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Postby fivebob » Wed Mar 30, 2005 11:35 pm

Dr-X wrote:Going back how car? Japanese importing is becoming more and more uncommon, and I seriously doubt that these day, only 25% of cars are NZ new.

I have access to later figures which show the same ratio but they're not available on the net, however you can see from January 2004 that even then they only made up 30% of the new registrations and that was relatively unchanged from 2003.

Seeing as the vehicle fleet in NZ has an average age of 7 years and a larger number of the older vehicles are Jap imports (at one stage NZ New only accounted for around 10-15%) then NZ New has not been the majority for a very long time, and most certainly isn't the case now.
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Postby vvega » Wed Mar 30, 2005 11:39 pm

fivebob wrote:
Dr-X wrote:Going back how car? Japanese importing is becoming more and more uncommon, and I seriously doubt that these day, only 25% of cars are NZ new.

I have access to later figures which show the same ratio but they're not available on the net, however you can see from January 2004 that even then they only made up 30% of the new registrations and that was relatively unchanged from 2003.

Seeing as the vehicle fleet in NZ has an average age of 7 years and a larger number of the older vehicles are Jap imports (at one stage NZ New only accounted for around 10-15%) then NZ New has not been the majority for a very long time, and most certainly isn't the case now.

gotta hate it when someone brakes out the real facts and compleatly $&#$% a really great fictionally based arguement

damm u fivebob was just starting to get good :D


Postby Mr Revhead » Wed Mar 30, 2005 11:43 pm

man thats not fair, using real facts in a debate instead of made up stuff!!

dr-x, i was using that as an example of tuning to suit nz fuel.
dont be so defensive!
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Postby ROBODISCO_20v » Thu Mar 31, 2005 7:41 pm

Dr-X wrote:.... Now consider they car in question is a carby, eg not computer managed. But then, it doesnt really appear Robo has any idea what he's talking about. 'Yeeeah broooo, 96 maaaan, meeeeaaan performance and sweeeet economy brooooo'

These cars are not carb'd they run single point injection, which looks like a carb to the untrained eye. And it has a computer running it too. what do you think this car has points ignition :?: retard! These cars run electronic ingtion etc. Dr X you just keep making yourself look more & more stupid every time you open your mouth/type.
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Postby Dr-X » Thu Mar 31, 2005 7:51 pm

Nissan 1.5L twin cam, carb engine and the compression ratio is 9.5...

Those are the details I'm working from. I havent seen the engine and have no idea what car it's in. I dont know where you got your information from. I also dont know what kind of idiot could possible mistaken CPI for a carby.
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Postby ROBODISCO_20v » Thu Mar 31, 2005 8:18 pm

Well i work in a parts shop so it's my job to know about cars. I could tell you that the engine in question is a GA15DS which is a 1500cc twin cam running single point injection. Nissan dont make a twin cam carby engine. The older GA15 single cams came carb'd & inj. The only other version of this engine is the GA15DE which has multi point injection.
Mechanics who have been working on cars longer than you've been alive still mistake CPI for carbs. They just have a quick look under the hood and asume its a carby. Easy mistake to make when its covered by a large air filter housing.
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Postby Adamal » Thu Mar 31, 2005 11:46 pm

Anyway, in regards to the engine:

So it's either NOT carb'ed, but is twin cam, or is NOT twin cam, but is carb'ed.

If it's 1500cc, could also be a B13 engine if carb'ed. But thats going back :)

If thats the case, 91 should be fine on that. Engine will run smother on 96 though, less chance of detonation under load.
In general, a higher octane fuel will be better for your engine.
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Postby Tablets » Fri Apr 01, 2005 8:16 am

Adamal wrote:Anyway, in regards to the engine:

So it's either NOT carb'ed, but is twin cam, or is NOT twin cam, but is carb'ed.

If it's 1500cc, could also be a B13 engine if carb'ed. But thats going back :)

If thats the case, 91 should be fine on that. Engine will run smother on 96 though, less chance of detonation under load.
In general, a higher octane fuel will be better for your engine.

yep i wouldn't run anything but 96. peace of mind bro peace of mind. its like the difference between running $15 4L oil or magnatex
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Postby mr pad » Fri Apr 01, 2005 3:10 pm


My g/f's mums car has that motor, provided its the one im thinking of the GA15DS. The jap sticker on the fuel cap says 98octane.
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Postby Inane » Fri Apr 01, 2005 3:33 pm

Dr-X wrote:This is still incredibly uncommon, because cars these days are engineers to be incredibly versatile. There's this rediculas myth floating around that just because the car is made in Japan, it wont like anything below 96. Almost all cars out of Japan (and certainly the car in question) will happily run on 91 without pinging at all. They dont engineer these cars thinking "oooh, we'll design it so if you run on anything less than 96, it'll ping itself to death".

lol Dr-X sometimes I cant tell if you actually believe what you say,
or if in fact your intellect is much higher than it appears and you say all these things to stir people up.

unfortunately I belive it is the former.

so with that in mind,

How about you prove your theory Dr-X, go out.
Buy a Caldina GTT.
Run it on 91 for a Month.

my prediction is " it'll ping itself to death"

no they dont design engines to ping themselves to death on inferior fuel,
but thats just a stupid position.

why would you design something to account for something its not designed for?

running a car on 91 which is designed for 98 is just incomprehensible for me.

why would you run a car on the WRONG fuel.
why would you think that a new modern car would handle and run well being run on the WRONG fuel?


the idea you would expect something to be totally fine running on the wrong fuel upsets me so much I'm finding it hard to illustrate the... ARRGH!
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Postby mr pad » Fri Apr 01, 2005 4:16 pm

Hes not completly wrong, you could easily run a caldina on 91 if you retarded the timing, it just wouldn't go as well. My mate has run his 3sgte on 91 for over 3 years now, he rapes that car.
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Postby Mr Revhead » Fri Apr 01, 2005 4:19 pm

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Postby Inane » Fri Apr 01, 2005 4:19 pm

mr pad wrote:Hes not completly wrong, you could easily run a caldina on 91 if your retarded....

its great the difference an "R" makes.
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Postby mr pad » Fri Apr 01, 2005 4:30 pm

Haha true that. I've tried telling him..... :roll:
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Postby DEVILE » Fri Apr 01, 2005 10:53 pm

hahahaha this sort of arguing cracks me up ....a simple saying to live by DR X, i f you don't know what you're talking about don't argue with people that do as it just makes you look like more of an ignorant fooll than you do already.
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Postby slighty_sykotic » Fri Apr 01, 2005 11:54 pm

Dude. Re-read what you just said DEVILE, and try to type it again...slowly..

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