Well, here is another update with no solution.
Ran a compression check. All cylinders appear to be at 150 +/-. Seems low to me, but workable.
Removed the upper timing cover and moved the crank to 0. Both cam gear marks lined up with the back of the timing cover. This motor also had a timing belt done to it before, based on the additional purple markings on the cam gears.
This is what the plugs look like after about 50 something miles. Sorry for some blurry pics, but they all looked about the same.
And here is my previous emissions readings. My last check had about the same results.
Also had my friend rerun an emissions test and the motor is still insanely rich. I averaged 10 mpg out of the last tank.
And here is a recap of everything else done with no changes in behavior.
-Replaced coolant sensor
-Replaced TPS
-Replaced MAP
-Replaced ECU
-Replaced O2 sensor
-Added fuel pressure gauge. At idle, reads 35 psi.
-Ran a fuel rail flush/injector cleaner
And as a quick summary of car:
-ST165 with Caldina engine
-DP from prime mr2
-eBay exhaust
-Walbro FP
-Straight intake
-Some random grounds added to the block
Are there any other sensors I should look at or any other troubleshooting I should be trying? Anyone have any electrical infor where I could verify data coming in and out of the ECU and sensors? Just frustrated cause she drives great and pulls hard(for my experience) but is running too rich.