Anyone know where I can buy/get a sensor etc that I can set so that when a device(call it keyobject for future) is within say 10m of my car, it flicks a switch?
preferrably it would throw the switch back when the keyobject moves out of it's range.
preferrably with multiple keyobjects(one for me, one for wifey)
I've tried DSE, and Jaycar*, and also a couple of marine electronics places with no luck. the local auto electricians had no ideas, Repco and Super Cheap said cool idea, but didn't know where to start.
The switch in question would be a two step, one to trigger the central locking, one to trigger the ignition to the on position, start button on the dash. The reason being I'm lazy, and I also want to something different.
Sofar I have thought that I should be able to do it with something as simple as an RFID type device or two, with a reader to throw the switch based in the car.
Thanks in advance.
*Jaycar have RFID gear, but it has ranges like "upto 100mm" so I would basically have to mount it in the door, and if I opened the coor, the car would switch off, so not ideal at all.