V1 Radar

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Postby snwtoy » Sun Dec 25, 2005 9:34 am

Those reviews can say what they like about the technology in the V1, but the fact remains - the directional arrows on it are priceless.
Until the others get those, V1 is still the best.

I must buy a new v1 next year ! bloody thieves.
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Postby vhpacer » Sun Dec 25, 2005 10:01 am

Emperor wrote:
vhpacer wrote:I dont no who to trust :)

Autocar magazine seems to think differently


Third reveiw down

Is that laser turned off though?
If the cops left the lasers on all the time, sure you the V1 might pick it up. But cops can turn it on just as you get to them.

I'm probably wrong.

There's an easy solution for speeding tickets, don't speed.

But it picks them up when they are zapping other cars in front/behind you

What mode do you people have your V1's on?

L,R or that little L thing?

Whats the best one for NZ?
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Postby beeker » Sun Dec 25, 2005 10:11 am

Emperor wrote:
vhpacer wrote:I dont no who to trust :)

Autocar magazine seems to think differently


Third reveiw down

Is that laser turned off though?
If the cops left the lasers on all the time, sure you the V1 might pick it up. But cops can turn it on just as you get to them.

I'm probably wrong.

There's an easy solution for speeding tickets, don't speed.

Cops dont leave their finger on the trigger. Its a bit like a gun, aim and shoot. There is no option for full time on. The beam is very narrow, and needs to be targetted to a specific vehicle. As such, there is little splatter (unlike radar) and as its only turned on once a vehicle is identified, in range, and ready to be speed tested, your chance of getting an alert from a car in front is very very limited.

Net result, laser is a very good speed test tool for the police. They can pick out a car from within a group of vehicles with ease. Ideal for motorway use.
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Postby CozmoNz » Sun Dec 25, 2005 11:29 am

so in short, dont buy a radar, simply buy a "number plate removal kit" tool, and a nos kit (or boost controller) :D.
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Postby slighty_sykotic » Sun Dec 25, 2005 3:37 pm

vhpacer wrote:

But it picks them up when they are zapping other cars in front/behind you

What mode do you people have your V1's on?

L,R or that little L thing?

Whats the best one for NZ?

No it doesnt, LASER IS VERY NARROW. Very seldom do you get a warning from other cars before it hits you.

And mine is set to A, for all boogies, snice there is bugger all false alerts, i want to know about ALL threats snice 99% of the time its a cop, i don't want to wait a bit as the V1 tries to decide if its a false alarm or a threat.

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Postby slighty_sykotic » Sun Dec 25, 2005 3:37 pm

Plus i only have Ka, and laser turned on. Of course.

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Postby slighty_sykotic » Sun Dec 25, 2005 3:39 pm

And for the 3rd reply...

Interesting side note, those trailers that read your speed are on K band... So my V1 ignores it, surprised me a bit when i went past one and my V1 didn't react.

So went past it again with K enabled, and sure enough, went nuts as soon as I came around the corner onto that road (about 1km from the trailer).

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Postby Rumad » Wed Jan 04, 2006 1:02 am

got a V1 myself (not PoP2 tho) and have yet to be let down by it... have managed to scrub off sum pretty serious speed before they've managed a 'lock' (remember, it needs TWO bounces in order to record a speed, in order to tell the distance you've travelled between bounces, hence how it works out your speed). was travelling down the motorway xmas nite and got targeted. speedo read a bit over 120kph, and didnt get ticketed for it (so can only assume i was under their 110kph threshold). still got pulled over cos car i was driving belongs to disqualified driver, so wasnt like it was laziness or anything... Also tend to agree about the arrows :) Dam priceless those things!! and as far as i know, all the other radars on the market just tell you that 'something' is there, dont tell you 'how many' threats there are. has been handy a few times (Weymouth Rd at early hours they are EVERYWHERE!) for instance when theres been one sitting at the BP servo, and it has picked up one thats been further down the road BEHIND me. two seperate threats that i would hav otherwise just assumed were the one sittin at the servo as i drove past. found the range is bludy fantastic too!! V1 is my bestest friend, no more crappy Uniden, etc. Wouldnt touch Uniden (even new) with a 10ft barge pole! Put the V1 side by side with a mates BRAND spankin new 'GPS' model Uniden just to see how they went :) bout 3 TIMES better distance coverage and sensitivity!!!! Needles to say my mate took his back, asked for a refund, and a week later had a V1 hangin off his windscreen, lol PRICELESS! Still giv him a lil stick about it, cos i told him to go Valentine in the first place, haha :)

