are too lenient on the tailgaters.
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Postby 1I1 » Mon Nov 22, 2010 9:43 am

Tailgaters really annoy me - especially like mentioned earlier when you are in the middle of a cue and cannot do anything about the speed. I'll do the stab on the brakes trick only if they are being a complete knob.

Speaking of braking though - I hate it when sitting at a set of lights when they are red and a motorist comes up behind and brakes at the last minute. Because starting to slow down before getting to traffic is stupid :roll:
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Postby Snaps » Mon Nov 22, 2010 10:05 am

matt dunn wrote:
Snaps wrote:Tailgating is stupid, there is no debating it.

Correct. but jaming on your brakes because "you think" the person behind is too close is even stupider.

Both are stupid... It doesn't matter to what degree...

matt dunn wrote:I don't normally follow to close

Good :D

matt dunn wrote:but on the odd occasion when someone thinks I am and they jam on the brakes, all it does is piss me off,
and if i feel it was unwarranted I have at times then shown them what following too close is.

You see, I think this is unneccesary - by following closer after they have already jammed on the brakes, you are enticing them to do it again to get you off of thier tail.... Now which is more dangerous? Following closer or just giving them a couple of extra metres (Even if they think you are too close when you are not)? Which is the most likely to have the largest impact on your travel? Why not take your saftey into your own hands rather than putting it up to the judgement of the other driver?

Also, I'm not directing this at you as a personal attack or anything, just discussing :)

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Postby duddley » Mon Nov 22, 2010 10:28 am

I think your poll should also include people who don't look at round a bouts or don't check there blindspots when changing lanes on the motorway
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Postby Lith » Mon Nov 22, 2010 11:01 am

Being tailgated, easily. I am never tailgated and deserve it, never drive under the posted speed limit and if someone wants to go faster than me despite that and I can let them past without compromising my own progress I will. I get most pissed off when I get tail gated when I myself am stuck behind someone, which is the most common situation I experience this.

A crowded supermarket is cringeworthy but just one of those things, its not generally a result of someone being stupid or an ass. Someone tailing you (and risking your car/personal safety) when you yourself are in a situation which is not of your making sucks and I liken it to someone barging you on the footpath deliberately and acting like its your fault.

I do have to admit if someone REALLY p155es me off when I am stuck behind someone else and someone does it to me I tend to slow right right down. The bonus to that is that gives me some room to not slow them down :)
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Postby postfach » Mon Nov 22, 2010 11:52 am

I just got a ute, and I now have a theory that people treat you differently on the road depending on what kind of car you're driving.

I drive the same speed, regardless of what I'm driving, usually a couple of km over the posted speed limit. In my soarer, I rarely had any issues with people doing stupid stuff like tailgating/dangerous overtaking, but now when I'm driving the ute, I get retards tailgating me all the time, and people overtaking for no reason just to get in front and slow down again. It's like they see that it's a ute, and something inside them clicks and they're suddenly on a mission to be in front of me even though I'm going just as fast as they are.

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Postby MAC_HATER » Mon Nov 22, 2010 11:57 am

retards in supermarkets for sure

i get in buy the shit i want and get out - i don't want some hipster retard taking up the whole lane deciding what brand of juice they want thats "indie" or the person with 15 kids taking up the chip isle

i made the mistake of going shopping at 5.30 on a Wednesday - never ever again so i just go shopping at 11pm on a Wednesday now LOL
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Postby MR2SIK » Mon Nov 22, 2010 12:52 pm

bouncing off the launch control limiter for a few seconds normally clears up any tailgaiters for me :lol:
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Postby edwagon » Mon Nov 22, 2010 1:03 pm

Busy supermarkets wind me up a bit, but you have to take responsibility for your own life, so I try to go when its not likely to be so busy - if you try to 'pop in' at 6pm on your way home, then you get what you deserve!

Luckily I don't often find myself being tailgated, but what really makes me sh*t the bed is slow traffic that speeds up in passing lanes - I can tolerate someone plodding along at 85km/h - but not when they then do 110km/h in the passing lane, so you can't get past em without risking a decent ticket - and then - as soon as the lane finishes, coast back down to 85!
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Postby MAC_HATER » Mon Nov 22, 2010 1:15 pm

edwagon wrote:but what really makes me sh*t the bed is slow traffic that speeds up in passing lanes - I can tolerate someone plodding along at 85km/h - but not when they then do 110km/h in the passing lane, so you can't get past em without risking a decent ticket - and then - as soon as the lane finishes, coast back down to 85!

had this happen to me on every single passing lane from dunedin to invercargill yesterday - it really gets old fast

then you have the retards that load 6 people in a 4K DX corolla and try to pass on every passing lane to get past a milk tanker - use the whole lane before giving up and pulling back in when the 25 cars behind them could have easily and cleanly got by
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Postby sergei » Mon Nov 22, 2010 1:21 pm

MAC_HATER wrote:
edwagon wrote:but what really makes me sh*t the bed is slow traffic that speeds up in passing lanes - I can tolerate someone plodding along at 85km/h - but not when they then do 110km/h in the passing lane, so you can't get past em without risking a decent ticket - and then - as soon as the lane finishes, coast back down to 85!

had this happen to me on every single passing lane from dunedin to invercargill yesterday - it really gets old fast

then you have the retards that load 6 people in a 4K DX corolla and try to pass on every passing lane to get past a milk tanker - use the whole lane before giving up and pulling back in when the 25 cars behind them could have easily and cleanly got by

This! FFS kiwis learn some courtesy. You are not going to get there faster by holding other people back. I get ultra aggressive when this shit happens on passing lane, helps that I can out accelerate most of the people and plough my way right before passing lane start. What worse is some wankers try to pass but slow down because they are afraid of the bend, so guess what I do? I undertake them from left. They doing 80k in the passing lane being passed by car they were passing - what are they thinking?
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Postby S T E A L T H » Mon Nov 22, 2010 1:23 pm

Can't stand shopping malls and supermarkets, Sylvia Park is the worst. Although generally we go to smaller specialised stores (Fruitworld, butcheries etc) and eat out quite a lot so the countdown will only get a visit once a month.

Tailgating is seen as a challenge :lol:
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Postby S T E A L T H » Mon Nov 22, 2010 1:30 pm

sergei wrote:
This! FFS kiwis learn some courtesy. You are not going to get there faster by holding other people back. I get ultra aggressive when this shit happens on passing lane, helps that I can out accelerate most of the people and plough my way right before passing lane start. What worse is some wankers try to pass but slow down because they are afraid of the bend, so guess what I do? I undertake them from left. They doing 80k in the passing lane being passed by car they were passing - what are they thinking?

Few times now in this situation I've pulled out in to the oncoming lane and overtaken the overtakers. One particular uphill passing lane just out of Cambridge comes to mind. One of those muppets actually had the nerve to high beam me despite the fact that he was doing about 104km
"passing" a car which has sped up to 100, with a queue of about 8 cars behind us chomping at the bit wanting to get on with it.
The Highway Patrol HQ's policy of putting laser cops at the end of passing lanes doesn't help though, a lot of people are just too scared to go over 110.
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Postby rollaholic » Mon Nov 22, 2010 5:32 pm

140 should be min speed in overtaking lane, nothing worse than one nana overtaking a single car thats doing 108 by doing 110 for 3km of passing lane, and never making an attempt on the truck thats holding everyone up.
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Postby siren676 » Mon Nov 22, 2010 6:01 pm

Haha my car wouldn't be allowed to pass anyone then as it struggles to get to 140 going down hill :lol:
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