Wipers parking - or not as the case may be...

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Wipers parking - or not as the case may be...

Postby DrTiTus » Wed Sep 29, 2004 2:59 pm

After a year and a bit without a warrant and rego on my FX I decided to bite the bullet and get my sh*t sorted...

All went well, except that I got failed on my wipers not parking at the bottom of the windscreen.

Because I'm a TiTus :P, I decided I would fix it myself instead of taking it to a bloodsuc- err, mechanic/autosparky, and I was wondering where I should start looking...

From what I understand, the wiper motor mechanism (can be removed from under the bonnet?) has some sort of contact on it, which may be dirty and preventing conductivity which would keep the wipers going until they park...

I had a quick look and it doesn't seem that much is exposed from there...

Also the relay clicks off/on when the wipers are in Intermittent mode, but this problem sometimes goes away (like 4 times in the last 3 years :P) so I figure this might be a dodgy connection as opposed to a completely fried timing circuit... I can make a new relay timing circuit if required, parking is the only warrantable issue.

The relay is in the steering column area, not under the bonnet, so I can get to that no worries, but I was wondering if anyone can vouch for my understanding of the wiper motors/contacts, and whether you can simply undo the 3 bolts holding them in, give them a wipe, and away we go, or whether its a lot more complex than I assume...

I don't want to undo the 3 bolts, and hear the wiper motor drop inside the firewall area, and end up wiperless completely... :P

I would "RTFM", but I don't own one :)

Maybe someone has a manual for an 85 FXGT that they want to scan/photocopy the wiring diagram/wiper section and send me? :)

Thanks for any help :)

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Postby kingcorolla » Wed Sep 29, 2004 3:54 pm

-take off the 3 bolts..

-replace the whole fukn thing

dont fukk around with the curcuit diagrams and shit.. fuk that. just pik one up for 5 bux and save yourself some hassle dude 8)

but if u WANT to fix it, go ahead.
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Postby 3T-Rona » Wed Sep 29, 2004 6:32 pm

I fixed the same problem on a corolla/corona last week, the problem was in the wiper/indicater stalk on the steering column. The quickest easiest fix was a replacement from the wreckers for $25. if i doesnt fix it take it bak to the wreckers and pull the ole 'oh i got the wrong body number' and they'll give bak ur cash..... hopefully
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Postby DrTiTus » Wed Sep 29, 2004 6:52 pm

Yup, I came home from work, and had an experiment, and that is the case with mine - I can hear the relay clicking off when they reach the bottom - the problem now is how do get the stalk out!?

heh, I looked for ways to take off the steering wheel to give me room, but -shrug-

theres this black structure of plastic which is screwed to the metal frame which I can see is blocking the removal, but I can't for the life of me take the thing apart.

Does anyone have a manual? o_O

I'm gonna "fix" the circuit, instead of getting a new unit - this one is 'almost' working, I'll just botch the circuit to make it work :P if I could get it out :/
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Postby 3T-Rona » Wed Sep 29, 2004 10:17 pm

is it a standard steering wheel?
if so the horn 'button' pops off with a bit of force (feels like ur gonna brake it) the top of the steering column cover has 4 screws from underneth and the bottom cover has 2 screws from under also.
the stalk cluster should un-plug from the base-ish of the steering column and the cluster its self should have 4 screws holding it to the steering column, remove these and off it SHOULD come :D :D :D
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Postby DrTiTus » Wed Sep 29, 2004 11:53 pm

Aww sweet dude, saviour - yeah I wanted to pop the horn off, but I didn't wanna bust it - my mate had an FX as well, and his steering wheel had no horn cover - I figured someone must have done what I had feared :)

Thanks for the response, I'll get on to it tomorrow afternoon :)

Awesome :)
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Postby Sanxta » Thu Sep 30, 2004 12:42 am

for some unknown reason, wipers that don't work perfectly annoy the $&#$% outta me!
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Postby Muzzie » Thu Sep 30, 2004 3:03 am

Sanxta wrote:for some unknown reason, wipers that don't work perfectly annoy the f**k outta me!

I second that. And it's for that very reason that i barely use mine. It can be hailing and i'll be the only vehicle without the wipers on and I can see better than every other twit on the road with the wipers on full.

Quite funny really.
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Postby 3T-Rona » Thu Sep 30, 2004 6:28 pm

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