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Postby gt4dude » Tue Apr 19, 2011 9:54 pm

what turbos power you guys st205s?
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Postby MrOizo » Tue Apr 19, 2011 9:56 pm

Saw a red ST205 WRC(?) in Palmerston North yesterday. Well it had the bonnet spoiler on it. Didnt get too close to have a look.
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Postby Prymal » Sat Apr 23, 2011 11:25 pm

mine and franks are the only red NZ new Group A's in red ..

Theres only 4 of us now who own genuine NZ new ones, a silver one , franks and mine , and richards blue one ..

The rest are imports..
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Postby Dell'Orto » Thu Apr 28, 2011 8:50 pm

How does one differentiate between WRC and normal GT Fours? Saw today what I think is an NZ new WRC
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Postby DeeCee » Thu Apr 28, 2011 11:16 pm

easiest way is diff ex manifold shield. ... s_list.htm
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Postby Dell'Orto » Thu Apr 28, 2011 11:33 pm

Didnt get a chance to look under the bonnet, but it had the raised wing, bonnet wing, leather and 280kmph speedo. Also had headlight washers, dont think I've seen them on a ST205 before
1988 KE70 Wagon - Slowly rusting
1990 NA6 MX-5 - because reasons
2018 Ranger - Because workcar
1997 FD3S RX-7 Type R - all brap, all the time
OMG so shiny!

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Postby gt4dude » Fri Apr 29, 2011 1:15 am

To spot a NZ New one is easy,

They're all 1994 models.

They're all in Auckland.

The silver one is owned by some old guy, isn't a member of forums. His plate is GT4WRC.

The rest is either Rich, Prymal or Frank. And the white one is crushed at Pickapart and is already molten steel.

Before I begin, 180Kph speedo, WRC exclusive bonnet spoiler, WRC exclusive steel wheel ct20b and lack of leather is a Japan thing. All export models (Ie, UK,Euro,Aus,etc) had steel wheel ct20b and bonnet spoilers, Hell all Euro ST202's have bonnet spoilers. Most of those export models also came with leather.

Now to what you saw.

There are some NZ new 1997 models floating around, ridiculously priced. They have bonnet spoiler, leather interior, 280kph speedo, but a 3 post 1996 spec low wing. Add a 1994 bootlid with the drilled holes for a 2-post spoiler, add WRC riser blocks and you have a very genuine lookalike of a GT4 WRC.

The only thing you would be missing are the antilag and water spray & injection components which are disabled and of not much use anyways.

There's also a couple NZ new 1994 (Non WRC models) GT-Four floating around. I saw a red one on trademe not so long ago, It didn't have leather seats but did have a 280kph speedo. It had a bonnet spoiler but had a regular 2 post non-risen 1994 spoiler.

So the 5 Group A cars sold in NZ were separate to what Toyota designated to NZ.

But we also established that the 5 Group A cars which were from the Aus delivered batch were not part of their 77 individually numbered and plaqued Group A Rallye cars sold there.

I particularly think those 5 WRC cars were meant to be here all along as part of the 2500 sold worldwide to satisfy homologation, but just not marketed as such.
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Postby Dell'Orto » Fri Apr 29, 2011 11:34 am

Ah yep, is just an NZ new one then...had the face lift alloys, but did have the 2 post wing.
1988 KE70 Wagon - Slowly rusting
1990 NA6 MX-5 - because reasons
2018 Ranger - Because workcar
1997 FD3S RX-7 Type R - all brap, all the time
OMG so shiny!

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Postby Prymal » Fri Apr 29, 2011 7:44 pm

And mines the only one to wear the group A rallye badging , as i was given it by toyotas technical manager when they investigated my St185 Group A replica being built .. He offered me it with a heap of opther group A related stuff to put onto the 185 ..

When i got offered my NZ new St205 , it waa the first thing to go on ..

And yes , ive also tried searching for info regarding if ours came from the australian allocation , and the answer was no , none of our chassis numbers are recorded by toyota Australia.

I had thought about commissioning Toyota NZ to see if we could have our own version of the plaques made to distinguish the remaining last 4 as the genuine items as well :)
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Postby XS1V » Sat Apr 30, 2011 6:13 pm

You mean like this one? 8)


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Postby gt4dude » Sun May 01, 2011 3:03 am

Fake!!! Haha

Hows the 205 goin Brad? Won't you show me some time.

