alarm question

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alarm question

Postby fx gt » Thu Apr 17, 2008 9:15 pm

putting a fusion alarm into my corolla
have one problem

i have a wire that goes to the door switches, so that when any 4 doors are opened the alarm goes of :lol:

but where do all the 4 door open/closed switches meet up?
fx gt
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Postby soopachargen » Thu Apr 17, 2008 11:15 pm

look for a red with white trace in your drivers kick panel, this should do all your doors, if not you can usually take it from what im guessing will also be a red with white trace running down the a pillar from the interior light.
The wire will go to earth when the door is open, i test this with a test light by connecting one end to 12v power and then the other to the door wire... it should light your light up with each door you open.
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