4AGE corona conversion

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4AGE corona conversion

Postby Pelo » Thu Oct 14, 2004 6:25 pm

Right, I am bored with the pitiful lack of power in my 84 ST150 grandpa corona. They came out with 4A-C motors... how difficult would it be to bolt in a blue/red 4AGE in place of the 1S? Change the mounts and all set?

I have a list, is there anything missed off?
engine mounts
gearbox - driveshafts to use?
Twin carb manifold (WEBERS :D ) or stock EFI?
return fuel line and GE pump
No PS/AC/electrics - loom adapter plug?
Recon brakes or fit GT rolla spec brakes+master cylinder/booster?

I could buy a short block and fit my head if its in alright condition, or a bare tall block and add all the bits, or rebuild my motor, just for the experience... hmmm

I have a budget of $1k, a running 4AGE in an MR2 parts car with rooted bearings, and a bicycle!
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Postby Lloyd » Thu Oct 14, 2004 6:35 pm

Would be a lot easier to drop a 3SGTE in I would imagine, assuming you can find one for a decent price
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Postby rxtoy » Fri Oct 15, 2004 2:00 pm

if its got a 4A-C in it then its not an ST150 corona unless its already had a conversion. i'm guessing that the 4A-C is actually a 1S-GE and if it is then a 3S-GE conversion would be the easiest way to go with mounts and stuff. i've got a mate (cr1mnl) who's dropped a 3S-GTE into his corona wagon (a bit later model but same engine mounts) and its a pretty expensive and long term project way to go. the non turbo one's seem to come up fairly often at pick a part and it would be easy to get hold of the loom and all the associated stuff to get it into the car, you'd probably have to spend some time (or money) extending and shortening all the wiring to suit, and i'm not sure how well it would interact with the car's existing wiring loom. you could always transfer the whole loom and dash cluster from the donor car.

to be honest its not the sort of project i'd take on, it would be expensive and pretty damn time consuming and you'd never get your money back, there's just too many corona's of that vintage around.

you could always buy your old EX lancer back, its for sale on trademe at the moment (that is, of course if you're the same pelo from nzmmc?).

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Postby Pelo » Fri Oct 15, 2004 6:37 pm

It has a 1S carb'd in at the moment and according to the owners manual and the factory repair manual it came with 4A, 4A-C, 1S, 1S-E, 2S, 2S-E and 2C motors?
True I hadn't thought of a 3S-GE. Main reason for a 4age is that I already have a (bung) motor.
Ha the lancer curse continues it looks like the same condition as when I sold it! Hmmm...
So is it more trouble than its worth to change the engine mounts 1S-->4A and "drop in+rewire" a 4AGE?
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Postby RS13 » Sat Oct 16, 2004 12:45 am

I wouldn't bother.

What are you really after? a fun RWD car? I've been in a couple of 1S ronas.. they go hard! a 4AGE, unless its had big money spent on it, wouldn't give much more gain. I would sell everything, save some money, and buy something with the motor already in it.

But I spose, if you really love the car, and have the spare time and money, anything is doable. It sounds like you've got everything you need, I would personally stick with stock EFi, carbs are hard to tune, but sound great. Have you checked the gbox mount? is the K50/T50 one different?

I'm pretty sure, as the MR2 4age is basically the same as FWD.. you'd need a rwd manifold and waterpump/lines? And is the 1S gbox cable or hydro clutch? Say, $200 for a manifold, $200 for the waterpump and piping, $300 to replace the rooted bearings, another $200 to freshen the motor up (cambelt, plugs, gaskets etc.) bits and pieces to wire it up $100.

And thats your $1000 gone. $50 gearbox mount fabrication, $100 for driveshaft setup, $150 for donor brakes off another car, $50 for new pads and freshen up.. maybe another $150 to get the hydro clutch setup.. and now, you have a runner. You go for a phat down the road, get pulled up by a bastard cop.. no cert! Add $350. (and the $200 for driving an unwarrantable car! :D) And then, 2 weeks later, you blow your diff. Add $50. So far, we're up to an estimated $2100 on a car that you could only ever sell for $1500, on a good day. I know, cos I've made this mistake FAR too many times, and have lost a LOT of $$ that I could've spent on something that had it all in the first place!

Anyway, hope this helps.
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Postby rxtoy » Sat Oct 16, 2004 12:16 pm

st150's are fwd
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Postby kingcorolla » Sat Oct 16, 2004 12:40 pm

i gotta mate with a mint st140, Heres a pic..
thats gotta 1S-U, and it does go hard, we just put some twin 40mm dellortos on it, plus a straight through exhaust. good car.

but this thinks a whale pretty much, if u wanted to do a motor swap, you would probably need something quite torquey to get good noticable gains. the factory 1S was 1800cc, which is needed. I wouldnt want to "upgrade" to a 1600...

st150's are different tho, but a 3s swap is probably your best bet, if youor keen to go through with it.
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Postby Pelo » Sun Oct 17, 2004 2:57 pm

Yeah waste of time I guess just a passing idea... now how about getting my Lancer back HMMMMMM...
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Postby rxtoy » Sun Oct 17, 2004 7:11 pm

if you do then give me a yell, i've built myself a 4G63T lancer so i know them pretty well. shouldn't be too hard to get it running right.
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Postby Chickenman » Sun Oct 17, 2004 9:01 pm

Turboing a corona is NOT a waste of time..... helped ruin my life but I still firmly believe that it's a good thing to do :D

Looking out the window I can see the grass getting longer :roll:

*edit* $3500 and counting for mine..... actually it's a $&#$% silly idea :lol:
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Postby dohca » Wed Oct 20, 2004 10:22 am

i acctually have a car very similar to that.

tt141 corona with a 3t-eu

they go pretty well, handle ok too

more or a tow/skid car really

are you still looking at doing this conversion? do you want to sell ur car?

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