Havent had any issues with laser, always picked it up sweet as, and hav definitely been over the limit (not by much tho) a few of those times, so still hav faith in it. Hav had a bit of chatter between mine and some of the Unidens i must say, but only when they are RIGHT behind you, and easy to figure it out cos cops will usually show as a weaker signal as they approach, whereas the 'chatter' is instant full strength. Would be interested to do a side by side comparo against the Bell models tho, c how they fare :) Anyone got a Bell?
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Postby Rumad » Wed Jan 04, 2006 1:14 am

just curious btw... how does the 'city mode' operate on all the other radars? what does it alter in the way they operate? cos thats one other thing that the Valentine has (purposely??) left out of their list of features :\

I have heard rumours that it adjusts the range that it picks up signals from, but this seems dumb cos if a cop can pick you up from 1km away as you find your merry way down a nice long stretch of suburban tar seal, then it makes sense that you would want to be able to pick HIM/HER up from the same sorta distance.

Anyone else hav an alternative explanation/theory on how these modes work? :) Must be sum reason why? Similar reasoning to why Dynatron alarms tend to avoid 'shock'sensors' and prefer the glass break or microwave ones instead cos of all the b/s false alarms u get cos of them. Reliability and accuracy... Makes sense really :)
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Postby Rumad » Wed Jan 04, 2006 1:22 am

oh yea, pretty sure the Valentine is the only radar to offer full 360 degree protection (not sure if it is actually proper 360 or just uses signals front and rear to determine threats 'passing by', but i think it actually said it on the packaging from memory, and it hasnt failed me so far)

Just lookin at the Bell product, does it cover radar and laser front and rear? cos i dont see any sensors on the display side of it :\ Just curious...
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Postby vhpacer » Wed Jan 04, 2006 9:14 am

Rumad wrote:got a V1 myself (not PoP2 tho) and have yet to be let down by it... have managed to scrub off sum pretty serious speed before they've managed a 'lock' (remember, it needs TWO bounces in order to record a speed, in order to tell the distance you've travelled between bounces, hence how it works out your speed). was travelling down the motorway xmas nite and got targeted. speedo read a bit over 120kph, and didnt get ticketed for it (so can only assume i was under their 110kph threshold). still got pulled over cos car i was driving belongs to disqualified driver, so wasnt like it was laziness or anything... Also tend to agree about the arrows :) Dam priceless those things!! and as far as i know, all the other radars on the market just tell you that 'something' is there, dont tell you 'how many' threats there are. has been handy a few times (Weymouth Rd at early hours they are EVERYWHERE!) for instance when theres been one sitting at the BP servo, and it has picked up one thats been further down the road BEHIND me. two seperate threats that i would hav otherwise just assumed were the one sittin at the servo as i drove past. found the range is bludy fantastic too!! V1 is my bestest friend, no more crappy Uniden, etc. Wouldnt touch Uniden (even new) with a 10ft barge pole! Put the V1 side by side with a mates BRAND spankin new 'GPS' model Uniden just to see how they went :) bout 3 TIMES better distance coverage and sensitivity!!!! Needles to say my mate took his back, asked for a refund, and a week later had a V1 hangin off his windscreen, lol PRICELESS! Still giv him a lil stick about it, cos i told him to go Valentine in the first place, haha :)

Havent had any issues with laser, always picked it up sweet as, and hav definitely been over the limit (not by much tho) a few of those times, so still hav faith in it. Hav had a bit of chatter between mine and some of the Unidens i must say, but only when they are RIGHT behind you, and easy to figure it out cos cops will usually show as a weaker signal as they approach, whereas the 'chatter' is instant full strength. Would be interested to do a side by side comparo against the Bell models tho, c how they fare :) Anyone got a Bell?

