Lumpy cam installation

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Lumpy cam installation

Postby miss_ae111 » Thu Feb 17, 2005 12:45 pm

Hey, got a race cam and hardened valve springs.. Puttin them in my 4k this wkend. Um does anyone have any tips to help me out??
Also i need a 4k repair manual either to borrow or photocopied. Can anyone help?
Do I have to re-tune my carb?
Much appreciated thanks
Amelia :)
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Postby Dell'Orto » Thu Feb 17, 2005 12:55 pm

If its the stock carb still, you want to get something decent to take advantage of the more aggressive cam.
If you've never done one before, just take your time, and remember the 6 C's of basic mechanics - Clean, clean clean, check, check, check ;)
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Postby RS13 » Thu Feb 17, 2005 1:11 pm

Heh, you need a manual to take a 4K apart? :wink:

Honestly, they are the most basic engine EVER, thats why polytech use them for students to practice on! Just make sure when you pull it apart you make timing marks etc, to know where things go back on.

If you're gonna drop the hot cam in, it'd probably be worthwhile getting a 3K head installed to bump the compression up. And, as was mentioned before, a good cheap mod is using a 1300 escort carb, with an adaptor plate to fit it to the 4K manifold. Then, you might wanna hunt around for some extractors for the 4K.. honestly, you'd be spending $200 tops for all these mods. They go pretty hard in the right car, I had a bog standard 4K in my stripped KP60, it beat my mates twincarb Prelude until about 80kmh! Awesome wee motors.

Anyway.. HTH! :D
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Postby miss_ae111 » Thu Feb 17, 2005 2:34 pm

I dont need a manual to know how to pull it apart.. it would just be useful for tappet & timing setting etc.. and it would be helpful for actually putting it bak together incase i do fuk up!

Haha yea the 6 'C's will be very helpful thanks!!
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Postby solberg Fan » Thu Feb 17, 2005 3:07 pm

Ive got a simple Gregorys book on the ke70. Dosnt have tappet settings, but ive got a worked cam in my 4k aswell. Engine builder said 0.013" cold for both intake and exhaust.

Is it a new cam?
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Postby z|gen » Thu Feb 17, 2005 5:09 pm

miss_ae111, have a look on club-k forums under the k series specs, i recently posted up specs etc, everything you need to know, if theres anything else, iv got every spec for all the k series engines except the 7K, but il be getting them soon, plus most of the manuals for ke corollas.
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Postby RedMist » Thu Feb 17, 2005 6:00 pm

Couple of questions before you "chuck" a cam in the 4k.

Is it a reground cam? IE do you need longer valves or different rockers?

Is the cam already timing set? IE do you need a vernier? What timing is it set to? Will you need to offset the cam timing by a tooth?

Will valves hit the pistons? Should you do a cycle of the engine with playdough on the pistons, just to check?
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Postby Virtual Genocide » Thu Feb 17, 2005 10:21 pm

You should also get the cam followers and rockers re-surfaced or the cam lobes etc can ware very quickly.
Most engine reconditioners can do this pretty easily.

You will probably have to "re-tune" your carb but it may run alright if you just fiddle with the ajdustments. But i'd look at getting somthing better than the std carb, sidedrafts for example. Although people have made good power with the std carb.

Do you have any spec's, duration, lift etc? How do you know its a "race cam"? If it is re-gound the tappets will need to be adjusted to the specific hight it was ground for.

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Postby miss_ae111 » Fri Feb 18, 2005 9:38 am

Its a kelford mystery stick. Its a proper race cam apparently! I got some twin side draught webbers for it now. Ive been put off 'chucking' it, im gunna wait til my ke20 is goin and ill take my ke30 off the road and fully rebuild the engine. Sounds much safer!!!!
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Postby Virtual Genocide » Fri Feb 18, 2005 10:37 am

If you've got sidedrafts then you'll need to get them tuned to work the best with the cam and to do that you will need to know the specs :)

AFAIK all kelford cams have the grind number stamped into the end of the camshaft, but if it is a "mystery stick" it may not. I'd have a look and give kelford a ring.
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Postby craigt » Fri Feb 18, 2005 9:09 pm

You will need different tappet settings for your new camshaft.
Dont just go and use factory settings!
You need to talk to Kelfords before you do anything!
If it doesn't fit, force it.
If it breaks it needed replacing anyway!

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Postby kingcorolla » Fri Feb 18, 2005 10:41 pm

bah you guys are high maintainance. You could do it 'properly' or you could do it the 'K' way.

Just 'chuck' the cam in, keep the rockers, pushrods etc. Glaze the bottom of the pushrods with vaseline. Set the clearances to "small wiggle". If the cam has too much lift for the arms, put some 5mm washers under the rocker base, or try 3k pushrods.

To put the valve springs in, all you need is a spark pug socket, a hammer and a bit of patience. (or some v spring removers :roll)

Pm me amelia if you need any other tips.
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Postby 85AW20v » Fri Feb 18, 2005 11:17 pm

Just go round and help her kingcorolla!!!
See ya

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Postby miss_ae111 » Mon Feb 21, 2005 8:12 am

Yea come round and help me kingcorolla!! Haha im not gunna do the cam yet. Ive decided to get my ke20 on the rd first.
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Postby kingcorolla » Mon Feb 21, 2005 9:47 pm

yea id be keen as to give ya a hand.

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