STOLEN: 1995 Nissan 200sx WGTN

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Postby JustinSpiderholden » Mon Jan 24, 2011 12:54 pm

Sorry to hear, its a pity that Shit continues to breed with shit to create more shit
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Postby B1NZ » Mon Jan 24, 2011 7:13 pm

DFECTED wrote:It wouldnt have been a tow truck, these guys are so good it takes seconds to get into the car, minutes to get it going. Pop the bonnet, rip out the siren and put it in the boot of their car, find the alarm box which is always in the common places, join two wires together, brake the steering lock, hit the motorway out to the Hutt. Done.

Cars get stolen from there everyday, you are silly to park a car like that in a parking building, I got told once that your car will get stolen when you are not looking after it, so I be careful where I park.

A friends evo 6 got broken into down the road from there 2 weeks ago and the only thing that saved it was that it had two alarm boxes wired in together, one was in the common place and one was hidden up the dash. Very good idea but its over 1g worth of alarms.

Theres not really any point in owning a car if you have to worry about where you park it IMO, I had a WRX STI up until about 4 months ago and I used to park it in parking buildings, on the street in town at night etc etc... I had it insured for this exact reason and I knew the risks, this is one of the reasons to change to something a bit more boring and not attractive to thieves.

Why arent these building held more accountable, I mean if this is a common occurance would it not be prudent to at least install cameras to see who is driving in/out at least? Maybe foot patrols? I know other buildings in town do this?

To say someone is silly for parking in a car parking building is as silly as saying you shouldn't live in Lower Hutt because you will catch herpes :roll:
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Postby ~SlideWays~ » Mon Jan 24, 2011 8:07 pm

B1NZ wrote:
DFECTED wrote:It wouldnt have been a tow truck, these guys are so good it takes seconds to get into the car, minutes to get it going. Pop the bonnet, rip out the siren and put it in the boot of their car, find the alarm box which is always in the common places, join two wires together, brake the steering lock, hit the motorway out to the Hutt. Done.

Cars get stolen from there everyday, you are silly to park a car like that in a parking building, I got told once that your car will get stolen when you are not looking after it, so I be careful where I park.

A friends evo 6 got broken into down the road from there 2 weeks ago and the only thing that saved it was that it had two alarm boxes wired in together, one was in the common place and one was hidden up the dash. Very good idea but its over 1g worth of alarms.

Theres not really any point in owning a car if you have to worry about where you park it IMO, I had a WRX STI up until about 4 months ago and I used to park it in parking buildings, on the street in town at night etc etc... I had it insured for this exact reason and I knew the risks, this is one of the reasons to change to something a bit more boring and not attractive to thieves.

Why arent these building held more accountable, I mean if this is a common occurance would it not be prudent to at least install cameras to see who is driving in/out at least? Maybe foot patrols? I know other buildings in town do this?

To say someone is silly for parking in a car parking building is as silly as saying you shouldn't live in Lower Hutt because you will catch herpes :roll:

Man, I work in town so get my car stolen AND I live in Lower Hutt so I get the Herpes too!

On a serious note, I know exactly what you mean about worry all the time B1. I was paranoid with my old AE86 so I ended up buying a daily driver. Had been using an AE101 as a daily for years in town then I bought the 200sx as something a bit nicer but kept it standard so it wouldn't attract attention.

Only had it 6 months and its gone, haven't heard anything.

Now I'm stuck with the decision as to what to get for a replacement, do I get something decent and enjoyable to drive with the risk of some sonofabitch just taking it one day out of the blue? Or do I get something cheap so I don't have to worry but end up with something that bores me to death.

I was thinking about maybe a Euro R but unsure about the theft risk for one of these. If I don't get that then it'll be something cheap like a $3k Celica or something just to get to work.

What really gets me is that if I downgrade with the replacement it is all because of the fear of theft again, so the scum has won...
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Postby Dell'Orto » Mon Jan 24, 2011 8:19 pm

Buy a cheap shitter to run about in, and spend the rest on toys :D
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Postby Luke - BZG » Mon Jan 24, 2011 9:14 pm

As above, get a cheap daily runabout and keep your toy for the weekends.
or better yet a company car :)

I know it might cost more with rego and W.O.F's. But how much petrol would you save running an old 1.3 starlet or something compared to a turbo 200sx from the hutt to the city every day?
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Postby ~SlideWays~ » Mon Jan 24, 2011 9:38 pm

Luke - BZG wrote:As above, get a cheap daily runabout and keep your toy for the weekends.
or better yet a company car :)

I know it might cost more with rego and W.O.F's. But how much petrol would you save running an old 1.3 starlet or something compared to a turbo 200sx from the hutt to the city every day?

I'd save plenty on petrol but the girlfriend also drove the 200sx and isn't keen to go back to something gutless....which is awesome, but makes it hard to think of something suitable.

Only legal vehicle I have now is my '85 landcruiser which she isn't keen on driving through town because its a tank. I do have my 4agte Trueno but thats been on hold for ages now and isn't suitable as a daily anyway.

So if I get one cheap hack and another nice car its getting too expensive to maintain. That why I ended up getting the 200sx in the first place because I wanted something with a bit of performance but not too pricey so we could still take it to work.

I'm in two minds, either I find a sub $5k car that goes well enough and no theft worries or I get something like a Euro R for around 10k. I haven't tried one yet but they look like they'd be a good package, but then its probably a theft liability again.

