by Muzzie » Thu Sep 02, 2004 5:59 pm
Ok, heres the receipt basically. What they did, cost of some things blah blah.
Dismantle - Clean & Inspect
Cylinders - Rebore and Hone
Conrods - Check & Retunnel Rod Tunnels
Remove Pressfit Pins, Align & Reassemble Rods/Pistons
Main Bearings - Check, Fit BRG, Line/Bore Tunnels
Camshaft Bearings - Fit Shells Line/Bore
Crank Grind/Polish - Straighten Crankshaft & Crack Test
Surface Grind - Clylinder Head/manifold & Cylinder Block
Assembly - Final Clean, Fit Shaft, Pistons, Frost Plugs, Timing Cover/Pulley, Flywheel, Sump & Head/Tappets
Dismantle, Clean, Decarb Head
Clean & Resurface - Valve Tips
Reface - Seats/Narrow Seats
Cut/Fit - Valve Seat Inserts
Check/Bore/Fit - Valve Guides/Chamfer
Red Light Crack/Pressure Test - Head/Block Repair Plugs
Lap Valves, Clean, Assemble Head
Oil Pump - Recondition
Rocker Shaft - Dismantle, Clean, Reassemble
Rear Heater Coil Leaking In Van - Bypassed
Replace 12 Heater Hoses Under Van, Source Parts Via Repco/Toyota/Appco & Modify To Suit, Modify Cambelt Tensioners & Idlers Due To Lack Of Parts
Parts Supplied
Timing Belt Kit - $19.34
Idler Bearing - $22.52
idler Bearing - $25.98
Ring Inserts - $36.00
Frost Plugs - $20.01
Oil - $35.00
Oil Filter - $12.40
Lifters - $71.24
Thermostat - $27.27
Sealers/Antifreeze - $35.00
Heli Coils - $5.00
Cam grind - $56.00
Tensioner - $18.74
Radiator - $170.00
Engine Test - $470.58 (looks like test)
Grommet - $11.00
Air Cond - $160.00
A/C Belt - $13.70
*something I cant read writing* - $8.89
Fan Belt - $19.00
Spark Plugs - $16.00
Head Shim - $32.92
Heater hosesx12 - $72.00
Hose Clampsx8 - $16.00
Something like that anyways. Done at 202,767, now has 234,443 on it.
I just wasn't sure about the Cambelt thing.