darkwolf wrote:Why not try the direct method?
Tell her exactly what you think - but remember that if you want to make an impact and not just sound like a total dickhead with massive clocks on his dash to ensure he can tell when his mum wants her car back then you have to keep it civil. You might get some rubbish back about how the world will be a safer place etc be be vigilant.
How about we bring into question the driving of some old people? I'm talking about retirees. I think is bs that NZ can't organise a way to ensure that they have mobility and aren't a risk to themselves or others. They harp on about how unsafe the younger generation is with their lack of attention, but what about the older generation? Nothing ever gets said about that, we have all heard the stories of the crazy old bat down that road that did such and such yet nothing gets done. Mention one twit "v-tecing it" and the whole country is up in arms.
Mrs Annette King seems so concerned about what the public think, why don't we the public put across our point of view rather than bitching on a forum that most of parliament doesn't know exists and wouldn't bother to read anyway.
(no offence intended to anyone in this message but I just think it's time we all stopped bitching and did something)
Good point & yes Annette by all accounts is one of the better ministers to deal with & not completely deluded like some of her colleagues or is that comrades?
Old people & driving is always going to loose votes & never gain them, grey power is quite a strong lobby group in NZ & most politicians listen to what they have to say on most things, cause to do otherwise is to loose the votes of most oldies. That's why they took away the older peoples driving test, instead of doing the logical thing & making it that everyone has to resit their licence every 10 years & making the roads safer to all. & also cause as a whole public transport in NZ is shithouse oldies need to get around somehow & trust me how many of you would be keen on being free taxi's for your parents or grandparents? So their goes your vote too if a particular political party made it harder for oldies to keep their licence.
The only answer to NZ's driving problems is more training that's hands on & useful, none of this airy fairy defensive driving stuff, having to be taught to drive by a qualified driving instructor (some drivers are such bad drivers they shouldn't be on the road themselves let alone passing on their incompetence to others), resits of licence every 10 years & repeat drink drivers loose their licence for life after their 3rd conviction & 8 years minimum jail & ratchet up the charges for the 2nd conviction to 1year jail & loss of licence for 3 years mandatory. We have far to many soft judges in NZ who let people off with community service & a small fine for their 8th or more drink driving charge. They only time they get a half decent sentence is when the kill or injure someone, but even then they usually only get a max of 5 years, & with parole they're out in 2. I think drink driving causing death should be a mandatory murder charge, cause if you get in your car drunk, that's as much a conscious effort as picking up a gun & shooting them.
Drink drivers are my biggest pet hate on the road, public naming & shaming should be also encouraged. end of rant