Mustang-man wrote: And i never said anything about cancelling an event?
no you didn't, but we's all about profitability, speaking of which, if we don't get enough entries on the 11th March, that date will be given to the highest bidder. every event run on Levels needs to be run like a business, if it runs at a loss, there are plenty of other potential users that can make it pofitable.
Mustang-man wrote:'Scuse my ignorance, but what does resource consent have to do with whether you're allowed to open the racetrack or not? Noise? Traffic?
certain people move to the rural areas for peace and quiet, knowing full well there is a racetrack/airport/gravel pit etc nearby. they then lobby the area council for noise reduction so they can enjoy their latte's and cappucino's whilst reading the Wall St Journel and only have to put up with the birds chirping. these same PC wankers, get restrictions placed on neighbouring farming activities, hours in which contractors can cut hay/silage and moan their asses off when a mob of neighbours sheep/cattle baa or moo too much.
Mustang-man wrote:And like i said before, i mean 'open' as in being used. Whether it be by car clubs, manufacturers, driving schools, motorsport events (NZ V8 Touring cars/Porsche GT3/Super Trucks etc) and anything of the sort.
due to our resource consent, we have restrictions as to what days the track can be used, and what activities can be done on those days. at one of the big V8/truck meetings a few years back, the event was running behind schedule. the club president had to get special permission from the mayor's office for the racing to continue after 5pm, we then had to get an extension to our resource consent (more$$$$), to allow a full programme of racing to be run if there were delays during the day.