AC or windows open

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What uses more fuel?

Air Con
Driving with windows open.
Total votes : 52

Postby Malcolm » Thu Jan 20, 2011 8:59 am

RomanV wrote:The mythbusters segment on it isnt really right.

The efficiency difference depends completely on how aerodynamic your car is to start with.

If your car is like a big giant brick, then the percentage of difference that winding the windows down creates is small, where as it makes a higher percentage of difference on an aerodynamic car.

Hmmm not really, it's still the absolute change in drag that's important, regardless of how aerodynamic the car was to begin with. If you increase drag by say 1000N at 100km/h, then regardless of the total drag, you're going to have to generate the same amount of extra torque to overcome that drag to maintain a steady speed. I would think, however, that a nicely streamlined car is probably going to see greater flow disruptions from having the windows down than a dirty great brick which is already surrounded in shitty, turbulent air.

A rediculously easy way to tell, is to have a multimeter monitoring your injector pulse width.

If it's higher doing one thing or the other at the same speed, then there's your answer.

Yep, and even better, if you have a car with OBDII and stick a good scanner on there, you can view real-time fuel use, which will quickly tell you which is the more efficient.

Personally, I don't really like the feeling of conditioned air, and generally go for windows down unless the noise or wind is too disruptive. It helps that I have probably only owned one car where the AC worked properly anyway.
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Postby Adamal » Thu Jan 20, 2011 10:46 am

If it's hot, I'll wind down both windows. If it's humid, the A/C goes on.
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Postby cozmoid » Thu Jan 20, 2011 10:55 am

What the $&#$% is Air Conditioning?

I live in Dunedin!
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Postby 1I1 » Thu Jan 20, 2011 11:04 am

cozmoid wrote:What the $&#$% is Air Conditioning?

I live in Dunedin!

Isn't that Climate Air?
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Postby Alex B » Thu Jan 20, 2011 1:19 pm

cozmoid wrote:What the $&#$% is Air Conditioning?

I live in Dunedin!

Its that shit that defogs my windows in winter.
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Postby rollaholic » Thu Jan 20, 2011 2:25 pm

aircon at all times. $&#$% humidity in the ass with a big giant stick.

fuel usage can suck my balls
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Postby Akane » Thu Jan 20, 2011 5:10 pm

I find that kiwis hate aircon for some reason.

Aircon all the way in summer
and aircon as well in winter when it rains, to dehumidfy.
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Postby Al » Thu Jan 20, 2011 8:17 pm

Akane wrote:I find that kiwis hate aircon for some reason.

Aircon all the way in summer
and aircon as well in winter when it rains, to dehumidfy.

Yeah can't work out why.

Either they take it out for 'performance' which makes me LOL or they are too much of a jew to pay for the extra gas while using it.
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Postby 1I1 » Thu Jan 20, 2011 8:20 pm

There are plenty of cars that suffer from reduced power when air con is cranked on... though generally speaking those cars don't feature alot of performance to start with
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Postby Boosted_162 » Thu Jan 20, 2011 8:27 pm

My swift i didnt use a/c cos it did slow down :lol:
Skyline i have windows down most the time, if its really hot ill use a/c.

I mostly use it to demist the windows in winter.
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Postby ch4ng » Thu Jan 20, 2011 9:18 pm

Someone took the A/C out of my levin before I bought it so I wind be windows down
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Postby RomanV » Fri Jan 21, 2011 12:15 am

Malcolm wrote:Hmmm not really, it's still the absolute change in drag that's important, regardless of how aerodynamic the car was to begin with. If you increase drag by say 1000N at 100km/h, then regardless of the total drag, you're going to have to generate the same amount of extra torque to overcome that drag to maintain a steady speed. I would think, however, that a nicely streamlined car is probably going to see greater flow disruptions from having the windows down than a dirty great brick which is already surrounded in shitty, turbulent air.

Sorry, I didnt word that quite right.

If I recall, the Myth Busters article basically said that below a certain speed, windows down. Above a certain speed, aircon on & windows up.


Turning the aircon on, requires an additional amount of power to run, irrespective of speed.

Opening the windows, increases the drag, which increases exponentially with speed.

So increasing the total drag of the car does not change anything to do with aircon, but it changes the speed at which the aerodynamic drag from having the windows down, is equal to the extra power required to run the aircon. (the cross over point)


Since a more aerodynamic car has a higher percentage of increase in drag, the cross over point where you're better off running aircon would be at a lower speed.
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Postby tsoob » Fri Jan 21, 2011 11:19 am

I dont roll with ac anyway haha.

Maori AC all the way bro :D
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Postby Mad Murphy » Sun Jan 23, 2011 2:20 pm

love AC but nothing beats driving at 100 with all the windows down on a hot summers day :D
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Postby Adoom » Sun Jan 23, 2011 5:01 pm

1I1 wrote:There are plenty of cars that suffer from reduced power when air con is cranked on... though generally speaking those cars don't feature alot of performance to start with

I drove from Wellington to Orklund for BDO. It was relatively humid on the way up, so had the Aircon in "Economy" mode most of the way. Had to turn it off for the hills so I could hold my speed. If I left the AC on, the car would slow down, even in 4th with foot to floor.
I was getting about 16km per litre WOOT! :D

Problem with driving with windows open at over 70km is, talking goes something like this: "mumble mumble mumble...", "WHAT?", "I saimumble mumble mumble waffle airplane suck my board mumble mumble droooforgle mumble windy toaster spade...".... and so on.
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Postby S T E A L T H » Mon Jan 24, 2011 1:44 pm

AC permanently on although always set to 24 degrees,

usually light a smoke when I get into the car, wind the window down, by the time I've finished the smoke and put the window up again the temp is at a nice comfortable level

never could work out why just about everyone has theirs set to max cold temperature all the time. Easiest way to catch a cold during a hot summer.
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Postby ~SlideWays~ » Mon Jan 24, 2011 2:22 pm

S T E A L T H wrote:AC permanently on although always set to 24 degrees,

usually light a smoke when I get into the car, wind the window down, by the time I've finished the smoke and put the window up again the temp is at a nice comfortable level

never could work out why just about everyone has theirs set to max cold temperature all the time. Easiest way to catch a cold during a hot summer.

Wait... what?... you're worried about other people catching a cold but not about smoking knowing its bad (mmmk)?
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Postby RomanV » Mon Jan 24, 2011 2:36 pm

S T E A L T H wrote:never could work out why just about everyone has theirs set to max cold temperature all the time. Easiest way to catch a cold during a hot summer.

Except for that being cold, doesnt actually give you a cold. :P
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Postby S T E A L T H » Mon Jan 24, 2011 2:44 pm

~SlideWays~ wrote:
Wait... what?... you're worried about other people catching a cold but not about smoking knowing its bad (mmmk)?

"worried" would be the wrong word to use, can't say it keeps me awake at night . Just something that seems odd to me. Getting out of a 30 degree environment, into 18 degrees, then out again, then in again, ain't exactly healthy

cbf with the smoking argument :)
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Postby Bling » Mon Jan 24, 2011 2:48 pm

How many people do you know have died from getting into a car thats 18 degrees over the 30 degrees it is outside :lol: :lol: :lol:
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