by CAMB01 » Mon Nov 21, 2011 7:48 pm
In my experience ive seen bits of engine end up in some very strange places when some catastrophic has happened. Ive seen exhaust valve heads sitting by the throttle butterfly after the valves contacted the pistons.
1993 Mitsubishi EVO 1 Racecar
1998 Mitsubishi Mirage ZR Asti Mivec (Daily Whip)
1989 AE91 FX-ZS (Previous)
1994 AE101 Levin 20v (previous)
1992 EE90 Corolla Sedan (previous)
1986 AE82 FX-GT Corolla (previous)
1989 AE92 FX-GTZ Supercharged (previous)
1992 EE90 Corolla Hatchback (previous)
Custom Works Automotive