Transporting airbag equipped steering wheels

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Transporting airbag equipped steering wheels

Postby Mr Ree » Thu Apr 21, 2011 8:23 pm

Hi everyone,
I have an airbag equipped steering wheel that I need to send to Australia but I know that NZ post wont send it via air freight due to it being considered dangerous goods.

I have been in contact with lots of freight companies but havent had many replies as of yet. Im more than happy to send it surface/sea mail but just cant seem to find the info I need or what companies carry DG's.

If anyone has any info in this regard, I would appreciate it alot.

Thanks :)
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Postby UTERUS » Thu Apr 21, 2011 9:10 pm

Don't tell anyone what it is, send anyway, profit.
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Postby Dell'Orto » Thu Apr 21, 2011 9:14 pm

UTERUS wrote:Don't tell anyone what it is, send anyway, profit.

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Postby Mr Ree » Thu Apr 21, 2011 9:15 pm

UTERUS wrote:Don't tell anyone what it is, send anyway, profit.

Considered that, but having already had a steering wheel returned to me and having been warned by customs earlier in the year, I cant bring myself to knowingly break the law when, to be honest, its there for a pretty good reason.

Not sure how well I would sleep at night if a plane happened to fall into the tasman and they said it was from an explosion in the baggage area (I know its highly improbable but I would rather do it by the book to avoid the guilt)
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Postby Kiwi-Corolla » Thu Apr 21, 2011 9:24 pm

UTERUS wrote:Don't tell anyone what it is, send anyway, profit.

Not such a good idea. They'll see what it is when they x-ray it and they could arrest you for trying to get an explosive device onto an aeroplane, label you as a terrorist and throw you in jail. Ok, maybe the last part is a bit extreme, but it's still not a good idea to falsely or inaccurately declare what's inside the package, especially when it has the potential to injure people and/or endanger lives ;)

My understanding is that the airbag has to be inside a small cage in order for it to be shipped, even via sea freight. I was looking into sending a Levin BZ-R airbag steering wheel overseas a while ago, but I ended up having to send a non-airbag pre-1995 Levin BZ-G steering wheel instead. The only other option was to send it without the hornpad/airbag.
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Postby Simon K » Thu Apr 21, 2011 9:30 pm

When I started working with Pace, one of the Post Metroliners blew apart inflight :?
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Postby FLAWLES » Thu Apr 21, 2011 9:50 pm

sea freight

go talk to a freight forwarder
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Postby Mr Ree » Thu Apr 21, 2011 9:56 pm

Thanks guys, have been emailing lots and lots of freight forwarding companies dice as of yet.

NZ post werent remotely interested in advising me on the next best port of call so its a slow process getting the info
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Postby Jdawg » Thu Apr 21, 2011 10:21 pm

Can it be dismantled?
The Subaru ones can so you can ship the wheel without the disk or pack the disk seperately in a steel box
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Postby Mr Ree » Thu Apr 21, 2011 11:47 pm

I can definitely dismantle it, I just dont think sending it seperatly makes it any less dangerous in the eyes of the authorities.

The problem lies in declaring what it is. If I lie and get caught, its HUGE fines and threats of short stints in the clink. So it has to be declared as what it is and thats where I run into issues haha.
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Postby Sideros » Thu Apr 21, 2011 11:53 pm

Put it in a thick steel container. something that will not allow it to expand beyond the containers size if it goes off. Then airfreight it! Might be expensive due to weight though!
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Postby Sideros » Thu Apr 21, 2011 11:54 pm

Why can't you declare them as steering wheel components? Do you have to specifically state "steering wheel airbag"?
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Postby Sick Puppy » Fri Apr 22, 2011 12:56 am

Mr Ree wrote:Thanks guys, have been emailing lots and lots of freight forwarding companies dice as of yet.

NZ post werent remotely interested in advising me on the next best port of call so its a slow process getting the info
That's because NZ Post workers are largely useless. There are a few on to it, but not many... :S
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Postby Mr Revhead » Fri Apr 22, 2011 10:15 am

Lol yeah I remember the hassle I had in sending some shock absorbers to Aussie. Pressurised gas so they didn't want to take them.
Turns out the pressure inside shocks is under the limit they allow on planes, but I had to research it and send off documentation in order to get the ok :?
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Postby strx7 » Fri Apr 22, 2011 11:07 am

there is a company in auckland who we have used to freight airbags sets across the tasman. Sailex shipping.
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Postby Mr Ree » Fri Apr 22, 2011 12:10 pm

strx7 wrote:there is a company in auckland who we have used to freight airbags sets across the tasman. Sailex shipping.

Thanks alot for the company name, Shane. Much appreciated

I will contact them after Jesus has had his day in the sun and see what they say :)

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Postby Mr Ree » Tue Apr 26, 2011 4:31 pm

strx7 wrote:there is a company in auckland who we have used to freight airbags sets across the tasman. Sailex shipping.

Hi Shane, would you happen to still have their contact details anywhere please? I have hunted high and low on google but cant seem to find anything apart from an address. No email or phone numbers listed.

Cheers in advance for any help you can offer :)
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Postby Girvs » Wed Apr 27, 2011 10:23 am

Reith from the small amount of time I looked I found these sites for you to try

Not sure if they do small goods, but you don't know unless you try.
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Postby Mr Ree » Wed Apr 27, 2011 11:57 am

Thanks Girvs, Ive emailed pretty much every single freight company I could google. But have had all but no replies.

Most will just put it in the "too hard basket" and ignore the email, rather than a quick reply saying, sorry but no we cant ship it for you.

Hopefully I can contact Sailex and have some joy.

Cheers anyway pal :)
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Postby gurutasker » Wed Apr 27, 2011 1:01 pm

Most freight companies aren't interested in one-off LCL cargo.
You're better to see if you can go through a company like DHL and have it couriered, they should have sections who are used to dealing with Dangerous Goods. However the cost would probably out-weigh any profit you make.
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