st205 gt4 club > anyone keen

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Postby jbod » Wed Mar 02, 2011 6:56 pm

well said mike :D ! yeah okay if anyone has any cold water to poor don't bother. I know a decent hadfull of gt4 owners that i have just randomly met, so there will be others, i think its worth having a dedicate4d site that revolves aorund gt4s in nz where people can discus problems with theres, help each other out, etc similar to toyspeed but more refined as to the car. so far plenty of intrest, to all the others that havent don't hesitate to send me an email with your name etc to see whos keen, have someone lined up who has more than kindly offered to help build a site etc

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Postby ST205 GT4 NZ New Group A » Wed Mar 02, 2011 10:53 pm

1. 1994 NZ New WRC Red - Frank- 021 400 167
2. 1994 NZ New WRC Red- Stu
3. 1994 NZ New WRC Blue - Richard
4. 1994 Red- Red mist
5. 1994 JDM WRC- Tranquil
6. 1994 JDM Yellow - Simon
7. 1994 JDM Black NOW - anthony
8. 1996 JDM White - Clint/TRDGT4
9. 1996 JDM Grey- Tim
10. 1996 JDM Black- Tommy
11. 1996 JDM White - cromcruiser
12. 1997 Gun Metal Grey - redmist
13. 1997 JDM Dark green- Doug
14. 1998 JDM White-sergei
15. 1999 JDM Silver - Paul
16. 1997 JDM Black- Benj
17. 1997 JDM White- Tui
18. 1996 JDM Black - Tristan/OIUNO
19. 1994 JDM WRC Black - Brad/XS1V
20. 1996 JDM White - Mike/gt4dude
21. 1996 JDM Green - Jbod
ST205 GT4 NZ New Group A
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Postby MilfHunter » Thu Mar 03, 2011 11:29 am

I was hoping to find a Celica or GT4 club in NZ but no joy sofar.

Would be interesting to see just how many are left, most st185's are lookalikes and I havent seen another running st165 in the last 2yrs.

Sad to see a white st205 and a black st185 at P/A/P Otahu a few months back,
seems Sergei is right but both had negative body damage -
maintenance seems to have gone out the window thesedays

I saw 20+ MR2's cruizing through Riverhead a few weeks back, seems like
they've got it together
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Postby sergei » Thu Mar 03, 2011 12:47 pm

What would be great is some form of register where there is a track of GT4s registered in the club.
Yes, maintenance is huge problem in NZ. Cars are too cheap here for people to care. They drive them to death, even if it has problems (radiator split - No problem!, oil light blinking - No problem!). Service due? Drive another 20k and sell it on. Cambelt due? sell it on.
For most people GT4 is just another celica.
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Postby jbod » Thu Mar 03, 2011 7:00 pm

hey all, just thought id add, i no longer have the green gt4 (jbod) i have a silver one, and i have sold my white one to another young chap who i know will be keen. haha so for your data base you can change mine to silver (: . i have a friend who has collected up the no. plates of 42 or so st205's , and some of the engine numbers etc trying to make a database of the ones in circulation,

i do understand there are people out there that just abuse cars, but i notice the majority (and i mean the far majority) of st205s i see and have talked to have very knowledgeable owners that do look after them.. there will always be the odd one that doesn't.

now i guess the big question, i have had an email from a member who was kind enough to dedicate a site he has made, to gt4s, however the domaine name isnt suitable, but have talked to him and the domain names is about $40 nzd, and i think ten odd dollars a month to run.

so i was thinking, i am happy to pitch in, its a small cost but if we were to okay it all, would there be others out there that are happy to pitch in a couple of bucks to pay for a domain, get a site going etc.
i'm definately in :D
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Postby BlakJak » Sat Mar 12, 2011 7:36 pm

Miles out of date, but because this query kept coming up I wrote this many years ago:

I stopped updating it when I sold my ST185 (2004).
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Postby jbod » Sun Mar 13, 2011 6:57 pm

hey thanks for that. hmm unfortunatelly this topic has dulled down abit, which is annoying, i still maintain a heavy intrest in making a site but i need the help of others really, ie im intrsted in putting some write up stuff on them etc, helping wtih design etc, i dont mind putting in some money, but hmm if anyone is really keen ill need some help and comitment, it woul dbe excelletn to have one dedicated site
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Postby ®usty » Mon Mar 14, 2011 6:17 pm

could I just add, have a look through the stickied topics over on 6gc. As a lot is cover in them: how to' threads, model/technical info threads, discussion threads, part database. Also a lot more active members.
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Postby jbod » Mon Mar 14, 2011 7:04 pm

cheers rusty will have a look (: . okay all i have just spoken to a member who has contacted me and his put himself forward for a lot of the work, blo*dy good of him , To purchase the domain name, ie, is $40 or so, i am prepared to pitch in, each month the site will cost abit to run, so an annual joining fee would be necessary to keep the site up and running so we don't incur the cost, otherwise this idea will just fail. i'm not out to make money i just want a gt4 oriented site for nz, so who out there would be interested!? honestly who would be keen? id say $15 a year per person will cover the costs to run the site , it depends how many people join, the more the less it costs us all . there will be alot of effort put into this and countless hours to make it work at no charge to anyone, mearly the data usage fee. There's been plenty of intrest but everyone that is keen can you please leave a comment??and if enough takers we will start making it

please support !
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Postby DeeCee » Mon Mar 14, 2011 7:21 pm

domains are around $20 a year and hosting is dead cheap. I can provide hosting dependant on site size from free to a small nominal fee. $40 will get you 2 years of domain registration.

Not sure what you are trying to do that hasn't already been done with other global sites? A register is easy enough as it stands and that has already been done.

I would imagine that limiting to gt4 in NZ would be a very small community. 3sgte is possibly a better community?
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Postby ®usty » Mon Mar 14, 2011 7:38 pm

or even celicas in general?
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Postby DeeCee » Mon Mar 14, 2011 7:52 pm

Well taking into account Ryan's attempt at 5th gen celica's that was a very very small community which ultimately died. Overall, while it is fun to start a community, it takes a lot of work to make it work and endure. It is a high level of commitment and while I don't mind helping a little, I've been through this before and it's amazingly hard to keep it up.

Not trying to be overly negative, but NZ is a small enough place that Toyspeed is actually a reasonably sized community that caters enough for the toyota enthusiast locally. Not too much going, on but enough that something is always going on.
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Postby Sideros » Mon Mar 14, 2011 9:53 pm

Where do you get domain name registration for $20 a year?
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Postby DeeCee » Mon Mar 14, 2011 9:54 pm
my hosting is through them as well. But I may be looking at godaddy as it is even cheaper :)
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Postby Sideros » Mon Mar 14, 2011 10:04 pm

know anyone (nz or overseas) that provides full webhosting with exchange hosting?
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Postby DeeCee » Tue Mar 15, 2011 6:52 am

no sorry and we're way off topic
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Starting a GT4 NZ club

Postby TOYGT4 » Tue Mar 15, 2011 11:01 am

I'm keen. :D

On my third long term 185, andkeen to meet up with and discuss them and the 165-205 with others who have a passion for them...

BTW, anyone got a spare set of 205 brake calipers for sale? :?:
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a good site for inspiration

Postby TOYGT4 » Tue Mar 15, 2011 11:06 am

oh btw, an AWESOME site for gt fours in general, (and one I visit often; and used to be a member of untill the language barrier made it a bit difficult) is
It's a Swiss site I think but has possibly the highest calibre gtfours on the net. :wink:
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Postby jbod » Tue Mar 15, 2011 7:47 pm

ohk hmm something to consider, hmm well i will be blunt, st205's are my real intrest i find them real intresting, my goal is to make a gt4 forum, maybe goes into other celicas, im not sure, but my intrest really is set on gt4s. I have got some help from a member who is really dedicated and am going to start with the site, we are sorting out hosting etc now, i dont mind trying to make this site with just us two i really don't but the more support the better, if it fails it fails. I know nz has a small amount of gt4s, under 50 st205's, and idk how many st185s and 165s..the point in the site is to kind of keep the intrest in them alive, otherwise these cars will just become less and less, older an older, run down ones will be scrapped ra ra maybe a site will keep them going, idk

am starting some mock ups tonight :D
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Postby Scottie » Wed Mar 16, 2011 7:46 pm

jbod wrote:under 50 st205's

Wondering where you got this number?
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