Why the hell should I have to deal with this theft sh1t?

:? :? :?
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Postby Luke - BZG » Mon Jan 24, 2011 10:08 pm

~SlideWays~ wrote:Why the hell should I have to deal with this theft sh1t?

:? :? :?

Yup... that's the worst part, you shouldn't have to.

But with the new generation of theiving scum, and the pretty weak punishment for the crime (and a bunch of other reasons.) You do.
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Postby Mr Ree » Tue Jan 25, 2011 3:05 pm

Sorry to hear another car has been stolen in a carpark that makes millions of dollars a year.

I think anyone who runs a business that specialises in vehicle storage should have to meet certain security standards so that the customer knows that if their car is stolen, that there is footage of it that can be reviewed.

No care and no responsibilty :(

P.S A cheap daily is the best answer or a work wagon if you are as lucky as Luke ;)
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Postby Lurkin » Tue Jan 25, 2011 5:42 pm

hmmm. Not liking the bagging of parking bulidings. agree would be nice if they had security cameras etc. BUT they are providing a service at a price... compare the price of parking there to the inner city parks.. .errrr.... have been told it its mucho cheaper....

perhaps picking something with less theft factor would be better... hate to say it but perhaps silva's are a little too attractive to the 'backwards cap child drift crew'..... where I imagine the parts end up... people buy run about shitters for a reason - shopping trolleys/ minor accidents/ theft etc. etc only becomes a major issue when you have something a little 'nice'

what are you looking for from it? clearly you are looking for something more 'fun'... price range/ desireable attributes?
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Postby pc » Tue Jan 25, 2011 6:02 pm

Too true, owning a car that you like shouldn't be such a chore... which is why everyone should come down on known thieves hard, or pass details on to someone who will.
I say buy a car you like, insure it, and just enjoy the car. No point adjusting your lifestyle to work around scumbags.

And I think parking buildings should be bagged. A whole lot of money is being made with not a care for the customers at all.
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Postby Mr Ree » Tue Jan 25, 2011 9:45 pm

Roy wrote:hmmm. Not liking the bagging of parking bulidings. agree would be nice if they had security cameras etc. BUT they are providing a service at a price... compare the price of parking there to the inner city parks.. .errrr.... have been told it its mucho cheaper....

I wasnt meaning to come across as bagging them in my post, just stating the facts as I see them.

You are right, the stadium is cheaper than inner city buildings ( I often spent nearly $100 pw on parking at my last job) but the expensive inner city ones are another prime example in regards to not having enough cameras or taking responsibiltiy for a problem they have been aware has been happening for years, but have still chosen to do nothing about it. Its negligent at the very least, surely?

I think its called due care and responsibilty, and its something that all carpark building owners should be obliged to provide as more and more cars get stolen from carpark buildings rather than off the street everyday.

Sorry for the rant, I just think they need to take some responsibilty for the service they offer.
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Postby Lurkin » Tue Jan 25, 2011 9:49 pm

the answers pretty simple really.. so long as people continue to pay for parking that is without it they will continue to offer it. note that if you choose to accept such parking you are AGREEING to those conditions - and hence ratifying them.

However, fully appreciate the other side of the coin - -there is nowhere else to park....

mmm. bit of an ugly one really. Mind you - strange insurers aren't more interested....
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Postby Mr Ree » Wed Jan 26, 2011 11:18 am

Roy wrote:the answers pretty simple really.. so long as people continue to pay for parking that is without it they will continue to offer it. note that if you choose to accept such parking you are AGREEING to those conditions - and hence ratifying them.

However, fully appreciate the other side of the coin - -there is nowhere else to park....

mmm. bit of an ugly one really. Mind you - strange insurers aren't more interested....

You hit the nail on the head mate, there is nowhere else to park and boy oh boy, dont the carparking companys know it well.

I would hazzard a guess that 'most' people who park their cars in carpark building would be doing so with the presumption that given the huge price they just paid, that the buildings are full of cameras, and are monitored by security guards.

Its only when ones car is broken into that they find out that the company that has been charging a kings ransom everyday for years for impractically small car parks actually employs no security whatsoever.

The reason none of the parking companys have introduced new security measures is because none of the others have either, so they dont feel the pinch of competition and are entirely happy to continue along their road of providing a mediocre service.

As an example, If you park your car at a vehicle storage place at the airport, and your car is damaged or stolen, they are liable for your costs. Why then are carpark building operators not required to take the same due care and diligence with our vehicles?

P.S for the record, I only ever park my camry station wagon in carpark buildings if work required it, I would never park my weekend car in one as I know people walk around them all day stealing cars to order :(
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Postby ~SlideWays~ » Wed Jan 26, 2011 12:11 pm

EDIT: Does anyone know if ANY parking buildings in Wellington are secure?
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Postby 101dreamin » Wed Jan 26, 2011 1:31 pm

the reading one seems to be secure enough
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Postby ~SlideWays~ » Mon Feb 07, 2011 10:18 am

Not a whisper of a word on this so its well and truely gone. Probably stripped and body is a cube at some dodgey metal recyclers.

Insurance has paid out and a lesser car bought to replace it.

$&#$% scum bags.
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Postby neo » Mon Feb 07, 2011 11:16 am

~SlideWays~ wrote:EDIT: Does anyone know if ANY parking buildings in Wellington are secure?

Only a private carpark with only afew spots in it.. expect to pay big biscuits though.
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