Hey all,
Looking at selling the GSR and possibly buying an Altezza. Been looking at all the options and basically set on the 3S-GE, 6 speed manual. (so the RS200 Z edition) from what I understand.
I see there is a 'L' edition which I dont know if we get here or not? (leather, electric seat etc)
Whats the fuel economy like? - from the specs it looks to be worse than my turbo 4wd, and im guessing its because of the weight? 1360kg's! How come the altezza's are so heavy? RWD? and....?
Im also a little confused with the front bumper/kit. There seems to be 3-4 different variants, not specific to year or model.
I like this look
I dont like this look
Is there a difference in models between these two??
Basically the plan is to move to a non-turbo car for a bit. Should be cheaper to run city driving compared to the GSR? (GSR does have some mods)
Any other cool things Altezza's have? - Like a fold down or half-fold down rear seat? Decent cup holder?
Cheers all,
Zebis / Matt / Stix