slighty_sykotic wrote:wah?
Your serious... You think a blacktop will beat a a 4agte...even WITH a td04..
And its externaled, so no boost creep issues.
I releise that they arn't the best turbos, but its a street driven car, and they are cheap as hell.
Depends, race b1 at the drags if he ever gets his car back from the mechanic, or let me drive sams car at the drags and we shall c.
Maybe even just give sam some lessons on how to change gears a little quicker or something. Seriously tho it's going to take a lot of will power to change gears just after max power is produced. Anyone car to make bets as to when max power will be made with a td04 on it?? I'm going with around 6k with max torque roughly half that bout 2.9k.
Even for a street driven car if your only using the td04 as a stepping stone to bigger things thats ok but if it's going to be all you use you would imho been better off not spending the money otherwise it's going to be a series of tired turbo rebuild, tired engine rebuild over and over again!