What's the worst kind of zombie, fast or slow?

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What's the worst kind of zombie, fast or slow?

Poll ended at Thu Apr 21, 2011 9:48 pm

Total votes : 30

Postby ~SlideWays~ » Thu Mar 24, 2011 3:51 pm

xsspeed wrote:lol, I remembered our discussions in said thread, searched but alas could not find it. Obviously someone with moderating powers should have had the forsight to sticky such scritical information. :lol:

Yeah I should have kept a copy, it was pretty good :lol:

Think Offtopic stuff is deleted to save space, which is fair enough since TS is hosted for free. Well at least I think it still is.
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Postby Mr Revhead » Thu Mar 24, 2011 3:51 pm

~SlideWays~ wrote:Think Offtopic stuff is deleted to save space, which is fair enough since TS is hosted for free. Well at least I think it still is.

Correct on both counts
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Postby Konvic Nz » Thu Mar 24, 2011 3:54 pm

What about zombie animals? im using the idea from the resident evil series, mutating into faster, stronger over time. Wouldnt want to be in africa near the wild animals 8O
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Postby xsspeed » Thu Mar 24, 2011 3:57 pm

~SlideWays~ wrote:
Mr Revhead wrote:Do you read the fire manual when there's a fire?
No, you should KNOW these things!

You don't log onto TS Offtopic to see if anyone else has had a fire before?

Am I supposed to search for past fire experiences or do I start a new thread?
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Postby Silent Knight » Thu Mar 24, 2011 3:58 pm

Konvic Nz wrote:What about zombie animals? im using the idea from the resident evil series, mutating into faster, stronger over time. Wouldnt want to be in africa near the wild animals 8O

If/When that happens then you will inevitably have an 'Alice' whom has sampled said virus and mutated into pure awesomeness instead of a wild unrecognisable animal.

In that situation I strongly recommend that you find your 'Alice' or little black african person of awesomeness and lach yourself onto him/her side like a leach... so you you're always protected!
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Postby ~SlideWays~ » Thu Mar 24, 2011 4:01 pm

xsspeed wrote:
~SlideWays~ wrote:
Mr Revhead wrote:Do you read the fire manual when there's a fire?
No, you should KNOW these things!

You don't log onto TS Offtopic to see if anyone else has had a fire before?

Am I supposed to search for past fire experiences or do I start a new thread?

Search first obviously. Otherwise you'll get told off for not searching if you start a new topic, along with links to 'Fire AND Putting AND Out AND 4agte' by someone else who has done the search for you to prove how easy it is.
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Postby h8wrxs » Thu Mar 24, 2011 5:30 pm

The four seasons in Australia consist of "$&#$% it's hot", "Can you believe how $&#$% hot it is?", "I won't be in today because it is too $&#$% hot" and "Yes, the dinner plate size spiders come inside to escape from the heat."
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