Toyota Workshop manual help ?

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Toyota Workshop manual help ?

Postby Glenn » Sat Oct 03, 2015 5:32 pm

Hi guys, I'm having trouble finding a downloadable PDF manual for my daughters car. The cars a 2000 Corolla Fielder Z series
Model code ZZE123 Engine type 2ZZ-GE 1800 cc. Someone might also have a friendly Toyota auto tech mate ?
BTW... I'm an Automotive technician and have my own business.... please don't tell me to check spark plugs.

The vehicle runs perfectly HOT.... cold , from starting off it lags,no misfire or cutting out, then all of a sudden accelerates. This happens with light, medium and full throttle operation. No fault codes are present on either my 4 year old IScan II scanner or my new Autel Maxsys scanner.
I have replaced the MAF sensor... no change. I'm looking for correct data to check out temp, TPS & O2 sensor info

Any help would be much appreciated and maybe I could help with your BMW, Audi, VW or Merc
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Re: Toyota Workshop manual help ?

Postby Dell'Orto » Sun Oct 04, 2015 9:54 pm

Worth checking the resistance of the CTS?
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Re: Toyota Workshop manual help ?

Postby Glenn » Mon Oct 05, 2015 5:05 am

It's not fly by wire though
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Re: Toyota Workshop manual help ?

Postby sergei » Mon Oct 05, 2015 8:50 am

Sounds like coolant temperature sensors (as stated above).

If scan tool reports coolant temperature make sure it actually matches the real temperature.
Alternatively you could simply measure resistance (with sensor disconnected) or voltage (with sensor plugged in) and see if temperature matches this graph:
Edit: here is the PDF for Bosch sensor (should be very close to Denso):

There is another possibility, the MAF you replaced has same problem - dirty, if second hand of course.
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Re: Toyota Workshop manual help ?

Postby Glenn » Mon Oct 05, 2015 4:22 pm

Sorry I was googling "Toyota CTS" which relates to FBW throttle pedal instead of CTS= Coolant temp sensor :lol:
The Maf is a new Denso unit... not a Bosch one
Thanx for the temp graph sergei I'll try that check. Funny thing is...after replacing the Maf sensor it played up the next day (Saturday) and I drove it hard in manual mode and it hasn't played up since. I'll keep driving it and see what happens. I've got a bit of time up my sleeve with my daughter being in Japan
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Re: Toyota Workshop manual help ?

Postby sergei » Tue Oct 06, 2015 12:16 am

Glenn wrote:Sorry I was googling "Toyota CTS" which relates to FBW throttle pedal instead of CTS= Coolant temp sensor :lol:
The Maf is a new Denso unit... not a Bosch one
Thanx for the temp graph sergei I'll try that check. Funny thing is...after replacing the Maf sensor it played up the next day (Saturday) and I drove it hard in manual mode and it hasn't played up since. I'll keep driving it and see what happens. I've got a bit of time up my sleeve with my daughter being in Japan

It is probably best to reset ECU when replacing MAF sensor so it relearns quicker.

Regarding Bosch, I was saying that the coolant temp sensor is very close/same as Denso. MAF sensor will be (as anything else on Toyota) a Denso unit. There is simply more information on Bosch stuff.
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