removing cat convoter

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Postby Zero_Cool » Fri Apr 08, 2005 6:28 pm

cats needed for a wof soon? dam its hard enough getting one as it is they fail you on every thing!!!
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Postby Adamal » Fri Apr 08, 2005 6:33 pm

Really? My car never seems to have any trouble.

Last thing I had when I went in to do my car was that my headlights were too dirty (Being popups, how was I to tell?). Clean in 5 minuites, all good.

I couldn't believe it when I went for a drive that night. I was wondering how I was driving the way I was out my way with them in that condition!
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Postby Xyrath 86 » Fri Apr 08, 2005 7:09 pm

ahhh, the joys of dodgy wofs LOL.
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Postby matt dunn » Fri Apr 08, 2005 7:16 pm

1998 wrote:And don't think you can get away with gutting it a putting it back on. They actually take a reading as to your emmisions.

That was not actually the reason i recomended putting the empty case back in. It was to give the exhaust a decent sound.

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Postby sergei » Fri Apr 08, 2005 11:28 pm

then most of NZ new stuff will fail !!! most of them don't even have an oxygen sensor (not speaking of cat)... there will be a lot of hassle,
Basically another rediculous law from ignorant goverment that we have...
Do you see smog in NZ? or get Acid rain? and probably will never have - its the god damn ISLANDS!!! everything is blown thru by wind from sea...
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Postby Adamal » Fri Apr 08, 2005 11:31 pm

What are you talking about? EFI engine's have O2 sensors. Carbie stock engines don't. It's not a matter of being NZ new or not :?
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Postby sergei » Fri Apr 08, 2005 11:39 pm

NOPE they dont! EFI doen't mean it has to have OX sensor, and check many NZ new cars don't have, I used to own a camry it didn't, my mate has Corolla GTi - it doesnt, and if you specifically look under bonnet most of early 90 late 80, NZ new cars, don't have Oxygen Sensor or Cat, because theywere designed for shitty NZ fuel at that time (tetra-ethyl-lead)
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Postby Mr Revhead » Fri Apr 08, 2005 11:40 pm

with ULP you need cats. the cancer rate in this country is gunna go through the roof cause of the govs negligance
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Postby Adamal » Fri Apr 08, 2005 11:46 pm

My SW20 is NZ new and has a cat and O2 sensor.

So how does an EFI engine tell if its running too lean or rich without an O2 sensor?
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Postby sergei » Fri Apr 08, 2005 11:46 pm

oh, also some of the carbies have OX sensors and CAT, so ox sensor/cat doesnt mean its has to be on EFI engine
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Postby matt dunn » Fri Apr 08, 2005 11:49 pm

sergei wrote:NOPE they dont! EFI doen't mean it has to have OX sensor, and check many NZ new cars don't have, I used to own a camry it didn't, my mate has Corolla GTi - it doesnt, and if you specifically look under bonnet most of early 90 late 80, NZ new cars, don't have Oxygen Sensor or Cat, because theywere designed for shitty NZ fuel at that time (tetra-ethyl-lead)

Correct, which is why most NZ new toyota manuals do not list fault code 5 which is oxygen sensor, cause they do not have them.
Apply's to all NZ new AE82 fxgt's especially. They have an mixture adjustment screw the Jap ones dont, and the jap have the oxy sensor that the NZ new ones dont.

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Postby sergei » Fri Apr 08, 2005 11:59 pm

NZ new/Australian ECU's have learning option disabled, also they lack knok sesnor... anyway thats applies most cars till early '90s, later ones might have cat and ox, because NZ switched to ULP...

BTW most cancer cases in NZ are Sun/Smoking/Alcohol related, also bad gentetics....

and Ozone Hole always been there, it just gets bigger thanks to humanity, but it will always be more (and was more) sun's UV radiatoin near south magnetic pole ( for same reasons we don't see polar lights in the sky)
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Postby Mr Revhead » Sat Apr 09, 2005 12:22 am

yes those are major causes, now cancer from exhausts will rise.

you can see the southern lights here...
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Postby TRDWGN » Sat Apr 09, 2005 7:59 am

best solution is to get a small resonator fitted up with flanges that match the cat so if and when (I know it is to become compulsary but they have been promising this since about 2002!!) you can easily replace it.

The cat is probably the single biggest restriction in the entire exhaust system although it doesn't alter the sound as much as people think, yes removing it does increase the noise but not by much, removing the resonator down line of the cat will make a huge difference in noise, but it is straight through so no real advantage in removing it...

If you are interested in buying a whole exhaust i will be selling mine in a few weeks, it is a 63mm mandrel bent Fujitsubo system, the cat has been replaced by a little resonator, and the rear muffler has been replaced by a N1 style cannon style straight though muffler. It is loud enough to be heard and slightly too loud for me in my old age although it is well and truly legal and have never had any police or wof issues. It is definitely not tinny, raspy or other and yes it pumps out flames on upchanges quite nicely!!!! :wink:
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Postby fx gt » Sat Apr 09, 2005 8:50 am

TRDWGN wrote:best solution is to get a small resonator fitted up with flanges that match the cat so if and when (I know it is to become compulsary but they have been promising this since about 2002!!) you can easily replace it.

The cat is probably the single biggest restriction in the entire exhaust system although it doesn't alter the sound as much as people think, yes removing it does increase the noise but not by much, removing the resonator down line of the cat will make a huge difference in noise, but it is straight through so no real advantage in removing it...

If you are interested in buying a whole exhaust i will be selling mine in a few weeks, it is a 63mm mandrel bent Fujitsubo system, the cat has been replaced by a little resonator, and the rear muffler has been replaced by a N1 style cannon style straight though muffler. It is loud enough to be heard and slightly too loud for me in my old age although it is well and truly legal and have never had any police or wof issues. It is definitely not tinny, raspy or other and yes it pumps out flames on upchanges quite nicely!!!! :wink:

how much are u selling it for?would you sell with out the muffler at the end,and wats it of
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Postby TRDWGN » Sat Apr 09, 2005 9:05 am

I would be looking for around $350 for the complete system.

t is currently on a AE111 Carib BZ Touring so will fit any AE101/111 without modification
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Postby fx gt » Sat Apr 09, 2005 9:07 am

o well,i got a ae92 4age so yehh
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Postby bad20v » Sat Apr 09, 2005 5:15 pm

I recently redid my exhaust system from the cat back, with a new resonator and mandrel bent stainless piping back to a N1 muffer. In doing so I removed the cat and gutted it completely and welded a piece of straight pipe through it so there's no restriction at all. A month later I went for a new wof, and they tested the emissions and they can back fine. So I guess so long as your cars engine is serviced regulary, e.g: changing/cleaning filter, plugs, injectors and oil, and is running well, you should be ok without the cat fitted.
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Postby Lloyd » Sat Apr 09, 2005 5:26 pm

sergei wrote:oh, also some of the carbies have OX sensors and CAT, so ox sensor/cat doesnt mean its has to be on EFI engine

Ummm.... why exactly would a carby engine have an oxy sensor? So the computer which it doesn't have can say to itself that its running lean and cant do anything about it anyway?
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Postby matt dunn » Sat Apr 09, 2005 7:41 pm

HRT wrote:
sergei wrote:oh, also some of the carbies have OX sensors and CAT, so ox sensor/cat doesnt mean its has to be on EFI engine

Ummm.... why exactly would a carby engine have an oxy sensor? So the computer which it doesn't have can say to itself that its running lean and cant do anything about it anyway?

Dont know. Have a look at an import AE85 trueno or levin.
The have a carburettor, and oxygen sensor, and an ECU in the LH Kick panel.

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