What mode do you have your V1 on?

I've only owned mine a week and I've been save 8-9 times. :D (holidays)
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Postby beeker » Wed Jan 04, 2006 10:51 am

Rumad wrote:oh yea, pretty sure the Valentine is the only radar to offer full 360 degree protection (not sure if it is actually proper 360 or just uses signals front and rear to determine threats 'passing by', but i think it actually said it on the packaging from memory, and it hasnt failed me so far)

Just lookin at the Bell product, does it cover radar and laser front and rear? cos i dont see any sensors on the display side of it :\ Just curious...

The V1 is the only one with two antennas. That’s why it can give you a fwd and back. Others that market they have 360 degree protection simply duct radio waves around to the front.
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Postby ke70dx » Wed Jan 04, 2006 2:30 pm

I have my V1 on A mode. I get a few faulse alarms driving around town, with i'm never speeding anyway (I have pop2). It doesnt like Coutany Place. Have been save many times from radar (Ka) and also laser but reaction time to the break is mandatory.

Commodore mufties usually don't have speed gear in them, although the cops have new Commodore 'S' without the mankey aerial and steel rims. Stealth as until you see the equipment on the dash and the lights on the trays. There is also a blue BA XR6 around the Te Horo area north od Welly.

Does anyone know how to change it to pick up the speed signs?
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Postby vhpacer » Wed Jan 04, 2006 7:48 pm

The valentine website is awesome, should explain everything.
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Postby slighty_sykotic » Thu Jan 05, 2006 10:32 pm

Yeah, go read the manual. Basically you just have to go into programing mode (hold in power button while turning it on from memory) and then cycle through to K band, and turn it on. BUT, i wouldnt do this... it will get a shit load more false alerts on K. Not as bad as X, but it will annoy the hell out of you, even if you put K on the secondary volume (quiet) and the Ka and laser on main.

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Postby ollieboy » Fri Jan 06, 2006 11:58 pm

How much did you guys pay for you V1, my boss got one a long time ago and is real pissed off at the moment because he got an email from an importer that is selling them for quote: "thousands less then he paid" . I don't know if this is a figure of speech or not though. I am quite interested in one but don't usually speed and if its too much I probably can't justify the cost.
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Postby slighty_sykotic » Sat Jan 07, 2006 12:47 pm

About 800-1000 I think is the most common price.

Trademe can be a fair bit cheaper though at times.

Just don't buy a $200 one.... Cause I personally will hunt you down and hurt you. A $200 one is obsivuly stolen, and I REALLY don't want any $&#$% to steal mine to make money.....same old story, need a market, if market goes, so does the need to take it.

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Postby ollieboy » Sat Jan 14, 2006 10:46 pm

The email my boss got has the guy selling them for $650 so I think im gonna get one. I am not sure yet though because my boss isn't sure if he still has the email but hes looking for it.
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Postby saft » Sun Jan 15, 2006 5:05 pm

mine was about 600

i brought 7 back when i came back from the states
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Postby JT » Sun Jan 15, 2006 5:08 pm

ollieboy wrote:How much did you guys pay for you V1, my boss got one a long time ago and is real pissed off at the moment because he got an email from an importer that is selling them for quote: "thousands less then he paid" .

Haha, thousands less :roll:
Most stores have them for about $1K and a brand new one seems to go for about $700 on trademe.

There is no such thing as wholesale or registered importers, everyone pays US$399 direct from Valentine then on sells them. If you have a mate in the states, order one with their address and get them to post it over.
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