Ps3 died......

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Ps3 died......

Postby chen » Thu Nov 10, 2011 11:50 am

As the title says my ps3 just died on me.
Gave me the YLOD and now im really pissed off.
Does anyone here know where i can get it repaired in CHCH??
All other repair services are based in North Island.

Thanks all
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Postby crispy'86 » Thu Nov 10, 2011 12:00 pm

Just did a quick search and a place over in Avonhead popped up: Alex computers, they say on their website that they repair PS3's so maybe an option. Here's their website
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Postby chen » Thu Nov 10, 2011 2:22 pm

Yea ive tried calling him but he sound pretty dodgy.......
i mean most places ive tried are asking for $200 and this guy only askes for $100.

Too dodgy if you ask me.

Unless someone else has used his service beofre i really dont want to take the risk
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