JZZ-30 R154 Clutch issue

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JZZ-30 R154 Clutch issue

Postby evil_evo » Sun Sep 14, 2014 7:44 pm

Hello All,

I have just clutch replaced on my JZZ-30 R154 with following:

Factory clutch kit from Toyota (minus the flywheel) - cover assy, disc assy, bearing bal, spigot bearing

Machined the existing flywheel.

Now every time I reverse I can smell clutch burning, this happens when I reverse, moving forward I don't smell anything.

Does anyone knows what could be the issue?

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Re: JZZ-30 R154 Clutch issue

Postby thegreatestben » Sun Sep 14, 2014 9:30 pm

Did you ensure all surfaces were clean and free from contaminants?

How long has it been since you did the job? Your pedal may need adjusting.
I would check its holding on a steep hill or (on a closed/private road) indulge in some o's.
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Re: JZZ-30 R154 Clutch issue

Postby Grrrrrrr! » Sun Sep 14, 2014 10:10 pm

Forward or reverse makes no difference to a clutch, its all the same. Put her on stands and look for something rubbing on the drive shaft or back of the gearbox.
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Re: JZZ-30 R154 Clutch issue

Postby evil_evo » Sun Sep 14, 2014 11:28 pm

thegreatestben wrote:Did you ensure all surfaces were clean and free from contaminants?

How long has it been since you did the job? Your pedal may need adjusting.
I would check its holding on a steep hill or (on a closed/private road) indulge in some o's.

Job was done about 1 week ago, got the car this Friday and I always park by reserving. I have owne few manual cars but this the 1st 1j and not sure how to resolve the issue. I will do what you suggested and also will be calling the mechanic.

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Re: JZZ-30 R154 Clutch issue

Postby evil_evo » Mon Sep 15, 2014 3:53 pm

So according to the mechanic, he said I am slipping the clutch. This is what he said since R154 is a Pull type transmission it engages around 3/4. So I did the following on my driveway while parking:

Put the car in to reverse, took my foot of the pedal slowly till it starts to roll backwards then I throttle it. As I start to throttle the car it does shutter (must be doing something wrong here?).

Is what is the right thing to do? Yet then I can smell the clutch burning.

Do note that I do have Nissan which does have a push type transmission (must be). While reversing I do not face any issue mentioned above. I always parked the car in reverse. So to me I need to get my driving style adapted to this new pull type transmission.

Need some advise on how to drive with Pull type transmission, so I don't slip the clutch causing any further damage (I do realize that this a noob question, I should already know this after owning about 6 manual cars!).

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Re: JZZ-30 R154 Clutch issue

Postby allencr » Mon Sep 15, 2014 8:25 pm

It takes a lot to generate any smell, sure it's not coming from somewhere else?

evil_evo wrote:So according to the mechanic, he said I am slipping the clutch.

As I start to throttle the car it does shutter (must be doing something wrong here?).

So if he said you're slipping the clutch like someone who's never driven before, then he must be right.
Shutter/shudder/judder is caused by the PP grabbing the clutch disk unevenly, there is nothing you can do that can cause this unless it is really caused by bad motor and/or drivetrain mounts and that is still nothing the driver can cause or control.
Don't know WTF push or pull type transmission could possibly be but Idoubt that it affects the clutch!
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Re: JZZ-30 R154 Clutch issue

Postby Mr Ree » Mon Sep 15, 2014 8:28 pm

The clutch shuddering could be because its new and needs to bed in properly.

When I rebuilt my R154 and put in a new clutch, it juddered terribly in reverse and was impossible to drive smoothly for the first few thousand kms, now its silky smooth.
wak thud gush!
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Re: JZZ-30 R154 Clutch issue

Postby Crucible » Tue Sep 16, 2014 7:51 am

Sounds like hes referring to a pull type clutch as found in wrxs etc. Release bearing locks into the p/plate and pulls to release.

Shudder etc is caused by uneven clamping as Simon mentioned. At the end of the day clutch smell is caused by slippage and overheating the clutch plate. Try driving in first then go straight to 3rd and bury it, does it slip?
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Re: JZZ-30 R154 Clutch issue

Postby evil_evo » Tue Sep 16, 2014 9:30 am

Thanks guys, I will try that. However only thing I do not understand why does it only happen when I am reversing? This doesn't explain the way I am driving or is it?

I do not smell any thing when I drive the car and park up as normal, however when I park the car by reversing I start to smell the clutch burning.

This is very strange to me that is.
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Re: JZZ-30 R154 Clutch issue

Postby allencr » Wed Sep 17, 2014 5:38 pm

evil_evo wrote:...reversing I start to smell the clutch burning. This is very strange to me that is.

Rear brakes stinking hot, it's the only time you're going into the fragrance rather then driving away from it?
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Re: JZZ-30 R154 Clutch issue

Postby Looonie » Wed Sep 17, 2014 10:08 pm

Do you reverse park on the flat or on a slope?

Is your foot maintaining any pressure on the clutch pedal while you're reversing or is it completely off?
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