Is that the same black as Toyota use factory? Colour 202?
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Postby XS1V » Sun May 01, 2011 10:17 am

Haha yes it is a copy, a pretty good one may I add but at least its on a genuine car 8)

Yup factory painted and looking good! Will bring it over next time im there, its all in one piece but still lots to do.

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Postby Prymal » Sun May 01, 2011 4:05 pm

Awesome job on the decal brad - i know franks keen to get one for his , as should richard ;)

Also - still trying to track down your IC bracketry , the guy in OZ soold on his car to another fella in WA , and ive been tryign to contact him to get the bit u need ..

The engines coming out of prymal in the near future , once i have a new house to rent , so i can get the other bits u needed as well ..

I have one genuine Group A badge left in my bits , but thats most likely needed for after prgets a respray .. Just unsure of which colour i should do the old girl in ..

Oppinions - original boring red , or somehting a litle more Spicy and special ( considering the drivetrain is being overhauled as well ? )
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Postby Prymal » Sun May 01, 2011 4:10 pm

Actually - thats a thought - anyone up for a small Gt4 meet on a weekend soon - Id like to catch up with u guys ( aucklanders ) before i start stripping down prymal - bring it out one last time before i cant drive her for a bit ..

just a note - the paints looking a bit ordinary ( considering its the horrid factory red ) , thats what happejns for 3 years having been stored outside of a garage .. Hopefully the new house will change it and she'll be mint for the rest of her life
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Postby gt4dude » Sun May 01, 2011 4:18 pm

If you're really keen on the whole "Theeeee original GT4 Group A Rallye car" then the original 3L2 colour.

3L2 looks nice when its fresh, it's only when it's been in the sun for 15 years it looks a bit pink and ugly.

I think over time, these GT4's none will be original anyway, and even if they are, replacement parts like CT20b is hard to come by.

So the whole WRC thing... most remaining GT4s will have higher specs than that anyways.

I got custom T28 manifold and downpipe now so I have the whole T25/T28 Nissan silvia aftermarket at my fingertips, I can choose any turbo from 2860 to 2876, even a cheap silvia factory t25/t28 if i need something cheap and quick to get up and running
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Postby gt4dude » Sun May 01, 2011 4:21 pm

202 black and 040 white are my favourite Celica colours
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Postby Prymal » Sun May 01, 2011 4:32 pm

ya - my CT20B popped 4 years ago , the WRC anti lag gear was doneated to Brad for his projects, and i run a frontmount now so shes a little bit off 100% original already ..

I know the limitations of most of the car thats no longer on the car , but i have made efforts to keep the rest as original as possible in the event that someone wants to buy it back and " original restore it " again - for example tim hoping to use the matching numbers block , in the rebuild .

If it has cracks then a gen4 block is already waiting in the wings.

Its kinda a hard ask - its done 250 thousand K's on its original engine and gearbox , I dont think anyones really gunna put their hand up to buy it to restore it to original , when id most likely get more enjoyment making its as grunty as possible, and a really head kicking St205 like all of them should be.
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Postby gt4dude » Sun May 01, 2011 5:25 pm

I'd be keen on like a cruise and a bbq or something, My battle scared GT4 should be up and running by next weekend with a new snail and a whole new attitude.

The quick brown gt28rs jumped over the lazy ct26.

Winter drag wars starts May 15, I'm interested in getting a timeslip for my car, if anyone else is keen to convoy down and get one for theirs too
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Postby Prymal » Mon May 02, 2011 12:41 am

hehe , my old lazy ct26 powered 185 still cant be topped by a Gt28rs ;)

Poor guy in Oz i know has been trying for 4 years , to try and match its performance with similar means and got close but no cigar ;)

The grey thing was a freak for power :)

hes resorted to a stroker engine now , and other mods to topple it ;)
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Postby gt4dude » Mon May 02, 2011 8:52 am

Ahh don't try to disappoint me!!

My CT26/T04e hybrid took an extra 3-4psi to make the same power as a ct20b, also took the darn thing an extra 1200rpm to get into the same powerband as a ct20b.
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