i recently bought a 2-door ke70 wagon. when i first got it i drove it around for about 2hours with the battery light on (thinking the alternator would be charging the bat, so i ignored it). a few days later i got in the car and it just went 'click' as i was starting it.. i figured the alternator or battery must be rooted. so i went and bought a new alternator yesterday and me and a few mates put it in and jump started it. it's a mission to get it started, it will just sit there with the starter motor going and nothing happening but if i pump the gas a little bit it sometimes starts. when its going though it sounds like it is going to cut out every 10 seconds (didn't do this when first got it), sounds like a rotor, shakes the whole car like nuts and the battery light is still on
what is the reason for this? is the belt not tight enough? or was the alternator not the problem?
and the battery light, does that turn on if the bat is flat, or its not being charged?
any help would be appreciated, thanks